View Full Version : What sprues are in the Space Wolves Battleforce

10-18-2009, 03:46 AM
I read it as follows
2 boxes of Wolf Pack sprues (can some one confirm if it includes all sprues from a single box set to either make grey hunters, blood claws or wolf guard? and if so is it 2 full box sets of sprues)
1 box of wolf scouts
1 box of drop pod

please give some confirmation on what specific sprues are in this box set so I know what is really in it before buying. Thanks for the help.

Herald of Nurgle
10-18-2009, 05:54 AM
2 Space Wolf Packs = 20 Marines - (2x2 Sprues per box set, each containing the pieces to create a pack of 5: Grey Hunters (Boltguns/Bolt Pistols + Chainswords), Blood Claws (Bolt Pistols + Chainswords), and Wolf Guard (Power Weapon, 2 Plas Pistols, Power Weapon, Power Fist, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, 2H Power Axe).

1 Scouts Pack = 5 Scouts - (Contains standard Scout box set from Codex: Space Marines. Space Wolf Packs contain special heads, as well as a scout Plasma Pistol)

1 Drop Pod = Duh - (Comes with Space Wolf Icons as standard, though pack box set can help with converting further)

Market Value: £70
Discount of: £20 (or 1 more Pack/almost any HQ choice)

10-18-2009, 05:59 AM
So it doesn't come with that terrain in the picture?

Its positioning in the picture kind of looks like it is included... Or maybe I'm just an idiot.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-18-2009, 08:23 AM
No, the terrain was just a couple of random pieces a designer made out of chicken bones.

10-18-2009, 08:26 AM
So it doesn't come with that terrain in the picture?

Its positioning in the picture kind of looks like it is included... Or maybe I'm just an idiot.

No, you're not. They've certainly advertised it making it look like they would be included.

In that regards, I really wish GW would package some unique terrain pieces like that into ever battlebox now.

10-19-2009, 05:09 AM
It contains:
-4 of the new space wolf sprues, each containing bits to make 5 space wolves.
-1 scout sprue, containing bits to make 5 scouts.
-3 drop-pod sprues, containing between them a single drop pod.

10-19-2009, 10:23 AM
Jackhammer is correct

There is no terrain in the battle box, and yes those terrain pieces were made from left over chicken bones. There was an article on how he made the terrain on the GW web site.