View Full Version : Polymorphine capabilities...and limits.

12-28-2012, 09:18 PM
Assuming a Callidus Assassin has to masquerade herself as a specific psyker for some reason, will she be able to do it?

For example, perhaps for whatever plot reason, the Callidus Assassin thinks it optimal to disguise herself as an Alpha-Class psyker lieutenant in order to get close to the local Chaos Warlord. My question in this respect needs to cover (beyond the physical appearance):
(1) Does the use of Polymorphine make it possible for said Assassin to become an Alpha-Class psyker even if she is not one herself?
(2) Assuming "Yes" to (1), does it mean said assassin can copy the same level of mastery? Or would she actually run the risk of an untrained psyker and therefore prone to demonic possession? (I.e. does she need to undergo extra psy-control training?)
(3) Again assuming yes to (1) and temporarily ignoring (2), does Polymorphine allow the Callidus to copy the same skills as said Alpha Psyker? (So assume the Alpha Psyker is a master at Pyromancy - can the Callidus imitate that)?

Of course, if the answer is "no" to (1) then I am perfectly willing to change the person the Callidus ends up imitating.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
12-28-2012, 09:54 PM
I don't think it's ever been mentioned, but I'd assume that they couldn't. If the Imperium could make alpha-class psykers with a drug, then all Callidus on the battlefield would probably do that.

It could be a pretty tense plot to have her trying to pretend to be a psyker without having psyker powers, though. Lots of opportunities to almost be found out, or try to fake-psychic with her abilities.

12-29-2012, 12:55 AM
Read the horus heresy novel about the assassins Nemesis it does a good job with ability explanations.