View Full Version : Man lost his mind and ordered stuff from Forge World...

Lost Vyper
01-02-2013, 07:41 AM
So...i got little bit of extra cash and as you might know, i have been proxing Viper as a Hornet. Next thing i know, one gamer in our club complained about the proxies (CSM player also does that). In conclusion, i ordered three Hornets from the Forge World and decided not to start Dark Eldar -allies, but make everything in my army as WYSIWYG as possible...So, IN YOUR FACE comrades! Daddy“s got a brand new bag and it hurls 12 STR 8 AP 2 Shots in a turn! :D

01-02-2013, 07:45 AM
First world problems :)

Are you sure you don't want to run Vipers instead ;)

Lost Vyper
01-02-2013, 08:29 AM
Dont go there! :), no, the BS 4 is great...

01-03-2013, 07:09 AM
::whimper:: I want to run 12 x Str8 AP2 at BS4...

Lost Vyper
01-03-2013, 08:33 AM
It“ll be about 120 pieces of english currency...

01-03-2013, 08:46 AM
It“ll be about 120 pieces of english currency...

1p is a piece of English currency... £1.20 I'll have that ;)

01-03-2013, 09:18 AM
So...i got little bit of extra cash and as you might know, i have been proxing Viper as a Hornet. Next thing i know, one gamer in our club complained about the proxies (CSM player also does that). In conclusion, i ordered three Hornets from the Forge World and decided not to start Dark Eldar -allies, but make everything in my army as WYSIWYG as possible...So, IN YOUR FACE comrades! Daddy“s got a brand new bag and it hurls 12 STR 8 AP 2 Shots in a turn! :D

Yeah - hornets are definitely better than Vypers but they're still overpriced IMO - especially with pulse lasers.

Archon Charybdis
01-03-2013, 10:17 PM
Yeah - hornets are definitely better than Vypers but they're still overpriced IMO - especially with pulse lasers.

A little bit overpriced thanks to the mandatory star engines and Scout getting nerfed, but with just Shuricannons or Scatter Lasers they're still a great way to spam S6. And while they're prohibitively pointed with pulse lasers, it's still better than shelling out for Bright Lances on Serpents or Falcons for ranged anti-tank.

Lost Vyper
01-04-2013, 07:02 AM
:) a little more than that...money wise i mean, about the points, meh, i have used one in recent games and it always delivers. Under 200 points and it killed about 3-6 Terminators from the GK Deathstar. Another game, it took down a Drednaught and would have destroyed another, but the game ended too soon...just got an email, they are on their way, oh happy day!

01-04-2013, 08:26 AM
:) a little more than that...money wise i mean, about the points, meh, i have used one in recent games and it always delivers. Under 200 points and it killed about 3-6 Terminators from the GK Deathstar. Another game, it took down a Drednaught and would have destroyed another, but the game ended too soon...just got an email, they are on their way, oh happy day!

Happy day until you open the package and find the traditionally HORRIBLE FW packaging has mangled your model and will require extensive repair right out of the box.

FW's competitors package their resin with much more care than just throwing the parts in a bag then in a box - and arrive in much better shape.

The last model I got had more flash on it than model, and the flash had the caster's fingerprints all over it indicating to me that it was pulled from the mold before the resin had cured completely.

Oh and not to mention ....


01-04-2013, 09:06 AM
Oh my that's not level

Lost Vyper
01-04-2013, 09:38 AM
Dang!I“ll have to post, if there“s anything like that wrong considering my delivery

01-04-2013, 09:58 AM
Dang!I“ll have to post, if there“s anything like that wrong considering my delivery

The big part that was wrong with my delivery... I didn't even mention.

The main gun on that tank - didn't get sent in the box. I have a "sawed off" Cobra tank at the moment. (Yes yes I know FW will send me one but thats not the point. This is the third order in a row that I've had to go back to them and get them to fix something. The previous two were miscasts and missing parts as well)

And just like that FW is making it all better. New Tank hull and gun piece on the way.