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View Full Version : 4k Space Wolves Epic Battle Army List Help please

10-16-2009, 07:58 AM
My friend has amassed a 4k Chaos Space Marine army and has laid the gauntlet down by challenging me to come up with a 4k Space Wolves army for a truly titanic battle to the death.

I want my army to look good on the battlefield as well as have a good chance of winning. I do not know what units my friends packing as we are keeping our armies top secret until the battle commences.

Now i know i have spent lots of points on HQs and unique characters but really wanted to include them simply because they look good lol.

Anyway heres my proposed army:


Logan Grimnar with Saga of Majesty

Njal Stormcaller with Living Lightning and Jaws of the World Wolf
with runic terminator armour

Ragnar Blackmane with Saga of the Warrior Born

Canis Wolfborn with Saga of the Wolfkin


Grey Hunters x10 units
2 with meltaguns in Rhino

Grey Hunters [as above)

Grey Hunters (as above)

Wolf Guard Pack (can be taken as troop choice due to Grimnar's inclusion) x10 units

Wolf Guard Pack (as above)

Blood Claws pack x15 (one upgraded to Lukas the Trickster thus negating the headstrong rule)
plus Land Raider Crusader


Wolf Scouts pack x10


Thunderwolf Cavalry x4
one with Thunder Hammer, one with Meltabombs, one with mark of Wulfen.

Landspeeder Squadron x3
with multimelta

Landspeeder Squadron x3 (as above)


Long Fangs Pack x5
with 4 missile launchers

Long Fangs Pack (as above)

Long Fangs Pack (as above)


Please could you give your opinions on this list and advise if you think improvements or amendments should be made. i still have 880points to spend, where should i invest these points?

Thanks in advance

10-17-2009, 06:40 PM
really need your advice on this please guys

10-23-2009, 07:22 AM
I suggest some Dreadnoughts and transport for your troops. A land Raider or 2 wouldnt be bad. Take only 2 WG squads and arm them in terminator armour. Put some units in Drop pods. Try not to take to much special characters they suck up to much points, its normal units that win a battle not a characters. And since you're not using force organisation chart I would take more grey hunter they are realy tthe backbone of an SW army. The only 2 special characters i would take are Logan and Njarl, than an battle leader mounted on a thunderwolf and a Wolf priest. Make sure you can take out his Land Raiders and transports and watch out for obliterators.

11-05-2009, 09:23 AM
I suggest some Dreadnoughts and transport for your troops. A land Raider or 2 wouldnt be bad. Take only 2 WG squads and arm them in terminator armour. Put some units in Drop pods. Try not to take to much special characters they suck up to much points, its normal units that win a battle not a characters. And since you're not using force organisation chart I would take more grey hunter they are realy tthe backbone of an SW army. The only 2 special characters i would take are Logan and Njarl, than an battle leader mounted on a thunderwolf and a Wolf priest. Make sure you can take out his Land Raiders and transports and watch out for obliterators.

okay in terms of transports i already have 3 rhinos and a landraider crusader?

I am using force organisation chart, wolf guards can be taken as troop choices if you have logan in your army. How exactly am i not using the force organisation chart?

11-05-2009, 09:26 AM
You have 7 troops, 5 Fast attack and 4 heavy support, that's how.

In a 4000 point battle, you are much better off using apocalypse rules, just don't use things like datasheet or strategic assets if you want the game to feel more "standard".

11-10-2009, 11:41 AM
You have 7 troops, 5 Fast attack and 4 heavy support, that's how.

In a 4000 point battle, you are much better off using apocalypse rules, just don't use things like datasheet or strategic assets if you want the game to feel more "standard".

ooops my bad, will change the list accordingly

11-10-2009, 11:50 AM
I have changed the list on op to make it legal (i think lol), i have 880 points left to spend. plese help by advising where i should invest these points and if i should make any changes to the list.

Thanks in advance

11-11-2009, 08:57 AM
15 TWC, 6 units of WG in Land Raiders, Pods or Rhinos, Drop Podding MM/HF Dreads, Dakka Preds, Logan and Rune Priests.

Should fill out to 4k quickly, no reason not to splurge.

11-11-2009, 09:59 AM
15 TWC, 6 units of WG in Land Raiders, Pods or Rhinos, Drop Podding MM/HF Dreads, Dakka Preds, Logan and Rune Priests.

Should fill out to 4k quickly, no reason not to splurge.

Thanks for your advice, am i able to take more wolf guard as i already have 6 troop choices (can be taken as troop as i have logan) and take some more as elite choices and still be legal?

You recommend a Rune Priest, i already have 4 hq choices, which one should i drop?

Also how would you go about using the units in the list? what tactics would you employ?

11-11-2009, 01:08 PM
Njal is a solid Priest on his own, but I'm not sure how essential Ragnar is (he's awesome, for sure, but 1/4 of your army in characters seems to be a bit much).

How about?
Njal w/ terminator armor
3x MM/HF Dreds in Pods
2x 10 Wolves
3x 3 Thunderwolves, 1 thunder hammer, 1 storm shield
2x LRC-multi-melta, extra armor
Long Fangs-5, 4 multi-melta, Drop Pod
Wolf Guard-4 termies, cyclone, 2 PAWG, 4 combi-meltas (2 on termies, 2 on PAWG), Drop Pod
Wolf Guard-5 Termies, 2 wolf claws, 2 chainfists, 4 PAWG, LRC w/ multi-melta, extra armor
2x Wolf Guard-5 Termies, 2 wolf claws, 2 chainfists, 3 PAWG


Kinda of a mess, but here's the idea.
3 LRCs full of angry furries rush at people while 4 units of cav back them up with doggies in front to screen. Njal goes with the LRCs, Canis with the Wolves. Depending on how your opponent deploys, 3 Dreads, Logan and 4 relentless, split-firing multi-meltas (with an extra PAWG to catch a bullet), or Wolf Guard built for flexibility and objective grabbing drop on his head.

11-13-2009, 05:00 PM
2 words

11-14-2009, 07:39 PM
please elaborate, why do you suggest arjac rockfist and how would you use him?