View Full Version : Slay the warlord and other questions

12-28-2012, 02:04 AM
1) I played a game with an ork warboss today and he claims that when he killed Trazyn, he got the 'slay the warlord' point in our scouring game [eternal war mission 2]. But, Trazyn revived and took over the body of another Necron Lord, so since he wasn't dead, that means he shouldn't get the victory point, right?

2) Do things left in reserves count as being destroyed at the end of the game? What about flyers?

3) Do immobilized vehicles give victory points?

Thank you very much!

12-28-2012, 04:53 AM
Hi mate, I hope I can help out :)

1) Trazyn only confers a victory point to your opponent if he does not return; i.e. once he is finally "dead" and fails both a Reanimation Protocols roll and has no models to replace via the Surrogate Hosts special rule. This is covered in the FAQ; Page 1 of the Necron FAQ;

Page 59 - Surrogate Hosts
Change the reference from "kill points" to "victory points".

I am pretty sure this also applies for the purposes of attaining the Slay the Warlord secondary objective. In the same sense, killing Trazyn likely wouldn't confer First Blood if he returned. So yes, you are correct in that your opponent should not have gotten the Slay the Warlord victory point in those circumstances.

2) Yes, this is correct. Or at least I am pretty sure that it works like that.

3) No, only 'destroyed' vehicles (wrecked or exploded) confer victory points.

12-28-2012, 04:53 AM
Well with the revive one i would say he gets the pionts, but honestly decied that sort of stuff pre-match, Things in reserve hmm no idea try the rule book? but i would say yes and no not that I know of only destroyed count

12-28-2012, 12:59 PM
1) I played a game with an ork warboss today and he claims that when he killed Trazyn, he got the 'slay the warlord' point in our scouring game [eternal war mission 2]. But, Trazyn revived and took over the body of another Necron Lord, so since he wasn't dead, that means he shouldn't get the victory point, right?
As the amended entry for Surrogate Hosts reads, "Trazyn only awards victory points once he has been slain and does not return," so no. If Trazyn uses Surrogate Hosts to reincarnate, he hasn't been killed for VP purposes.

2) Do things left in reserves count as being destroyed at the end of the game? What about flyers?
Well, only sort of. Things left in Ongoing Reserves count as being destroyed at the end of the game (page 125: "If a unit is in Ongoing Reserve when the game ends, it awards Victory Points as if it had been destroyed"). As far as I can see, though, you don't technically count as destroyed if you never came on in the first place.

3) Do immobilized vehicles give victory points?
No. Immobilized is not destroyed.