View Full Version : 1500 pt Plague Marines

Bedroom General
12-30-2012, 12:52 AM
Hiya Bolsketeers,
I've had one (!) game of sixth so far, and lost to Marines with my 'crons. I'm thinking of taking my beloved Plague Marine army out as I have just got hold of the codex and I've got a 1500pt game coming up. This will be my second game in sixth and my opponents first, hence 1500, which is rather low for us, so we can get to grips with the new rules.

I'm only using the models I own, I really don't like the aesthetic choices made in the recent large models for CSM. Anyhow, I decided to go for boots on the ground, fairly simple synergy to get me started.

Chaos Lord Mk Nurgle, Power weapon, Gift of Mutation
Goes with
4x Plague Marines (2xMeltaguns)+ 1 Champion(Meltabombs) Rhino

4x Plague Marines (2xMeltaguns)+ 1 Champion(Meltabombs) Rhino
6x Plague Marines (2xPlasmaguns)+ 1 Champion(Meltabombs)
6x Plague Marines (2xPlasmaguns)+ 1 Champion(Meltabombs)
4x Plague Marines (Plasmagun/Flamer)+ 1 Champion(Meltabombs)

5x Chaos Spawn Mark of Nurgle

2xObliterator Mark of Nurgle
2xObliterator Mark of Nurgle
1500pts on the nose

the idea is to use the 7 man squads of PMs with the obliterators as mobile and resilient fire bases. the Oblits would jump in to help with any assault with their powerfists if necessary, and the two units have decent threat range and are pretty anti MEQ (my meta)
The other foot unit is a mini fire brigade/objective holder.
Two rhinos in reserve with my assault element, such as they are.
I've thought long and hard about the plague champ, and have decided that the plague knife they come with is enough, with meltabombs to complement the squad, also hopefully make it cooler if he gets a gift from killing someone!
Any thoughts?