View Full Version : shooting after drop podding in

10-17-2009, 02:26 PM
what's the general concensus here re: deploying and shooting from a drop pod?

In the old marine dex it said "units entering play via drop pod act as if disembarking from a stationary open topped vehicle but may not assault" but the new one just says they can't assault that turn, so what do you guys do with them?

In terms of common sense, the drop pod has come from orbit, so it's gone 12" (minimum lol)therefore guys could shoot but count as moving, but then it's not moved at all on the table so can the guys getting out move...?

10-17-2009, 04:52 PM
The drop pod is an open-topped transport vehicle that enters play by Deep Strike. Therefore it counts as having moved at cruising speed on the turn it arrives, and therefore the passengers may shoot, but count as moving. The "no assault" clarification is necessary because ordinarily you could assault, since the drop pod is open-topped.

10-17-2009, 05:03 PM
It is perfectly legal to shoot after getting out of a drop pod. The no assault rule means exactly what it says; the unit can't assault. The ability to assault doesn't have anything to do with shooting though, so blast away.

And even if the drop pod didn't count as moving that turn, if you disembark from a transport, you count as moving.

10-18-2009, 06:08 AM
The drop pod is an open-topped transport vehicle that enters play by Deep Strike. Therefore it counts as having moved at cruising speed on the turn it arrives, and therefore the passengers may shoot, but count as moving. The "no assault" clarification is necessary because ordinarily you could assault, since the drop pod is open-topped.

So if I deep strike with a Land Speeder Storm I can assault when I arrive? I thought that no units coming in from deep strike could assault when they landed and the "no assault" rule was because the Drop Pod's rule is actually called "Drop Pod Assault" and they didnt want players arguing RAI.

10-18-2009, 07:04 AM
So if I deep strike with a Land Speeder Storm I can assault when I arrive? I thought that no units coming in from deep strike could assault when they landed and the "no assault" rule was because the Drop Pod's rule is actually called "Drop Pod Assault" and they didnt want players arguing RAI.

Oye.....seems like a nice little glitch in the rules...hmmm....getting nasty ideas ;)

10-18-2009, 01:13 PM
right, so they can shoot but count as moving then.

It seems that hvy weapons are a waste for DPing troops then

10-18-2009, 02:23 PM
right, so they can shoot but count as moving then.

It seems that hvy weapons are a waste for DPing troops then

Pretty much, particularly considering that the squad will probably be in assault more quickly than normal, reducing the chance of ever getting to shoot a heavy weapon even more.

10-18-2009, 03:44 PM
It seems that hvy weapons are a waste for DPing troops then
It depends. If the squad is intended to, perhaps, drop in and hold a flank, then the Heavy Weapon may be useful the following turn. There is also the option of splitting the squad, so half could then move off and the Heavy weapon section stands and fires.

10-19-2009, 01:36 AM
totally... the number of times that my drop podded multi meltas have killed something on that second turn is way higher than it should be, people can be distracted by the models that did the shooting and ignore then 5 man team sitting quietly behind cover. Granted it won't always work but when it does it's worth that extra bolter shot on landing

10-19-2009, 03:22 AM
So if I deep strike with a Land Speeder Storm I can assault when I arrive? I thought that no units coming in from deep strike could assault when they landed and the "no assault" rule was because the Drop Pod's rule is actually called "Drop Pod Assault" and they didnt want players arguing RAI.
Just reviewed my rulebook and it's actually a little ambiguous, but I think the answer is no, the passengers of a Land Speeder Storm cannot assault the turn their transport Deep Strikes. If you look at page 95 of the main rulebook, you see the following interesting tidbits:

In the Movement phase when they arrive, these units [units that are Deep Striking] may not move any further, other than to disembark from a deep striking transport vehicle.

In that turn's Shooting phase, these units can fire (or run) as normal, and obviously count as having moved in the previous Movement phase. Vehicles count as having moved at cruising speed.

In that turn's Assault phase, however, these units may not launch an assault (even if they have the 'fleet' special rule), unless clearly stated in their special rules - they are too disrupted by their deep strike move.

Two interesting things to note about the above quote. First, note that even though the rules are talking about models that Deep Strike, in the first quoted paragraph the rules treat passengers inside a Deep Striking transport as having Deep Struck - that's the only way to read "these units" in that paragraph. This implies that, e.g., a unit of tactical marines in a drop pod is Deep Striking at least for purposes of the Movement phase.

Two paragraphs later, the rules say that "these units" cannot assault after Deep Striking. So the question is this - are the rules still using "these units" to include both units that are Deep Striking and units that are embarked on a Deep Striking transport (but that do not themselves have the option to Deep Strike - e.g., a unit of scouts in a Land Speeder Storm)?

In thinking about this, I'm inclined to say that the rules count the passengers of a Deep Striking transport as having Deep Struck as well - and thus they cannot launch an assault, any more than a unit that Deep Struck directly (e.g., assault marines with jump packs) could assault. So it looks like I was mistaken in saying that the passengers of a drop pod could assault except for the "no assault" rule. Deadmanwade probably has the most plausible explanation - the "no assault" rule is included with drop pods so that players didn't get into arguments about whether a "drop pod assault" was the same as Deep Striking.

So no, in my opinion, a squad of scouts cannot assault out of a Deep Striking Land Speeder Storm.