View Full Version : 1500 pts of Evil Sunz Orks: Spare army slot

Alex the Everchosen
01-01-2013, 11:31 AM
As some of you may have seen in my thread "It's not easy being green", I have been trying to write a 1500 point Evil Sunz Ork army list, but am undecided as to the final unit I should include. Below is the list as it stands at the moment, and a few of the things I considered adding to it:


Cybork, Mega Armour, Bosspole, Attack Squig 130pts

Big Mek
Kustom Force Field 85pts


8 Nobz, one of whom is a painboy, all with cybork bodies, 1 big Choppa and 1 Waagh! banner 250pts
Nob Transport: Battlewagon w. Red Paint Job, Deffroller, Kannon, Boarding Plank,StikkbombChukka& 2 Big Shootas 145pts

20 Shoota Boyz with a Nob with Big Choppa & Bosspole, and the Boyz have stikkbombs, 2x Big shootas 190 pts

12 Slugga Boyz with a Nob with Power Claw & Bosspole 112pts
Shoota Boy transport: Trukk w. Red Paint Job & Reinforced Ram 45pts

12 Slugga Boyz with a Nob with Power Claw & Bosspole 112pts
Shoota Boy transport: Trukk w. Red Paint Job & Reinforced Ram 45pts

Fast Attack

Dakkajet w. Red Paint Job, Additional Twin-Linked Supa Shoota, and a fighta ace 135 pts

3 Deffkoptas w. Twin Linked Rokkit Launchers 135pts

As it stands, I have 135 points left to spend, but that could be stretched or squashed to accommodate whichever option suits me better.

Some of the things I have considered adding include:

A second Dakkajet (same upgrades)
Pros: Can work with other jet to maximize additional Waaagh! shots
Cons: Won't fit in my case, KFF won't help it than much is it needs to be mobile (if I were to field this, I may drop the Big Mek in favor of a Warphead Weirdboy in order to get extra Waaghs, which would in the end save me £15 as I have a weirdboy model)
Total Cost: £27.50

Another Squad of Deffkoptas (same upgrades)
Pros: In all my battles so far, these little devils have been very effective, and due to the huge number in circulation, they are cheap on eBay
Cons: None I can think of, but they are quite fragile to enemy fire
Total Cost: £10~20 on eBay (or less if I am lucky)

5 Bikes (With a nob w. a Big Choppa)
Pros: Fits well with army fluff, squads of 5 bikes are supposed to be very effective, cool models
Cons: MONEY!!!
Total Cost: £48 *wince*

5 Burna Boys in a Looted Wagon (wagon has a scorcha and a couple of other upgrades)
Pros: I already have some Burna Boys, and if I compress the enemy into a corner with my other vehicles, they can get a clean blast off with Burnas
Cons: No obvious ones I can think of, but I'm not sure if 5 burnas is enough. Also, won't fit in case
Total Cost: £22.50 for an IG Chimera, I already have some converted Burna Boys

9 Lootas
Pros: Can provide some long range anti-tank and supression
Cons: Not very fluffy, very inaccurate
Total Cost: £31, maybe less if I buy some off a friend (the one who provided me with spare burna bits)

If anyone has been bothered to read this massive post, could you please leave some feedback in the comments, as it would be very much appreciated to hear your opinions as to which option is best.

01-01-2013, 11:53 AM
A second Dakkajet (same upgrades)
Pros: Can work with other jet to maximize additional Waaagh! shots
Cons: Won't fit in my case, KFF won't help it than much is it needs to be mobile (if I were to field this, I may drop the Big Mek in favor of a Warphead Weirdboy in order to get extra Waaghs, which would in the end save me £15 as I have a weirdboy model)
Total Cost: £27.50

Another Squad of Deffkoptas (same upgrades)
Pros: In all my battles so far, these little devils have been very effective, and due to the huge number in circulation, they are cheap on eBay
Cons: None I can think of, but they are quite fragile to enemy fire
Total Cost: £10~20 on eBay (or less if I am lucky)

For Evil Sunz I would take one of these two...

You say your Deffkoptas have been very usefull ? Did you feel at any time during a battle you could use a second unit of 3 ? If so, then take the extra Deffkoptas, otherwise choose the Dakkajet.

And if you already have the Weirdboy then I would certainly drop the Big Mek in favor of the Weirdboy no matter what you take. They are just hilarious, and if combined with the 20 strong shoota unit can really shine (think about the look of your opponents face when you have to deep strike that unit :-) )

Alex the Everchosen
01-01-2013, 01:38 PM
You say your Deffkoptas have been very usefull ? Did you feel at any time during a battle you could use a second unit of 3 ? If so, then take the extra Deffkoptas, otherwise choose the Dakkajet

The kopters were mainly useful as they are my main source of anti-tank in my army, and so if my battlewagon is destroyed they are essential for dealing with enemy tanks. I certainly would like to field a second jet, as it is quite cheap and I already have a weirdboy, but annoyingly it wont fit in my case unless I chop up some infantry foam...

01-01-2013, 07:33 PM
Another option would be to add another battlewagon(tricked out like the one for your nobs+2 more big shootas.) for the 20 strong boyz mob. To do that drop their stickbomz gains you 20 points back toss that into 2 more big shooters on the battle wagon(155).

Open top means it can ride around spewing crazy numbers of shots(very inaccurately but with that many shots some will hit) Plus side is even if travel at 13 inches you don't drop the effectiveness by all that much since thier BS is already so low... 34 str4 shots + another 15 str5 shots + one for the kannon + 1 str 4 shot at 12 inches(nob's slugga).

