View Full Version : The Female Pilots of Star Wars

12-19-2012, 05:23 AM
Something interesting, and hitherto largely unknown, recently appeared about the original Star Wars films (http://www.tgdaily.com/entertainment/68142-the-female-pilots-of-star-wars-vi). Specifically that there were originally a lot more women pilots:

Two piloting A-Wings:

Two in X-Wings, but only one photographed:
Played by Vivienne Chandler, who apparently had a whole page of dialogue. She has started attending conventions recently I've been told.

Pity they were cut, unfortunately having women blown up in space combat (at least two of the four were to be killed in combat) would have meant a more adult rating for the film.

There is also one known female Imperial pilot, Cive Rashon who flew Tie Fighter Os-72-1 at Cloud City and was also present at the Battle of Endor. While canon it is unclear when it was decided she was a female pilot so it was probably a chap in the flying suit:

I'm quite fond of Cive Rashon. Once quite a long time ago (c1999) I was asked to prove my geekiness by answering a bunch of Star Wars questions. I answered correctly then turned it around on my accuser by asking him some questions. One of which was 'What is the name of the female Tie Fighter leading Obsidian Squadron', which he didn't know.

12-19-2012, 05:45 AM
There's certainly plenty in the post o/t EU books, less so on the imperial side but you don't see the imperial side as much anyway...

I certainly couldn't have answered that.

12-19-2012, 05:46 AM
Is the top one in green not the one who piles screaming into the Executor? Cos if so it is definitely male...

12-19-2012, 05:51 AM
I always thought that one was supposed to be Tycho Celchu, the one that takes the other turning through the second deathstar.

12-19-2012, 05:53 AM
I'm not sure, I've read that they dubbed her voice with that of a male and cut her screentime too, but I've also read that they just dubbed her voice so it is assumed she is male because what you see ofher is rather androgynous.

There is also Karie Neth (played by Lynne Hazelden) from RotJ, who was shown aboard Home One but not actually piloting a ship:

Few could have answered it 'splodge, that was the point.:) Made him look like an arse for asking questions like that. There would be a lot of SW questions I wouldn't know off the top of my head and I'm a huge fan (I also know nothing about the EU post 30ABY or so).

12-19-2012, 05:56 AM
I've got nearly everybook from the Han solo trilogy through to the new xwing book, just got to get the last two of the arc before i in paperback.

But yeah the xwing series make it sound like that is Celchu.

12-19-2012, 05:59 AM
I stopped with the introduction of the Yuuzhan Vong. As far as I'm concerned that is the moment the EU jumped the space shark, performed a mid-air flip, whipped out a pair of blasters and pumped bolts into the quivering flesh of the shark until nothing but a burnt husk remained.

I'm really hoping Cive Rashon makes it as a pilot in FFGs X-Wing. I also personally like to believe she survived th Battle of Endor as the Star Destroyer to which she was assigned did survive. It also had a female captain funnily enough, not in the film though.

12-19-2012, 06:13 AM
I clearly lie, the A wing that crashed into the executor was that of Arvel Crynyd, Green Leader. The picture of him on Wookipedia is different to this personage. Agree that the Yuuzhan Vong arc is bobbins. The Ysanne Isard is all good though. (I imagine that is how EG is in real life, possibly without one red eye though!;))

12-19-2012, 06:20 AM
Yeah the vong war sucked, I preferred the second civil war after it...

12-19-2012, 06:49 AM
The New Empire stuff or whatever it is is quite good too, to be fair.

I'm not stupid enough to get myself shot while trying to steal back my Super Star Destroyer though Denzark.:p I did like her, a bit annoyed all the senior female Imperials seem to be fudging morons. Daala held such promise but all she does is turn up, act stupid, lose lots of ships then run off. Still at least she survived to be a MILF unlike Isard...

12-19-2012, 06:54 AM
Who said Isard's dead? On the re-built Lusankya there's an isolation cell so secure that it's only accessed by droids and and a containment breach would vent the atmosphere to space...

12-19-2012, 06:57 AM
Well I wouldn't be stupid enough to be captured and put in an isolation cell so secure it is only accessed by droids and a containment breach would vent the atmosphere into space.:p

12-19-2012, 07:05 AM
ah when you put it like that...

12-20-2012, 11:53 PM
What?!! Those are obviously FAKES!! The first two were OBVIOUSLY touched up and the third image is a fangirl wannabe. They're all fake, FAKE, FAKES!!! Oh, how I wish these chicks would keep their estrogen out of MY diversions!!

[note: Sarcasm ... and an homage to another thread] :D

White Tiger88
12-21-2012, 12:10 AM
Well I wouldn't be stupid enough to be captured and put in an isolation cell so secure it is only accessed by droids and a containment breach would vent the atmosphere into space.:p

Then they would of just shot you.....

