View Full Version : Who buys OOP miniatures?

10-15-2009, 05:23 PM
Here's something that interests me - oop miniatures. Not just some 3rd or 4th ed marine sprues that are still handy for converting, but back in the day, stuff of legends rogue trader miniatures with a higher lead content than the failed reactors at chernobyl. You know, originally cost £2.99 for 5 minatures, and that was when a good English pound would get you 18 dollars.

Someone must be buying them - I know I do on the bay of E - how much do some of the chaos renegades go for, especially the nurgle - I have seen a single nurgle marine go for over £21. Now GW do make gorgeous miniatures - space hulk terminators p*ss on 1st ed space hulk for instance. But some original classics a obviously favourites.

Call me old fashioned but how pleased was I to see the Space Wolf Captain, released around WD 129 (when the different marks of marine armour were introduced) in the Codex Space Wolves - you know, with bolt pistol, chainsword and wolf helmet? this predates even 2nd ed and the Ragnar era wolves. Surely GW must see what they are missing with the bitz service.

Any hoo would be interest to see your thoughts.

Súil Dubh
10-15-2009, 06:18 PM
I'll buy individual OOP figures to use as characters in my armies, or a small set to use as a special squad.

Unfortunately many of the older Rogue Trader figures look very out-of-place when you field them along with current models. Proportions are often wrong (hands and heads especially), some of the sculpting is too primitive, and occasionally there are huge chunks of impossible-to-remove flash. The very first batch of lead Imperial Space Marines is a case in point.

So sometimes I'll buy an OOP figure just because I want to paint it - a lot of the newer painting techniques can really bring out the character of some of these old figures, and they look great on display, if not on the tabletop.

10-15-2009, 07:20 PM
If I have the chance I'll buy pretty much any OOP model I come across. I've also traded for a few recently. I'm starting to amass a respectable collection of 2nd edition bersekers and plague marines, and yesterday I traded a black reach dread for 5 of the OLD metal plague marines with a guy who doesn't want his chaos anymore. I think for the most part the newer models look better, but I love the nostalgia factor of the old stuff so much I just have to have it...

10-15-2009, 07:32 PM
While I have yet to get my hands on any RT-era stuff, I'm a big fan of the OOP metal Cadian Shock Troopers - I have a fair few that are the core of my first Guard army and I'm always on the lookout for more. I think in general, there's a certain appeal to the older stuff - some of the sculpts have character that just doesn't come through the same in plastic.

10-15-2009, 07:53 PM
I have a lot of old marines, and I tend to use them as Vet squads and characters, just for fun and fluff. I personally like some of the older limited OOP models like Games Day figures, but with the prices, they are tough for me to acquire, although I do have a few of the key ones I like, like the Master Shaper and female commisar.

Currently, I have a lot of OOP metal IG that I'm fiddling with, like some Steel Legion and such.

John M>

10-15-2009, 08:08 PM
There are particular minis I have vague memories of seeing and liking back when I was a kid (when White Dwarf was in the early 100s), and I sometimes think of tracking them down for nostalgia's sake, but I am more a converter than a collector really when it comes to models.

I guess the evidence for this is that I have a Rogue Trader Era Navigator model and I had absolutely no qualms about cutting off his head and sticking it to a converted Cadian tank commander body to make a psyker.

Some I like though. I decided I really needed the old Commissar with the power fist and his sword resting on his shoulder for my Lord Commissar, as I think he is more characterful that the new model. Anyone else notice that the new Lord Commissar seems to be the guy with his hand behind his back aiming his bolt pistol just tweaked?

So I tracked the old feller down and got him on eBay. Pity he never showed up. #@*#! Ebay. There goes 20 bucks.

10-15-2009, 08:54 PM
I like to bid on grab bags of abused miniatures, which often contain OOP models. I like to refurbish them with updated bits and a fresh paint job.

10-15-2009, 09:46 PM
I think your poll is lacking in actual options.

I don't buy them because the newer ones are usually more aesthetically pleasing or more versatile. A recent example is the iron Hand Straken model. It would be an uphill battle for someone claiming that the old model was better for any reason other than nostalgia.

Brass Scorpion
10-15-2009, 11:10 PM
I own many of the out of print miniatures mentioned here and a lot more that aren't mentioned. I've sold a few, treasure some others that I'd never sell, and occasionally buiy one that I missed here and there too.

10-16-2009, 02:50 AM
I'll buy individual OOP figures to use as characters in my armies, or a small set to use as a special squad.

Unfortunately many of the older Rogue Trader figures look very out-of-place when you field them along with current models. Proportions are often wrong (hands and heads especially), some of the sculpting is too primitive, and occasionally there are huge chunks of impossible-to-remove flash. The very first batch of lead Imperial Space Marines is a case in point.

So sometimes I'll buy an OOP figure just because I want to paint it - a lot of the newer painting techniques can really bring out the character of some of these old figures, and they look great on display, if not on the tabletop.

