View Full Version : One particular thing I HATE about Facebook

12-16-2012, 01:20 AM
When I first set up my Facebook page I intended it only as a generic means to keep in touch with friends I don't see every day. That's it. I do not care about my friends' extended group of friends. I do not want to get to know them. I certainly do not give one flying fornication about their opinions.

Lately I've noticed that some of my friends' friends seem to think it's cool to go into posts that mutual friends have commented on, on the pages of people their friends know (but whom they do not know at all) and make asinine comments. Yeah, I know I can mark my posts so that only friends can see them, but I don't think I should have to. I shouldn't have to go to any effort to keep some total f-tard I do not know from posting on my personal Facebook page. And in general I think people should have the common decency to not inject themselves into private conversations they are not a part of.

Is that really too much to ask?

12-16-2012, 03:58 AM
Can't stand FB, I deactivated my account for the very same reasons you have stated.

The other thing was those "like this picture if you blah blah blah" "ignore if you like animal abuse" etc etc.
Sure I don't "like" cancer but I don't have to like a bloody picture to prove the point.

There was loads of those pointless sentimental bull**** pictures flooding my page from friends of friends etc. another reason I got myself of FB. It's mostly pointless drivel.

12-16-2012, 04:32 AM
Don't have Facebook, never going to have Facebook.

12-16-2012, 05:11 AM
I've had facebook since back when you had to have an email address from an approved College/University. Back when all statuses were of the form "Mark Smith is...". Back when you could only have a total of 64 photos uploaded at any time, and they all had to be pretty small and fairly pixelated. Back when it was actually a useful communication tool to organise study sessions, the occasional party and work out if it was worth calling someones home phone or pay quite a bit more to call their mobile (IF they had one, and that was a reanably big if...)

It was really useful. I have enjoyed having it these last few years and it has certainly made my life easier in many respects, especially with friends from primary school and the like who have spread themselves across the globe. I do have to agree though that it has changed for the worse.

Don't get me wrong; most of my Albums on their are more than 64 photos, and are of pretty high quality. I like that my status can actually be what is on my mind or informing people of something important rather than simply stating where I am. I lvoe the fact that via the magic of mobile technology I can have a chat with a good friend in New Zealand without it costing me a penny more than my phone contract.

It is the rest of it. I don't fully agree with the friends of friends making comments thing, as I have actually met some very cool people that way and formed some pretty decent relationships. Although I suppose that depends as much on the asinineness of the comments and I can certainly understand why that's be annoying. I do fully agree about the "like if you love/hate XXXYYY". If it is something inane, it is a waste of time and money. If it is something about hating a disease, stop making your pathetic pictures and use that time and effort to go out and raise money/awareness and actually do something positive with your life.

Lastly; the games. I have made my friends abundantly aware that I have no interest in playing them and losing so many hours of my life growing virtual crops. Admittedly I spend plenty of time on here, but generally that is constructive, inspiring and generally a good thing. Same for Minecraft and the like; I actually do something creative, with a small amount of drama/suspence thrown in when I go exploring, forget my torches because it is day light and find myself a very very long way from my house with no way of finding the way back until the sun come up. I have started unfriending anyone who sends me a game request (unless they have actually spoken to me about it and have given me a sufficiently good reason to give it a go). A couple of people got really annoyed at me for it. I still can't work out why. They never contacted me for anything else until I unfriended them? All of a sudden they can't believe I didn't want to be their friend. WTF?

So, to sum up (sorry, that got a lot longer than I thought) generally it is a useful tool still and I don't want to get rid of it, but I do wish they would provide some way of blocking out a lot of the crap!

12-16-2012, 05:31 AM
When I first set up my Facebook page I intended it only as a generic means to keep in touch with friends I don't see every day. That's it. I do not care about my friends' extended group of friends. I do not want to get to know them. I certainly do not give one flying fornication about their opinions.

Lately I've noticed that some of my friends' friends seem to think it's cool to go into posts that mutual friends have commented on, on the pages of people their friends know (but whom they do not know at all) and make asinine comments. Yeah, I know I can mark my posts so that only friends can see them, but I don't think I should have to. I shouldn't have to go to any effort to keep some total f-tard I do not know from posting on my personal Facebook page. And in general I think people should have the common decency to not inject themselves into private conversations they are not a part of.

Is that really too much to ask?

Whilst I agree with the sentiment that morons shouldn't post on the pages of people they don't know, the reality is they will. The internet has become the ultimate tool for free speech; people view it as a forum to air their views, no matter how pointless or offensive they may be. People don't feel constrained by the social niceties they would follow in real life. Rightly or wrongly, that is what it is and if we want to use Facebook and forums and twitter and whatever we have to accept this. If you have an issue with that, set your privacy settings so they can't. I don't see why it is an issue, you don't want them contacting you anyway, so don't let them.