12-21-2012, 12:13 AM
Hey you guys.

2nd woman looks like Mama Fratelli from the goonies :)

12-21-2012, 12:37 AM
What?!! Those are obviously FAKES!! The first two were OBVIOUSLY touched up and the third image is a fangirl wannabe. They're all fake, FAKE, FAKES!!! Oh, how I wish these chicks would keep their estrogen out of MY diversions!!

[note: Sarcasm ... and an homage to another thread] :D


You know, I have to say, this sort of thing makes me wish that we could ... I dunno, selectively create a special edition of the old trilogy. Some additions I could do without, some I revile ... but some I like, and others (like un-dubbing that female A-wing pilot's death scream so it reverted to being female) I would actually like to see.

12-21-2012, 02:35 AM
But the special editions only get worse (why replace anakin skywalker with the younger version and not obi-wan kenobi too? consistency?pffft) so it'll never happen.

12-21-2012, 07:02 AM
The addition of kiwi accents for Boba Fett has made George Lucas dead to me.

12-21-2012, 07:36 AM
Oh I don't know, it wasn't that bad.

12-22-2012, 06:48 AM
The addition of kiwi accents for Boba Fett has made George Lucas dead to me.

Out of all the horse s**t Lucas has done you think kiwi accents is the worst?:confused:

12-22-2012, 12:16 PM
Out of all the horse s**t Lucas has done you think kiwi accents is the worst?:confused:

Adding Darth Vader shouting: 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' = mild contempt.

Adding Hayden Christian as Force Apparition = mild amusement.

Recutting Moff Jejrrod and adding a dodgy accent to Vader getting a shuttle off Bespin = mild pity.

Changing the accent of the coolest bounty hunter in the galaxy into kiwi = George Lucas dead to me.

Jar Jar Binks and the little turd who plays young anakin = Fatwa against Lucas and his entire family.

Its all about degrees of punishment.

12-22-2012, 01:17 PM
Is this a British thing, about the associations you have with New Zealand? 'Cause I have to say, if the problem is just that you think New Zealand accents don't sound cool or badass ... that's just not my perception. I actually prefer Morrison's New Zealand accent to Wingreen's generic rough-voiced tough guy, because I perceive it as cooler and more badass.

12-22-2012, 01:25 PM
I still think they should have used David Prowse not only as the physical actor for Vader, but the voice too.

A bristolian accented Vader saying "alright me luvver, that's a great gert light saber you got there me cocker"

Could have been great ;)

White Tiger88
12-22-2012, 05:04 PM
I still think they should have used David Prowse not only as the physical actor for Vader, but the voice too.

A bristolian accented Vader saying "alright me luvver, that's a great gert light saber you got there me cocker"

Could have been great ;)

......I think you are looking for an Adult version of star wars with that line O.o

12-22-2012, 07:34 PM
Adding Darth Vader shouting: 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' = mild contempt.

Adding Hayden Christian as Force Apparition = mild amusement.

Recutting Moff Jejrrod and adding a dodgy accent to Vader getting a shuttle off Bespin = mild pity.

Changing the accent of the coolest bounty hunter in the galaxy into kiwi = George Lucas dead to me.

Jar Jar Binks and the little turd who plays young anakin = Fatwa against Lucas and his entire family.

Its all about degrees of punishment.


12-23-2012, 07:44 AM
Let's not have this turn into another 'bash the prequels/Lucas' thread.:p

On the subject of Moff Jerjerrod, I always thought that given that he was legging it to a shuttle while Luke and Vader were still on the Death Star that he probably escaped. But according to Wookieepedia he died on the Death Star. Bugs me a lot that, not that I have any particular regard for Jerjerrod (Piett on the other hand...) but it just seems silly he didn't escape when he had more time than Skywalker.

12-23-2012, 08:20 AM
I had an old novelisation based off an early script where he was sitting in the control room waiting to fire on the forrest moon as soon as it came into LoS, so I guess the deleted scenes (http://gentlemenofleisure1.blogspot.com.au/2011/09/five-favorite-star-wars-deleted-scenes.html) are being treated as canon now.

12-23-2012, 08:54 AM
I shall just remind you of this


12-23-2012, 09:17 AM
That youtube clip reminds me why I stopped playing online mulitplayer games.

On topic though plot flaws of characters dieing when they shouldn't did not bother me as much as the empires lack of military training and just general moronic behavior, makes you wonder how they forged an empire in the first place if storm troopers are that easy to kill an example that really annoyed me is the final episode when the aparantly best legion of storm troopers gets beaten by teddy bears and a handfull of rebel scum, I mean come on if they were the best then I am suprised that other storm troopers could even dress themselfs in their useless armour that seems to offer no protection at all.