An assault on the battlewagon will be taking 35 str4 shots +6 str5 overwatch shots.

Drawback is if the battlewagon is blown they all take str4 hits so you will likly lose a good number in the explosion.

Try to ram the 20 boyz up field at an objective moving at top speed the first turn then assaulting out on the 2nd turn if its not blown(14av in front and only 12 on sides)

Or alternatively just let their ride go up field empty if you need them to camp an objective in your deployment zone.

Alex the Everchosen
01-02-2013, 05:11 AM
Another option would be to add another battlewagon(tricked out like the one for your nobs+2 more big shootas.) for the 20 strong boyz mob. To do that drop their stickbomz gains you 20 points back toss that into 2 more big shooters on the battle wagon(155).

Open top means it can ride around spewing crazy numbers of shots(very inaccurately but with that many shots some will hit) Plus side is even if travel at 13 inches you don't drop the effectiveness by all that much since thier BS is already so low... 34 str4 shots + another 15 str5 shots + one for the kannon + 1 str 4 shot at 12 inches(nob's slugga).

An assault on the battlewagon will be taking 35 str4 shots +6 str5 overwatch shots.

Drawback is if the battlewagon is blown they all take str4 hits so you will likly lose a good number in the explosion.

Try to ram the 20 boyz up field at an objective moving at top speed the first turn then assaulting out on the 2nd turn if its not blown(14av in front and only 12 on sides)

Or alternatively just let their ride go up field empty if you need them to camp an objective in your deployment zone.

Slight issue: battle wagons cost £41 each. Any idea how to konvert/ scratch build one?

01-02-2013, 12:24 PM
Slight issue: battle wagons cost £41 each. Any idea how to konvert/ scratch build one?

Go on Ebay and grab a cheap beat up tank of some sort, buy a few bits for the gunz and wheels(or make some with card) chop it up, make it wider and longer with card... for the deffrolla an old lint roller with bits of sprue stuck to it works nice. Likely lots of work but might actually come out more orky than the kit.

With deffkopters being sorta one shot wonders a 2nd unit would be helpful. They do tend to hit lower armor vehicles hard but then are blown up, so usually don't get a 2nd shot. Not that much work to get them up and running... since you can find them on Ebay so cheap.

01-02-2013, 01:04 PM
With deffkopters being sorta one shot wonders a 2nd unit would be helpful. They do tend to hit lower armor vehicles hard but then are blown up, so usually don't get a 2nd shot.
Probably depends on your opponent...

My regular opponent tends to ignore them (I field a unit of 2 with twin-linked rokkits) even when positioned directly behind his chimera/leman russ/predator. They have been known to fire 2 or even 3 turns in a row until finally blowing up their only target.

Perhaps my Trukk/Battlewagon riding power klaw armed Warboss/Nobz rushing at him from the front make him ignore those pesky Deffkoptas :D

Alex the Everchosen
01-03-2013, 10:54 AM
Go on Ebay and grab a cheap beat up tank of some sort, buy a few bits for the gunz and wheels(or make some with card) chop it up, make it wider and longer with card... for the deffrolla an old lint roller with bits of sprue stuck to it works nice. Likely lots of work but might actually come out more orky than the kit.

I might try that. What sort of tank were you thinking of as the base?

01-03-2013, 11:40 AM
I was thinking Leman russ but I also see you can buy just the tracks for battlewagon and other tanks so might be even cheaper to go that route. Shipping is combined for many of the bits sellers so just buy all you need from one seller.

Buying a tank gets you lots of bits but then you have to cut it up, cutting it up makes it look more orky so not a big deal... Cut the top off a leman russ and its really wide enough. Use card to make it longer and stick the top back on the front (put wheels or the just roller or smaller set of tracks under the front) and card to fill any gaps ect, Fit them together sloppy like an ork mek would. The russ comes with a big gun that you should make optional so if you want to field it with a killkannon...

Orks are fun in that you can mess around with conversions and really can't go wrong... The more messy and clumsy looking the better. As long as it looks solid and strong.

Alex the Everchosen
01-03-2013, 11:48 AM
I was thinking Leman russ but I also see you can buy just the tracks for battlewagon and other tanks so might be even cheaper to go that route. Shipping is combined for many of the bits sellers so just buy all you need from one seller.

Buying a tank gets you lots of bits but then you have to cut it up, cutting it up makes it look more orky so not a big deal... Cut the top off a leman russ and its really wide enough. Use card to make it longer and stick the top back on the front (put wheels or the just roller or smaller set of tracks under the front) and card to fill any gaps ect, Fit them together sloppy like an ork mek would. The russ comes with a big gun that you should make optional so if you want to field it with a killkannon...

Orks are fun in that you can mess around with conversions and really can't go wrong... The more messy and clumsy looking the better. As long as it looks solid and strong.

Yeah, I'll look into it at some point. I think a kill cannon might be an interesting option, but then again it would make the deffroller null and void, so I may or may not use one...

Alex the Everchosen
01-05-2013, 04:17 PM
Here's an idea I hadn't thought of when I posted this thread: a squad of 3 nob bikes with a Waagh banner and a weapon or 2. They have the advantage that you get war bikers in the battle force, and due to the fearsome reputation of nob bikers they could really make an effective distraction. But the real question is, is three bikes too few, and should I drop the weird boy/ the mek in order to boost the unit size to 5