View Full Version : 1500 Point Necron List - Does it Need Any Changes?

12-20-2012, 10:12 AM
Necron Overlord (Catacomb Command Barge, Warscythe, Mind Shackle Scarabs) – 195

4 Cryptek (4 Harbingers of the Storm) – 100 {Each is attached to a separate Necron Warrior Unit}

9 Necron Warriors (Ghost Ark) – 232
9 Necron Warriors (Ghost Ark) – 232
9 Necron Warriors (Ghost Ark) – 232
9 Necron Warriors (Ghost Ark) – 232

Annihilation Barge (Tesla Cannon) – 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla Cannon) – 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla Cannon) – 90

= 1493


12-25-2012, 05:44 PM
This is a great list against an armor heavy enemy. If you have the models I would look at changing out 2 arks for 2 night scythes for maneuverability. most games today are all about obj. The scythes will allow you to grab a last objective for a win. I like the barges but I have had problems in teh past with them being taken out early in the game with the 24 inch range.

12-25-2012, 10:47 PM
At least it isn't Scythe-spam?


What are your thoughts behind the list?