On the subject of flash you are correct about the old ones. I am also absolutely convinced that the odd item I have bought is a re-cast - you get more flash on these and a degradation of detail.

Noticed on GW recruitment site a couple of years back after an investigator to tackle fraud and breaches of IP so they obviously feel it is a problem.

10-16-2009, 02:56 AM
I don't buy many for exactly those reasons, the olders sculpts are usually not that great. Sometimes though you get something so lovely that you just have to have it, like the older all metal UM standard bearer that I recently got from a guy at my gaming club, I'd never seen it before and it was a lovely model.

Slightly off topice but this thread prompted me to look back through my bitz boxes and I found one of the 2003 GD space wolf guys still in the blister and since I don't play space wolves I might well ebay it... any ideas what it's worth?

10-16-2009, 04:29 AM
It's true there are lots of old sculpts which are pretty poor, but then again some of the 'classic' paint jobs that they used to be advertised with did'nt help (back when the Heavy Metal Team used to have a physical need to have a bright primary red on EVERYTHING), a good paint job can make a world of difference on even the worst GW sculpts (except perhaps the metal Possessed Marines....)

Personally I love alot of the OOP models, my main army the Praetorians are of course OOP, there are some really classic sculpts out there which would'nt look out of place in the current lineup.

10-16-2009, 04:58 AM
It's true there are lots of old sculpts which are pretty poor, but then again some of the 'classic' paint jobs that they used to be advertised with did'nt help (back when the Heavy Metal Team used to have a physical need to have a bright primary red on EVERYTHING), a good paint job can make a world of difference on even the worst GW sculpts (except perhaps the metal Possessed Marines....)

Personally I love alot of the OOP models, my main army the Praetorians are of course OOP, there are some really classic sculpts out there which would'nt look out of place in the current lineup.

Colonel Sir I am of course a fan of yours and agree about the primary colours - the day I discovered GW plastering Ultramarines in yellow and red I nearly hit the 'in case of heresy break glass' button.

10-16-2009, 04:59 AM
I am very fond of the old carnifex model, not that I think the new ones are worse. The old looks kind of cute, like it is trying to hug you. The new ones, not so much. I tend not to buy OOP miniatures though, I just requisition them from my brothers.

Mike X
10-16-2009, 07:27 AM
I don't buy OOP miniatures, solely because the old range was horrendously sculpted. It has nothing to do with wanting new, it's all about wanting quality.

OOP minis suck.

10-16-2009, 07:42 AM
I think in general, there's a certain appeal to the older stuff - some of the sculpts have character that just doesn't come through the same in plastic.

I whole heartedly agree. There can be a quirkiness to some of the oop models that would not be acceptable in the modern, sleek models. I love some of the new stuff - I mean the new orks v the 2nd ed doc martin wearing goff orks is no contest but I think that the metal cadians have a certain something - even the fat officer. Everyone must admit that a metal mini, with that extra weight is immediately that little more special- it feels important in your hand while the plastic minis are always a little deflated when you fell how (often surprisingly) light they are when you pick em up.

Like most geeks, I enjoy the respect of fellow geeks and I am not ashamed to be pleased when people pick out old and rare minis from my army (i.e.using the old rogue trader Imperial Assasin for Marbo or arbites for carapace veterans). However, I think that the really oop stuff really benefits 'evil' players- chaos renegades and genestealer hybrids are fantastic sights on the table top.

My armies are packed with rogue trader stuff (very proud of my three mk1 land raiders). If I am honest, the main motivation for collecting these miniatures is the nostalgia factor. They are the minis that were around when I was a kid, and engaging with an escapist hobby that also has a further layer of escapism as it transports me to a science fiction far future and my childhood at the same time.

10-16-2009, 11:16 AM
Ok, take a seat, don't panic, I'm going to talk Fantasy!

I'm doing a Dwarf army but I cannot stand the "new" arty pieces. Hate them. So I'm busy trolling Ebay for the older ones.

(P.S. "Jog on sunshine!" lol. That takes me back...)

10-16-2009, 01:05 PM
My Praetorian army is primarily OOP figs and my WIP SWs have a handful of OOP conversions.

10-16-2009, 06:12 PM
Absolutely ... I have that SW captain ... only question now is whether to throw him in the stripper and repaint him!

Am still looking for some of the OOP RT assault marines and IG.

10-17-2009, 03:14 AM
OOP minis are sooo sweet. I know they are kinda crude sculpt wise but to me its all part of the appeal I guess. My whole BA army has an old school theme. I was inspired by the old 2nd ed rule book pictures of the BA armies in there. I'm even thinking of giving them bright green bases to go with the bright red paint job :p

10-17-2009, 07:59 PM
I have quite a few of the OOP SM's, my last pick up on e-bay was the SM vet that was only available to those who ordered $100 worth of gw product from the canada gw. Usually that's all I use e-bay for anymore, as the new stuff can be had through local sources.
Respects, Emperorsaxe