View Full Version : When Bad Moons loot Marines (Count-as Space Marine)

12-25-2012, 11:31 AM
Hey All,

This holiday I am working on a new Space Marine army. But I didn't want to make a normal Space Marine army like everyone does.
I have always been a big fan of Orks, but due to the new edition they arent as good anymore. So I thought, why not make an Space Marine army build from Orks?

So how do you make Orks look like Space Marines? Normal Orks lack the armour and Meganobs have to much armor (and dont forget expensive!).
Then I came across the blog of Tommygun on Warseer. He used Black Orcs from Warhammer Fantasy.

I went to my local game store and bought a box, got some plastic card and tubes.
Few hours later I had to following:

I started to build a Boltgun, since the Black Orcs wont need alot of conversions themselves.
This was the First model with Boltgun. This model will be used a normal Tactical Marine.


Then I started to make the Special Character leading the army: Vulkan He'Stan.
Vulkan is as good as done, except for the cloak I still need on him.


When we see an army led by Vulkan He'Stan. Melta and Flamers will follow.
This is the standard template I will use for the Combi-Melta.
Here is a Sterngaurd Veteran holding the Combi-Melta.


In my army list I wanted to use Attack Bikes with Multi Melta's. But I came across a problem. The models on the attack bike would also need
to have the armour wore by the rest of the army. Then I remembers that I had 3 carnosaurs left from an old project.
Personally I think the carnosaur with the Black Orc on it works.


What does everyone think of this?
I would really love to hear what others think!


12-25-2012, 11:33 AM
Here are some more pictures:





Attack Bike


12-25-2012, 10:42 PM
I like where this is going, but have to see more before I really "get it". :)

White Tiger88
12-26-2012, 01:18 AM
What the O.o kinda cool need to see more......(i want that Dinosaur...)

12-30-2012, 08:38 AM
Its been a busy weekend, but I managed to make some time to work on my project.

Vulkan still needed a cloak and some finishing touches on his armour.
After looting my bit box, and a little bit of crafting I finised Vulkan.

Do others also think he kinda looks like a samurai?

