View Full Version : Assembling The Outcast Dead (Kill Team) But What Codex and Rules To Use?

12-16-2012, 04:31 PM
I attended GW's first Kill Team tournament yesterday and had a awesome time with it's fast pace and fantastic games against 8 opponents, so much so I've decided to attend it again in April.
But rather than take my Legio Cybernetica Kill Team (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?24685-Fully-Converted-Kill-Team-Project-But-which-concept-to-use&p=268747&viewfull=1#post268747) I'm planning on something a lot more awesome; The Outcast Dead.

In case you haven't read the Horus Heresy novel ‘The Outcast Dead’ tells the story of a band of marines from the traitor legions during their escape from a prison on Terra though the slums of the city with an Astropath that held powerful knowledge of the future. The armour they obtain was batted and salvaged so they’d be converted from Ork, Chaos Maraduer and power armour bits.


They were a powerful group of warriors and considered of...

Atharva - Adeptus Exemptus of the Thousand Sons; A Powerful Psyker however they have removed the ability to make a psychic specialist.
Tagore - Sergeant, 15th Company of the World Eaters he must be armed with a power sword to represent the shattered halberd from a custodian guard)
Subha - Warrior, 15th Company of the World Eaters
Asubha - Warrior, 15th Company of the World Eaters
Severian (The Wolf) - Warrior, 25th Company of the Luna Wolves A warrior skilled in stealth he'll have the shrouding rule.
Kiron - Warrior, 28th Company of the Emperor's Children This guy is a master marksmen and never misses a shot with his Plasma Carbine
Gythua - Warrior of the Death Guard

The theme has a lot of potential as I could have the astropath Kai Zulane as my objective marker.

However before I worry about 'specialist rules' I need to find a codex/unit that will allow me to field 7 marines that aren't too well equipped (remember most of the weapons aren't either stolen or ramshackle) but I want them to be semi-competitive.
So far the best option is a squad of Death Company marines with feel no pain, rage and furious charge which seems fitting given the kill team has 3 world eaters and a death guard, only downside is I can't arm my marksmen with any long range weapons. But I'm interested to hear if anyone can suggest another 200pt unit from a different codex to represent 'The Outcast Dead'?

12-16-2012, 06:16 PM
wolfguard are the best I can think of. got lots of options. get a plasma pistol and/or combi plasma for Kiron, CC wepones , mark of wulfen, all are nice :)

Animus Silvanna
12-16-2012, 09:49 PM
I second for options that Wolfguard will have the most stuff you can do and having either BC or GH would fit into that mixture well too. I would also like to voice that I thought Outcast dead was a terrible book.... I don't think it was till chapter 16 that I was really interested in what was happening, The Lightning Bearer got my attention.

Edit- Also just cause my curiosity is killing me do you have a link to these Kill teams rules? or are they based on the 4th ed BRB?

12-17-2012, 03:49 AM
I second for options that Wolfguard will have the most stuff you can do and having either BC or GH would fit into that mixture well too. I would also like to voice that I thought Outcast dead was a terrible book.... I don't think it was till chapter 16 that I was really interested in what was happening, The Lightning Bearer got my attention.

What does BC & GH stand for? Also I agree Outcast Dead was very boring till around the jailbreak.

Some new rules are coming out that incorporate night fighting into the missions and only allow your specialists to choose from a set number of rules (basically nothing that changes a weapons type (ie blast, torrent) as well as Psyker and Smash). Here is the last rules pack. (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2450166a_40K_Kill_Team_Pack_Dec_2012_(1).pdf)

Animus Silvanna
12-18-2012, 12:16 AM
BC= Blood Claws, GH=Grey Hunters

White Tiger88
12-18-2012, 02:26 AM
Honestly i would say Chaos Spacemarine you can mix up some weapons and give your self a nice OP Librarian to save the day.

12-18-2012, 02:32 AM
Honestly i would say Chaos Spacemarine you can mix up some weapons and give your self a nice OP Librarian to save the day.

Tell me more, cause I don't have a Chaos Codex so I can't see those options in detail, just remember I need to abide by minimum unit count?

Horowitz Tal
12-18-2012, 10:29 AM
I'd go with book marines,
taking sterns or veterns, and a sniper scout for your long range spec.

Animus Silvanna
12-18-2012, 09:11 PM
I'm a bit confused on the rules. can you only purchase one person from a said squad or do you have to buy a whole squad and hope you have points left over to kit them out? for instance would i have to buy a unit of grey knight interceptors or could I just buy one?

12-19-2012, 03:55 AM
I'm a bit confused on the rules. can you only purchase one person from a said squad or do you have to buy a whole squad and hope you have points left over to kit them out? for instance would i have to buy a unit of grey knight interceptors or could I just buy one?

Normal codex restrictions apply so you would have to take the minimum squad as if it were a normal army list, only once the game has begun to they each act as interdependent units.

12-19-2012, 08:15 AM
Chaos Chosen or Wolf Guard.