I'd also suggest reviewing who you are friends with on Facebook. If any of my friends were friends with the kinds of cretins who posted on my facebook page uninvited it would be grounds for instant removal from my friends list.

12-16-2012, 06:01 AM
I'd also suggest reviewing who you are friends with on Facebook. If any of my friends were friends with the kinds of cretins who posted on my facebook page uninvited it would be grounds for instant removal from my friends list.

This +1.

You set boundaries for your social life in real-life; why should Facebook do it for you? It is set up to get you to have as broad a social net as possible so it can maximise revenue because (surprise!) it's a business. As a result, like any computer program, it needs to optimised for your personal use. You don't like those inane pictures? Just unfriend the people who post them. If you're worried about offending people, send them a message first. Funnily enough, communicating with people is the key to success at a tool that is designed for communication.

Personally, I find Facebook an immeasurably useful tool because it's a much easier way than most to keep in quick and effective contact with old friends who have emigrated elsewhere (of which I have many) and family members who live far away (again, I have many). I use it as a different form of personal email - nothing more - and have been fine with it so far.

Aspire to Glory
12-16-2012, 11:40 AM
I deleted my account for a while to disconnect from the bullcrap. It was very cleansing.

When I was ready again, I remade an entirely new account and then readded the people whom I would have no other means of contact. When I have much fewer contacts, it's easier to manage what I get from them as well.

It makes facebook a tool rather than a black hole of morons.

12-16-2012, 12:40 PM
readded the people whom I would have no other means of contact. When I have much fewer contacts, it's easier to manage what I get from them as well.

Is this not how people normally use Facebook?

Seriously, I've never understood the whole "We were mates at school, add me on Facebook!" thing. If I don't know you and speak to you on a regular basis, or we aren't once close friends separated by geographical distance, you aren't getting on my friends list. I also tend to have a yearly spring-cleaning of friends, unfriending the ones I've not spoken to in a year or so; seriously, what's the point in having them there? Any who complain... well, it's never happened yet, so it can't be a big deal.

Aspire to Glory
12-16-2012, 02:00 PM
Is this not how people normally use Facebook?

Seriously, I've never understood the whole "We were mates at school, add me on Facebook!" thing. If I don't know you and speak to you on a regular basis, or we aren't once close friends separated by geographical distance, you aren't getting on my friends list. I also tend to have a yearly spring-cleaning of friends, unfriending the ones I've not spoken to in a year or so; seriously, what's the point in having them there? Any who complain... well, it's never happened yet, so it can't be a big deal.

That's the criteria that I used for the new ones. Needed a change.

12-16-2012, 03:25 PM
I have never had a facebook account and from the amount of people I know who have had arguments over the bloody site I think it's a good idea to continue to shun the site.

12-16-2012, 03:31 PM
from the amount of people I know who have had arguments... I think it's a good idea to continue to shun the site.

That's the reason I don't go to pubs.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-16-2012, 05:20 PM
Is this not how people normally use Facebook?

Seriously, I've never understood the whole "We were mates at school, add me on Facebook!" thing. If I don't know you and speak to you on a regular basis, or we aren't once close friends separated by geographical distance, you aren't getting on my friends list. I also tend to have a yearly spring-cleaning of friends, unfriending the ones I've not spoken to in a year or so; seriously, what's the point in having them there? Any who complain... well, it's never happened yet, so it can't be a big deal.

This! So much this!
I regularly sweep my friends list, likes, etc etc for spammers and other annoyances.

I think Facebook is a great organisational and sharing tool, if I find a funny picture I can share it with those who want to see it.
No one can view my account unless they are on my friends list, nor comment on any status that I post.

Facebook is like everything on the internet; use it wisely and it is a great resource. Use it incorrectly and you get what you deserve.

Uncle Nutsy
12-16-2012, 09:47 PM
the thing that gets me about facebook is as soon as you click 'like' on something interesting from a company, suddenly you get feeds about ALL their stuff. with no way to turn it off.

GW, I'm looking right AT YOU.

12-17-2012, 03:37 AM
You can "hide posts by ...."

But surely the issue is with the users and not facebook itself, I had one person who always made some comment on my posts so I defriended him. Lovely guy in real life but a complete knob when in charge of a computer.

Mr Mystery
12-17-2012, 08:38 AM
I like to use it for ranting at an uncaring world.

Very cathartic, and prevent me losing my rag in the real world.

But yes. All that '1 like = 1 prayer'. NO IT DOESN'T! SOD OFF!

