View Full Version : I'm quitting 40k, anyone interested in buying armies?

10-17-2009, 12:09 PM
So guys it's time I'm afraid for me to give up, I'm finding myself uninterested in the hobby anymore. I was just wondering if anyone was interested in buying any of my armies (all will be painted to a table top standard and based).

1500 point White Scars army (almost everything bike mounted)
3000 point Deathguard army (includes a few forge world goodies, I'm highly fond of this army it must have a good home)
4500+ point Iron Hands army (this includes nearly 50 termis)
2000 point Nid army (this one will be just primed)

If anyone is interested in buying any of these armies please just post a reply in this thread, if I see people interested I will post them on ebay when I get my camera.

Thanks guys for possibly the last time :)

10-17-2009, 12:41 PM
Don't be hasty...........

I walked away 7 years ago, sold everything and swore I would not return. I had four really well painted fantasy armies and 8 historical armies.

I regret selling now big time! Those armies are long gone and now I'm starting from scratch.

Take a break, walk away by all means, but Id leave off selling for a while.

Lord Anubis
10-17-2009, 01:11 PM
Agreed. That's a lot of money to be tossing up on eBay. Make sure you really want to get out and you really need to get rid of all that stuff.

I've had a few crap weeks, too, where I lost a lot of games and had an awful time at local tournaments. The friend who got me into the game advised me to just take a break and not think about it. I'm glad he did. :)

10-17-2009, 01:33 PM
Ditto. Walked away in '99 and '03 after strings of bad losses and lousy opponents. Now I'm back and having more fun than ever.

A correlary to this is: Don't sell your existing army before you start another. A guy in my shop sold his completely painted Chaos Marines army to start Guard. Then he lost his job and figured he couldn't afford Guard. So now he's back to collecting Chaos Marines. Only now he's pushing a bunch of unpainted models around the table.

10-17-2009, 01:38 PM
I'll take the white scars off you for under a tenner.

The West Coast Knight
10-17-2009, 01:40 PM
Stopped playing in 93
Kids found the stuff in boxes in in 2003 and we all got hooked and now we are so into every aspect of the hobby from collecting to painting to playing and reading the books.
I am so glad I never sold anything and I know now that I never will sell anything .
I will play this game with my Grandkids one day in the far future until then my 5th son who is now 2 years old needs his first Space Marine army.
He likes the colors red and green now to just choose which and which chapter.

Do you self a favour and keep your stuff.


10-17-2009, 01:59 PM
Its not that I'm losing all my games and getting frustrated, I've just had no real interest in the hobby for a while now, everytime I go to play a game or paint a model I just really dont want to.

Please guys only reply if you are actually interested in one of the armies :)

10-17-2009, 02:10 PM
I am actually interested in the white scars army, but I only have ten pounds in my budget for this month left.

10-18-2009, 03:14 AM
Foo, sad to hear you're not in for it anymore, gotta admit, a change of scenery can help, even if its just a good mate that you play against more, or an awesome conversion project that can take up some time on a rainy day..
However, if you really are giving up and selling, any chance of some pix of the Iron Hands?

10-18-2009, 04:26 AM
To Sangre:
Lol, well that might be selling them a little cheap, but if you fancied buying them next month, I could make you a nice offer, before putting them up for sale.

To Fantomex: I am going to put pics up when I've got my new cam, but I'm afraid it will still be 3-4 weeks away yet, but I'll keep you posted.


10-18-2009, 05:05 AM
You don't Quit 40k, you just go cold turkey for a year or so, its the plastic crack habit that just dont let up!

10-19-2009, 01:32 PM
Hey foo check your pm on this one.

Abominable Plague Marine
10-19-2009, 08:53 PM
Yeah I PMed him days ago when this first started, got no reply. I doubt he is going to be able to sell anything for at least a month without a camera to take some pics with, who knows he might change his mind by then.

10-19-2009, 09:05 PM
Alright Foostoofoo, intervention time.

Everyone, including me, has lost that "it feeling" regarding the game from time to time. What you need to remember is that you poured a lot of yourself into those minis you chose, assembled, and painted.

Even if you never played again for the rest of your life, some of those minis would be a great reminder. Here's what you do:

If money is an issue, select your favorite army, and put it away carefully, and forget about it. If you have lots of stuff you don't really care about one way or the other, let them go.

One day, the interest will return, and you will either have a great starting point full of good memories, and a place to restart from. Nothing is worse than regret, and you would hate to return to the hobby in a year's time and be kicking yourself for letting your cherished minis go.

You may want to try out something like Warmachine or Flames of War for a few months for a change of pace. I often find a little tour of the wargaming world is great for mixing it up and getting the blood flowing when GW seems to go stale.

We'll catch you on your triumphant return!
