View Full Version : Chapter tactics extent: Vulkan

10-18-2009, 02:43 PM
Sot the chapter tactics rule for Vulkan, stating that all models with chapter tactics lose them, and all flamers, and melta guns in the army become twin linked and all thunder hammers become master crafted. this rule wording does not imply that the models exchange the combat tactics for the power bonus, like other chapter tactics rule do. does extra power bonus apply to the Vehicles in the marine armies, and/or inducted sisters of battle, and inquisitors?

any help on this would be very much appriciated.


10-18-2009, 03:41 PM
Since there is no clause limiting it to only unit which previously had Combat Tactics, nor is there any other limit, it will apply to all models in the army. This would include Vehicles and Allies.

10-18-2009, 03:43 PM
Does the new C:SM allow for "inducted sisters of battle"?

I know that for Witch hunters it states that if you have a witch hunters army with allied space marines you CANNOT take sisters of battle. You can take guard as allies, and witch hunters but I'm not sure you can take SOB

You could take a seperate detachment of them with a salamanders army. But Vulkans ability would not extend to the sisters because they would technically be a different army.

I'll look at my codex later and see what it says about the chapter tactics and the "allies" I've not played C:SM in a long time so I could be wrong.

10-18-2009, 03:46 PM
Does the new C:SM allow for "inducted sisters of battle"?
No, the Space Marine codex doesn't mention Allies. It is the Witch Hunters codex which states SoB units can be Allied to a Space Marine army.

10-19-2009, 11:57 AM
You could take a seperate detachment of them with a salamanders army. But Vulkans ability would not extend to the sisters because they would technically be a different army.

I'll look at my codex later and see what it says about the chapter tactics and the "allies" I've not played C:SM in a long time so I could be wrong.

My recollection is that there's actually some argument about this. But the reason Vulkan's rule is worded the way it is for exactly the reason already pointed out, so that Dreads and vehicles can benefit.

10-19-2009, 04:21 PM
There are absolutely no rules that, in any way shape or form, would prevent Vulcan from TL allied sister's weapons.

Any contention to this is base purely on fluff (I'll admit it doesn't make much sense for Sisters to decide to borrow a bunch of meltas and flamers fluffwise). But fluff doesn't make for rules.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
10-19-2009, 11:45 PM
Im sure that the rules designers at GW knew what they were doing when they wrote his rules, tested it and printed in ink.
That said there is no ruling to say he cant grant his bones to any army with him. And remember allied troops are still one army by the wording.
So yes your allied troops benifit from him, vehicles also. Though with SoB you cant twin link- twin linked heavy flamers lol.
Ive used Vulken in Apoc game, got some nasty comments but hey its legal yes, smucky maybe, but you try use a 3rd e codex against say 5th ed SM in a fair fight, then they still complain on the cheesiness of Faith.

10-20-2009, 09:05 AM
Im sure that the rules designers at GW knew what they were doing when they wrote his rules, tested it and printed in ink.
Bwahahahahaha! ROFLOL!!! :D

Thanks, I needed a good laugh. :D

10-20-2009, 11:08 AM
I have heard alot of discussion on this topic and for the most part the answer i have gotten when talking with the people i play 40k with is yes it does work like that

MC Tic Tac
10-20-2009, 12:06 PM
Does the new C:SM allow for "inducted sisters of battle"?

When I played in the UK doubles last year the refs housed ruled it as 'Vulkan's Army's army only' so it did not benefit allies.

10-20-2009, 01:49 PM
Unfortunately, Tournament Judges could rule that only a Salamanders army (i.e. only Space Marines painted green with a white drake's head on their shoulderpad) benefit from Vulkan's rules. Thus, their rulings don't really help with trying to find a RaW answer, and their ruling is nothing more than a house rule.