Oh. And text speak. I loathe it. If you wish to communicate with me, at least have the common decency to make at least a stab at proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, like what I do. Doesn't have to be perfect, but the second you start substituting numbers for letters, or dropping random vowels....I shall never talk to you again.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-17-2012, 09:31 AM
Wat R d1s, Mystery?

12-17-2012, 10:08 AM
If you wish to communicate with me, at least have the common decency to make at least a stab at proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, like what I do.

I have de-friended someone before now because all of their statuses were badly spelt and had a "pinoneering" approach to grammar and in many cases were rendered unintelligible.

12-17-2012, 11:27 AM
If you wish to communicate with me, at least have the common decency to make at least a stab at proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, like what I do. Doesn't have to be perfect, but the second you start substituting numbers for letters, or dropping random vowels....I shall never talk to you again.

The repetition of 'at least' is unnecessary here.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-17-2012, 11:31 AM

Mr Mystery
12-18-2012, 07:23 AM
The repetition of 'at least' is unnecessary here.

Thankfully I had the good sense to point out I'm not holding myself up as some paragon of grammar, just giving it my best.

Face is therefore saved!

12-18-2012, 07:32 AM
I have de-friended someone before now because all of their statuses were badly spelt and had a "pinoneering" approach to grammar and in many cases were rendered unintelligible.

I nearly refused to date a woman because of how bad her spelling and stuff was on facebook when we added each other.

Luckily for her it improved immediatly, and has remained high quality. Which considering I married her is a good thing...

Mr Mystery
12-18-2012, 07:40 AM
And another thing which winds me up....faux anarchist postings.

You know the one, 'Do X, Do Y, Do Z, tell yourself your free, whilst I sniff my own farts and call it Chanel'.

Perhaps it's just the age I'm at, but sod off with your moronic student stand point on life. Belt up. Get a job, move out your Mum and Dads and realise the very things you say restrict freedom are the only way to taste it. And in the mean time, I will save for my future, and pay into a pension. Why? Because living my last in some god awful state funded care home, sitting in a puddle of my own lav lav, whilst being ignored by the staff unless they fancy kicking my head in really doesn't appeal.

12-18-2012, 07:51 AM
tell yourself you're free
Fixed :D

But I agree with the sentiment.
It seems to be all about style over substance now.

Mr Mystery
12-18-2012, 08:03 AM
Oh I was quoting.......... honest....

12-18-2012, 08:20 AM
I believe you :)

12-18-2012, 08:39 PM
You can "hide posts by ...."

But surely the issue is with the users and not facebook itself, I had one person who always made some comment on my posts so I defriended him. Lovely guy in real life but a complete knob when in charge of a computer.

Indeed I can and have. The point however (and why I blame facebook) is I shouldn't have to. By definition I did not invite this douche into my conversation. He should have had the basic class to not stick his nose into something that was none of his business. Failing that, facebook should not allow non-friends to post anything on my home page without my express approval. That's just common sense.

Uncle Nutsy
12-18-2012, 09:51 PM
and the same proposition can be made for companies that take your "like" as an invitation to put everything they have on your page.

yes i "liked" whatever it was that I saw once. that does not give you permission to turn my page into an ad or product feed from you.

12-18-2012, 11:43 PM
and the same proposition can be made for companies that take your "like" as an invitation to put everything they have on your page.

yes i "liked" whatever it was that I saw once. that does not give you permission to turn my page into an ad or product feed from you.

Well ... yes. In the case of your average soulless company I can understand it though. I don't like it and I don't respect it, but I understand it. In the case of FB allowing douchbags to post unannounced in anyone's private front page, that I don't quite understand. Where's the profit margin?

Oh, and in related news, did you hear that Instagram (owned by FB) has changed their privacy policy such that any images posted using their service becomes "theirs" to sell to advertisers without the original poster's knowledge or consent? I put "theirs" in quotes, because the legalese of the policy words it such that they don't claim any actual ownership of the image, but they claim ownership of the right to sell it without the image owner's consent. How's that for five flavors of "special."

12-19-2012, 01:21 AM
Never going to get a Facebook account.

12-19-2012, 02:46 AM
Indeed I can and have. The point however (and why I blame facebook) is I shouldn't have to. By definition I did not invite this douche into my conversation. He should have had the basic class to not stick his nose into something that was none of his business. Failing that, facebook should not allow non-friends to post anything on my home page without my express approval. That's just common sense.

Intrusions into life by 3rd parties are all too common, from the charity collector rattling their tin in my face while walking around to the advertisiments on TV/websites all are uninvited.

At least on Facebook unlike sat in the pub, you can hide/delete/remove the person/content, having someone over hearing your conversation and joining in is not as easy to deal with, especially when you have already asked them to leave you be...

12-19-2012, 04:17 PM
I gave up on FB over a year ago there was too much crap and too many people I didn't like as my 'Friends'!