View Full Version : Painting cold faces...

10-15-2009, 02:52 PM
Recently been fiddling around trying to get a good scheme for painting cold human faces and at the minute, i am fairly unhappy with the results. Anyone got any decent ways of painting them?

10-15-2009, 07:47 PM
Typically cold faces are one of two options...the wind burn style where you will see reddened cheeks and noses...ala Santa Claus, or the frigid style, where the skin tone drops.

for the reddened style mix 2:1 elf flesh:red gore and lightly drybrush normal skin tones over the full area of cheeks and on nose tips and edges of ears.

for the frigid style lighten your skin tone by adding a bit of bleached bone. once the face is painted add a tiny amount of ice blue to the skin tone and paint lips very lightly. This style can easily look "dead" if you over do it.