View Full Version : Flyer΄s supremacy?

12-17-2012, 06:24 AM
I would like to share the list that I΄m currently testing, I call it "Dark Sky Supremacy", it΄s based on filling the biggest weakness of new chaos marines: Transport of troops.
In my opinion we got nice combat units and good ways to take them into enemy like flanking slaanesh Lord with mount.
We got nice Heavy support and tanks even we got a new awesome flying unit perfect to erase from battlefield units from MEQ, but we really lack a good methot to deploy our troops in
enemy lines, Rhinos are not anymore reliable as we will give first blood most oftenlly and also they are terribly weak to how tanks are ruled in 6ed.
This new rulebook favour flyers so let΄s cover our weakness with the best flyer ever, the Vendettas.

The List:
HQ: Lord+MoS+Mount+Incinerator+EnergyLance ...…………………………………….. 145
Allies HQ: CCS+MasterofOrdenance+ComanderoftheFleet …………….....……………. 110
Troop: 5NoiseMarines+Siren+PowerAxe ………………………………………………….. 125
Troop: 5NoiseMarines+Siren+PowerAxe ………………………………………………….. 125
Allies Troop: 10Veterans+3MG ……………………………………………………………… 100
Allies Troop: 10Veterans+2MG+MBomb ………………………………………………….. 95
Fortress: Bastion+CommArray ..……………………………………………………………. 95
FA: Heldrake ……………………………………………………………………………..…… 170
FA: Heldrake ……………………………………………………………………………..…… 170
FA: Heldrake …………………………………………………………………………..……… 170
Allies FA: 3Vendettas ………………………………………………………………..……….. 390
Heavy: Obliterator+MoN ……………………………………………………………………… 76
Heavy: Obliterator+MoN ……………………………………………………………………… 76
Total: 1.847

Let΄s analice unit by unit the possible strats, strenths and weakness of this list:

The Slaanesh Lord is a surgical striker, it΄s main role is to flank a scoring troop into the enemy lines by turn 2 with 0 casualties. Once accomplished that role you have to survive there up. He΄s not a combat monster let`s be honest, Incinerator is the main way to get his points back and you have to keep him hidden shooting templates till turn 4, then, most enemy unnits will be strongly decimated by Drakes and Vendetas, it΄s his turn to finish those remains and clean the table. 2 AP3 templates and hight Iniciative from him and the Noise Marine squat will make enemy think twice before charging him.

Allied CCS is a grat HQ option, it΄s main role is to hide inside the Bastion and survive there turn 1 and 2. Having MoO inside will give them enough punch to make get your enemy attention. That huge ordenance blast is dangerous, and your opponent will want that Bastion destroyed as his first priority.
And that’s exactly what you want cause your game is the flyers unit and every resource he uses to focus the bastion is a lost resource to win the game.
Commander of the Fleet wins games by himself. Many times I΄ve seen how 1 or 2 of my opponent key unit got delayed till turn 4 thanks to this disturving friend. And that in a hight competitive environment means a game lost.

Communications array makes all this army works, sincerely you cant play a reserves or flyer army without 1 of this little miracles. 3+ reroll to reserves means they will always appear when you need them. And that’s turn 2 most of the times.

Noise Marines and specially Siren geared ones are the best defensive/short range offensive unit you could think of. They erase MEQ΄s and BikeMEQ΄s so easily it΄s almosr ridiculous. Hide them in Bastion Battlement or behind it and watch how your anemy doesn’t dare to get near it. Also thanks to Slaanesh Lord you will deploy them safely by turn 2 with accurate sences in the middle of the weakest side of your enemy deploy.

Heldrakes are probably going to become the hardest metagame pusher of 6th edition. They are so good that as a Chaos player you just can΄t avoid using them. What to do agains armyes with a lot of anty-Air? Well, easy, deploy more of them and spawn flyers as I do to give them so many potential targets that he will not success before you eliminate their threat. If everything have gone good Drakes should slow down and hover eliminating remaining forces by turn 4.

Vendettas is the best flyer and possibly the best unit of 6th edition. Still using more than 3 of them in a 1.850 game is probably overkill, that why you convine them with Drakes. Vendettas bring to Chaos army the valuable skill of deploying safely scoring troops anyplace in the battlefield by turn 4 or 5 + its devastating firepower with those twinlinked Laser Cannons. Main targets are going to be enemy vehicles, other flyers and of course TEQ armored troops. They are gonna act the same as Drakes, if everything went smooth they will slow down to hovering speed and with let troop disembark safetly from turn 4. But in case of need they can suicide parachute melta veterans anyplace in the battlefield.

Veterans are cheap, and they got so many uses once embarqued in the vendettas that they are really the perfect troop to use with them. As 1 of the vendettas will go empty it will do as ablative wound for them, I still have to see my troops lost for a vendetta destroyed. Never happened yet.Good positioning and sharing armor points loses from the 3 flyers will keep them alive turn by turn.

Nurgle Obliterators end the army list, they are the most versatile unit chaos have in its weaponary, they can play so many diferent roles that m tkes them the perfect strategy ad for any army. Don’t make me explain the diferent uses you can give to single man obliterators unnits cause it΄s been written books around it in the last years. Let me just remember that thanks to Comm Array they are more reliable than ever to DS and act as Meltagun/powerfist kings. Other games they will just hide back, spawn laser/plasma/autocannon and survive.