Mr Mystery
12-23-2012, 09:28 AM
To be fair, few if any body armour can resist a well aimed direct hit.

It's more about lessening inevitable wounds, thus keeping soldiers in the fight, and lowering attrition.

If your enemy is used to fighting you, they will adapt their tactics. In terms of Star Wars, likely ramping up the power of your blaster. You'd get fewer shots, but each one would be capable of punching through Storm Trooper armour. Yet even that is off benefit to the Imperials, as it would reduce the volume of incoming fire, still increasing survival rates.

Probably. I dunno. I'm watching Sherlock and felt the need to say something clever.

12-24-2012, 11:01 AM

12-26-2012, 04:50 AM
Continuity error...

My wee gibbon got several star wars toys. Pleasing, the card backing to the figures looks like the original ones I used to get. Anyway, one is called Luke Skywalker Light Sabre Construction.

Now, dressed in Jabba Palace style black, he has several light sabres, including his RoTJ green bladed one. However, he has 2 human flesh coloured hands! Normally after Bespin and his bionic addition he could be seen with a black glove on - the original release did.

Or is this too anally retentive?

12-26-2012, 04:56 AM
Well at the end of ESB the artificial hand was shown to have look like his real hand. I'm sure in some of the EU material it was said that he covered it up because he felt uncomfortable at the thought of being more like his father' more machine than man'.

Also, not a pilot but:

Captain Tanda Pryl of the ISD Thunderflare:

Mr Mystery
12-26-2012, 05:48 AM
Continuity error...

My wee gibbon got several star wars toys. Pleasing, the card backing to the figures looks like the original ones I used to get. Anyway, one is called Luke Skywalker Light Sabre Construction.

Now, dressed in Jabba Palace style black, he has several light sabres, including his RoTJ green bladed one. However, he has 2 human flesh coloured hands! Normally after Bespin and his bionic addition he could be seen with a black glove on - the original release did.i

Or is this too anally retentive?

*snorts, pushes specs back up nose with left index finger*

Glove is only adopted post Jabba, on the flight to Dagobah, after it is shot on the Sail Barge.


12-26-2012, 06:38 AM
MM - you win - that is of course is correct and explains it - although the original Luke figure did have the (post-jabba) black glove...

Mr Mystery
12-26-2012, 06:41 AM
Indeed it did!

It also came with the flimsiest of light sabers! Little more than a thin, patterned green stick!

12-26-2012, 07:22 AM
What about Juno Eclipse:


12-26-2012, 07:33 AM
Oh I forgot about her, she is nice. I do wonder if they will revisit her story at all, I vaguely recall it being left hanging at the end of Force Unleashed II.

12-26-2012, 08:31 AM
Yea she looks good nice and teutonic.

12-26-2012, 11:32 PM
Dont forget (off the top of my head)

Lara Notsil / Gara Pethroel (SP?)
Jesmin Ackbar
Falynn Sandskimmer
Shalla Nelprin
Tyria Sarkin

12-27-2012, 02:20 AM
I liked the Lara Motsil character, always wished they had done a bit more with her. Jesmin Ackbar seemed a bit of a waste too. 'Haha, here is Admiral 'It's a trap' Ackbars niece, she has been treated badly 'cos of her uncles fame. Oh look, now she is dead, how sad for Admiral Ackbar.'

12-27-2012, 09:08 PM
I liked the Lara Motsil character, always wished they had done a bit more with her. Jesmin Ackbar seemed a bit of a waste too. 'Haha, here is Admiral 'It's a trap' Ackbars niece, she has been treated badly 'cos of her uncles fame. Oh look, now she is dead, how sad for Admiral Ackbar.'

its because she didnt realize....


12-29-2012, 02:48 PM
One character (not a pilot) that I'd like to see more done with in the EU is Deena Shan. For me she epitomizes what a hero really is - someone ill suited for the role, certainly not wanting the role, but who in the moment of crisis manages to dredge up some unknown reserve of courage and somehow muddles their way to victory.

12-30-2012, 12:15 AM
Yep, plus she was blonde, always a plus in my opinion.:p

01-02-2013, 04:58 AM
Well Lara Notsil was good, but I think I prefer Kirney Slane, she did have an adawbs co-pilot afterall...

01-02-2013, 07:51 AM
There is also Gunn Yage, who was active around the time of Darth Krayt (and the delightful Darth Talon) c137ABY:

01-02-2013, 08:00 AM
I haven't got that far ABY yet.

01-03-2013, 12:58 AM
I think that far ahead is only in comics, not sure. I've only read the comics. I skipped the novels after the first Yuuzhan Vong book

01-03-2013, 02:23 AM
Yeah I think the books are about 50ABY more or less.