View Full Version : Warhammer 40k on a budget (a holiday project from a poor wargamer)!

12-18-2012, 02:03 PM
Hey there folks, I go by pinklepants (the name comes from my early years of learning German, pinkeln means to pee and pants is self-explanatory). Anywho I've been on the wargaming scene for a long while and when I was a kid and I had more spending cash and wargaming was cheaper in general I had a vast army! Well I went to a conference in Seattle one year when I was older and my poor army was stolen from my hotel room! I never did find that army and though my army may have been lost, my enthusiasm for wargaming never left me; the only difference was being married and not having a great job meant it would be a long road getting back into the game.

Well enough about my history! It's all about the future now, a grim future where there is only war! And I have become determined to rejoin that warfare, and on a budget too no less; and this is what this thread is all about! Building a cheap army that one can expand on yet use as a functional force in its own right.

CHAPTER 1: Where to start?

Well one of the challenges of building a cheap army is determining which exact army will give you the biggest bang for your buck. You could look at it from a number of different angles: which army has the most expensive single units by points? Which armies can I spam point intensive units in? And that's all well and good but there is another overarching question you need to answer before you've considered what army you want to play; are these units cheaply available? Take for example a stormraven for that wonderful grey knight army you wanted. You surly wont want to pay full price for it ($82.50 maybe even more after the new year) so you look to ebay and other sources for cheaper ones... but there aren't any! That's right, even when you find what you want it might not be available at a low cost. So we'll start my story here, and I'll share what I've found with you!

more to come later!

Lord Anubis
01-18-2013, 03:39 PM
You should check out my site, Pinkle. It's all about being a poor wargamer. :)

In The Grim Cheapness of the Future... (http://thegrimcheapness.blogspot.com/)

01-20-2013, 09:54 AM
Something Space Mariney will be the cheapest army. As there are always Space Marines on ebay.