View Full Version : Space Marines Allies for Sisters of Battle?

12-28-2012, 09:13 AM
I've recently started a Sisters of Battle Army. I have a vision of having a Space Marine Chapter that will be their ally with the intent that the SMs going and clear the way and the Sisters follow and Purify the foe with fire (and prayer). What would be a good Chapter for this? I am thinking of Grey Knights but what other chapters would do? Space Wolves? Or should I just choose one of the Chapters from the SM Codex?

My son has a SM Chapter it might be nice to use my SM Chapter together with him as an additional consideration.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

12-28-2012, 11:38 AM
Well, there is an ongoing web comic series called "Wolf and Sister." You may want to check that out for inspiration.

12-28-2012, 11:39 AM
I've recently started a Sisters of Battle Army. I have a vision of having a Space Marine Chapter that will be their ally with the intent that the SMs going and clear the way and the Sisters follow and Purify the foe with fire (and prayer). What would be a good Chapter for this? I am thinking of Grey Knights but what other chapters would do? Space Wolves? Or should I just choose one of the Chapters from the SM Codex?

My son has a SM Chapter it might be nice to use my SM Chapter together with him as an additional consideration.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

I'm building Sisters as allies for my Blood Angels... just 'cause.

Beyond that...

The thing is, Sisters of Battle and Space Marines don't really have a lot in common. Most Space Marine chapters don't worship the Emperor as a god, just revere him as the finest example of humanity, an ideal for all mortals and Astartes to emulate. Some Space Marines even have active antipathy towards the worship of the Emperor, since they recall stories about how worshipping him as a god is what started the Heresy.

Of the Chapters you listed...

Grey Knights are unlikely to form a long-term alliance with Sisters because, as written now, the Grey Knights are douche-canoes who don't form long-term alliances with anyone and mind-wipe whoever meets them to preserve their precious secrecy. Jerks.

Space Wolves have their own, incredibly complicated, pseudo-religious veneration of the Emperor as the All-Father. The Sisters of Battle are the armed might of a church that has almost nothing to do with that worship. I don't see them getting along religiously.

Therefore, if you want a relatively harmonious alliance, you're looking for a chapter that focuses on getting business done with a minimum of prideful, ritualistic nonsense. A few chapters that might work this way: Raptors, Salamanders, Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Raven Guard... I'll post again if any others occur to me.

Note that I don't include the Blood Angels or any of their successors in this list. I intentionally went with a weird, strained alliance. I like the idea that in the background of my army, my canoness has a growing admiration for how my librarian holds the rage in check, at the same time concerned for the state of his soul once she learns that the Space Marines don't actually worship the Emperor.

"I will pray for you, Lexicanum."

"Save your prayers, Canoness. Terra is far, and the Emperor cannot hear you. Only might of arms will avail us tomorrow."

"Nevertheless, Lexicanum, I will pray."

"If you must pray, then pray for us all."

12-28-2012, 11:45 AM
I'd go for Salamanders. They know what's up with gratuitous overuse of fire based weapons.

12-28-2012, 11:51 AM
Well, there is an ongoing web comic series called "Wolf and Sister." You may want to check that out for inspiration.

That sounds like it would not do to surf for that while I am here at work. ;)

Grey Knights are unlikely to form a long-term alliance with Sisters because, as written now, the Grey Knights are douche-canoes who don't form long-term alliances with anyone and mind-wipe whoever meets them to preserve their precious secrecy. Jerks.

Space Wolves have their own, incredibly complicated, pseudo-religious veneration of the Emperor as the All-Father. The Sisters of Battle are the armed might of a church that has almost nothing to do with that worship. I don't see them getting along religiously.

Yeah, I thought of those too. But then, the GK would do what they are ordered to do, eh?

Therefore, if you want a relatively harmonious alliance, you're looking for a chapter that focuses on getting business done with a minimum of prideful, ritualistic nonsense. A few chapters that might work this way: Raptors, Salamanders, Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Raven Guard... I'll post again if any others occur to me.

I'd go for Salamanders. They know what's up with gratuitous overuse of fire based weapons.

I was also thiiking along the lines of Salamanders or one of the other SM Chapters. A Firepower based one might be a good idea. My main army right now is Orks so I play the close fight often.

Thanks for the suggestions.

12-28-2012, 12:09 PM
A few chapters that might work this way: Raptors, Salamanders, Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Raven Guard...

I hopped over to the Lexicanum and read up quickly on each of these suggested Chapters. To me, the Crimson Fists fit rather well as they have a history of working with the Inquisition. As the Sisters can aid Inquisitions, I could see the Inquisition setting the two off on a mission. A good story could be made of this. What do you think?

12-28-2012, 12:14 PM
I hopped over to the Lexicanum and read up quickly on each of these suggested Chapters. To me, the Crimson Fists fit rather well as they have a history of working with the Inquisition. As the Sisters can aid Inquisitions, I could see the Inquisition setting the two off on a mission. A good story could be made of this. What do you think?

The Crimson Fists are also practical, reliable, and more-or-less humane. I can see it.

12-28-2012, 12:30 PM
The Crimson Fists are also practical, reliable, and more-or-less humane. I can see it.

I think so too. This will make a nice combo and I will have SM Chapter that looks different from my son's (he did red ones but I don't think he did them as Blood Angles)

12-28-2012, 12:44 PM
"I will pray for you, Lexicanum."

"Save your prayers, Canoness. Terra is far, and the Emperor cannot hear you. Only might of arms will avail us tomorrow."

"Nevertheless, Lexicanum, I will pray."

"If you must pray, then pray for us all."
Lexicanium ;)

12-28-2012, 12:47 PM
Lexicanium ;)

Blargh to you, I say. Blargh.

12-28-2012, 01:51 PM
Sisters are my main army in 6th and am currently using Dark Angel Deathwing as my allies (mostly cause I have them from the Dark Vengeance box).
Belial (makes Deathwing troops)
1-2 squads of Deathwing (they can mix their weapons. So I can have the Assault Cannon, and some others with Hammer/Shield, and others with Lightning Claws)

They are tough and great for objective grabbing or just messing with your opponents rear line. The Deathwing assault rule means that at least 1 of the units can deepstrike in turn 1.

Of course when the new Dark Angel codex comes out next month I'll be putting Plasma Cannons on my Deathwing units and using the Flyer as well.

12-28-2012, 06:47 PM
Earlier this year a friend and I ran a Sisters/Wolves army at a tournament. Sisters provided the artillery with a couple of Exorcists and a tar pit squad of sisters to sit on an objective. The Wolves, good at getting in your face and knocking it off with Arjac's Hammer provided the aggressive forward element. It worked pretty solidly, definitely worth considering.