View Full Version : My army backstory

12-19-2012, 03:06 PM
Fellow Brothers!!

So I have decided to build my own chapter of the Blood Angels, because I am not really a fan of painting an entire army red. I am going with more of a brown color scheme, is there any backstory that would support this? The only major backstory that I do know is that during the Heresy, Sanguinor hand picked Blood Angels to stand at the doors to the Emperor's palace, before both he and the Emperor teleported up to Horace's ship. ... My thinking is that my chapter will have decended from that group that stayed on terra, however I cannot find any refernece to them other then what I have already mentioned. The Blood Angel page on Lexicanum wasn't helpful either. Please help me with this!!


12-19-2012, 04:24 PM
As a First Founding chapter, Blood Angels have a ton of successors (not as many as the Ultramarines, but lots). The idea of a Blood Angels chapter focused on defense, in honor of Sanguinius's defense of the Emperor, is interesting. Usually Blood Angels are so aggressive, rather than assuming a protective stance.

Anyway, the reason you can't find any reference is that there isn't any. The Blood Angels who remained behind... remained behind. They rejoined the rest of the Legion after the fighting. Maybe some of them were honored with positions of authority, or got to start successor chapters (but it isn't recorded which, or what happened to them), or whatever. However, it's pretty much an open field for you to play in.

Also, you mean Sanginius, not the Sanguinor. Sangunius is the primarch, the Sanguinor is a psychic ghost.

12-19-2012, 05:15 PM

Thank you for my blunder over my own primarch :o. No wonder I couldn't find anything, hehe. I'll have to come up with a backstory for them ... this will be fun.

12-19-2012, 06:46 PM
Horace eh?

12-20-2012, 12:50 AM
Not to mention, Terra is the Imperial Fist's stomping grounds, and I don't think they'd take kindly to another Legion/Chapter trying to horn in on their gig.

12-27-2012, 06:46 PM
I'm not trying to "horn in" on the Imperial Fist's ground. I have tried a few games playing defensively, and they are not going well. But I am determined to find a mix of defensive and agressive to perfect my chapter.

Emerald Rose Widow
12-27-2012, 08:10 PM
Fluff for your own armies is great, lots of fun. For example for my crons my phaeron has a beef against grey knights and has vowed to eliminate them -nods sagely-

and hey, there are some sisters here too -giggles-

I like the idea of your fluff though, it sounds like it is pretty interesting. Why brown as a colour choice if I may ask