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View Full Version : 2k Space Wolves list

12-17-2012, 04:08 PM
Hey everyone, I am trying to come up with a decent all-comers list for tournament play. I typically play troop heavy lists as 6ed is more geared towards objectives. Let me know what you think of this list and what are its strengths/weaknesses and what you would change.

-Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf-
Runic armor,Wolf Tail Talisman, Wolftooth necklace, SS, TH

-Grey Hunters x10
2x flamers, Wolf Standard

-Grey Hunters x10
2x flamers, Wolf Standard, Rhino

-Grey Hunters x10
2x flamers, Wolf Standard, Rhino

-Grey Hunters x10
2x meltaguns, Wolf Standard, Rhino

-Grey Hunters x10
2x meltaguns, Wolf Standard, Rhino

-Thunderwolf Cavalry x5

-Long Fangs x5
4x Missile Launchers

-Long Fangs x5
4x Missile Launchers

-Land Raider Redeemer

The idea is that the rhinos/LRR create a shield to get the T-cav across the board while seperating to grab objectives. The grey hunters without a rhino are in the LRR. Let me know what you think!


12-22-2012, 10:49 AM
Maybe I should ask what you think this list will struggle against? Or what would you bring to beat it?