View Full Version : Black Library Recommendations?

Godless Zealot
12-14-2012, 01:13 PM
So after reading the background in the new rulebook, a ton of internet articles and as many codices as I could get my hands on I'm still looking to further my education in 40k lore. I've decided perhaps a Black Library book is in order. So I ask fellow BoLS users any recommendations?

I'm probably going to avoid the Horus Heresy series for now, sticking to just 40k era to avoid confusion, so are there any standout titles or series that a newcomer should read?

Thanks in advance, GZ.

12-14-2012, 01:19 PM
Personally, I really like the Blood Angels Omnibus. The second one is on its way from Amazon as we speak.

12-14-2012, 01:52 PM
Titanicus was a great read.

If you're into Eldar, the Path (Warrior, Seer and Outcast) is a great read, even if warrior is a bit ****

Path of Renegade (and soon Incubi) for Dark Eldar goings on

12-14-2012, 02:04 PM
Dead Men Walking is fantastic, as is Titanicus. The Caiphas Cain series is another I really enjoy, though some consider its lighthearted approach a turn off.

For more recent releases Priests of Mars is a great read.

12-14-2012, 03:36 PM
If you do decide to dip a toe in the benighted waters of the Horus Heresy series, the first 3 books (Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy in Flames) form a single arc and are quite good. From there, you're best off picking based on your favorite faction. I have all of them so far that have been produced in paperback, and while I don't regret the purchases, there is a clear variation in quality. Be warned, you might find yourself either liking or disliking an army much more than previously if you read some of the legion specific ones.

Lastly, if you read much of the main arc of the Heresy, whereupon a certain gray-armored chaplain keeps showing up often, do yourself a favor and read the epilogue of Fear to Tread. It is extremely satisfying.

Godless Zealot
12-14-2012, 03:46 PM
Thanks for the responses guys that's given me a good list to start with! :)

If you do decide to dip a toe in the benighted waters of the Horus Heresy series, the first 3 books (Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy in Flames) form a single arc and are quite good. From there, you're best off picking based on your favorite faction. I have all of them so far that have been produced in paperback, and while I don't regret the purchases, there is a clear variation in quality. Be warned, you might find yourself either liking or disliking an army much more than previously if you read some of the legion specific ones.

Lastly, if you read much of the main arc of the Heresy, whereupon a certain gray-armored chaplain keeps showing up often, do yourself a favor and read the epilogue of Fear to Tread. It is extremely satisfying.

I do intend to get into the series in the future but for now I am opting for books set in the 40k era before I visit the ages past. ;)

12-14-2012, 07:09 PM
The Night Lords series is a good one, as is the Eldar Path series.

The first of the Dark Eldar books, Path of the Renegade, was a really fun one to read. It starts off pretty bad as he gets some key facts about a couple of things very wrong (Haemonculi and Scourge status and personality, along with the difference between a Kabal and a Wych Cult), but once you're past that initial little bit it's great.

One thing you always have to remember when reading Black Library books is that they very often get a couple of things wrong in terms of established canon, but as long as they aren't vital to the story you can generally just ignore and forgive them and have a good, entertaining read. It's always good to thoroughly read a faction's codex before reading any Black Library books about them, as it gives you the necessary grounding in their fluff to properly understand and appreciate the book as well as understand which parts are a little off-mark and which parts are brilliant realisations of the backstory.

Godless Zealot
12-14-2012, 07:15 PM
The Night Lords series is a good one, as is the Eldar Path series.

The first of the Dark Eldar books, Path of the Renegade, was a really fun one to read. It starts off pretty bad as he gets some key facts about a couple of things very wrong (Haemonculi and Scourge status and personality, along with the difference between a Kabal and a Wych Cult), but once you're past that initial little bit it's great.

One thing you always have to remember when reading Black Library books is that they very often get a couple of things wrong in terms of established canon, but as long as they aren't vital to the story you can generally just ignore and forgive them and have a good, entertaining read. It's always good to thoroughly read a faction's codex before reading any Black Library books about them, as it gives you the necessary grounding in their fluff to properly understand and appreciate the book as well as understand which parts are a little off-mark and which parts are brilliant realisations of the backstory.

Thanks for the recommendations, my first army project are Chaos Marines so strongly considering the Night Lords series. As a newcomer I'm not too concerned with a few canonical errors here and there just looking for a good read, that's assuming I would even notice such errors in the first place!

Animus Silvanna
12-14-2012, 08:19 PM
Since it hasn't been suggested yet :P I suggest Grey Knights, It is a fantastic book and the battles that rage are very well written and it reads like a movie its one of my favorite books. Also I think the Ragnar Series is very fantastic also well written and i think is a good starter book for anyone into the 41st millennium as it starts when Ragnar is just a lowly barbaric tribesmen who only knows the life of surviving the harsh climate of Fenris.

12-15-2012, 03:46 AM
Gaunts Ghosts, an Imperial Guard light recon unit with deep characters, interesting storyline spanning 10ish books currently. All the books are in chronological order and takes the story further at every book. The main setting is the Sabbat-worlds Crusade.

Horus Heresy- series gives never before seen and established backround to the 40k enthusiastics. Also great read for the most part. Also would recommend to start from number 1 and make your way forward from there.

My first read was Armageddon (8 years back or so), that was the book that got me into this universe for good. Not sure if there are more of the series, or if its even available anymore, but i have truly fond memories of the book. (Ofc it could be that time has golded the memory, but i highly doubt it :) )

12-15-2012, 06:49 AM
Thanks for the recommendations, my first army project are Chaos Marines so strongly considering the Night Lords series. As a newcomer I'm not too concerned with a few canonical errors here and there just looking for a good read, that's assuming I would even notice such errors in the first place!

It's worth bearing in mind that these particular Night Lords aren't like most Chaos Marines. Well they are, but without the fanatical devotion to the chaos gods. They're a great series of books, but there isn't much in the way of chaos rituals and such.

dark messenger
12-15-2012, 07:49 AM
I would recommend the numerous books written about the IG or from their perspective actually.

I know everyone has their favourite faction/army/legion/etc but the IG books give a very human view of the whole 40K universe. Of course you get your good guys and bad guys but unlike many of the (admittedly awesome and loveable) SM based books, it's not just about superheroic sacrifice or near demonic evil.
Not to mention with the SM's it can get a little ridiculous and hard to track just what they're capable of from author to author. Whereas the Guard are not physically or mentally capable of what SM's can do, they achieve so much through guts and that "human" factor.

My faves are the Ciaphas Cain and Gaunts Ghosts series as they have clearly defined structures and give a wonderful description of the galaxy at large from their respective times. Well written and presented.

Choice is yours at the end of the day though :D

12-15-2012, 07:57 AM
Graham McNeill's Iron Warriors omnibus is a good one; reads well, fun stories. I'll also agree with the recommendation of the Night Lords trilogy--they're well-written and vastly enjoyable books. Night Lords is the better of the two, IMO.

For non-chaos stuff, the Gaunt's Ghosts books are fun, as are Abnett's two Inquisitor trilogies (Eisenhorn and Ravenor).

Godless Zealot
12-15-2012, 10:53 AM
Thanks for the input guys got a nice long list of juicy books to get through now! May well start with some of the Ghosts novels first would be nice to get that 'human factor' to establish some more 'relatability' to the 40k universe before reading about bio engineered super warriors and monstrous aliens and the like. :)

12-15-2012, 01:17 PM
The first 9 or so in the Ghosts series have been collected in Omnibus collections, you can find those pretty cheap on Amazon, if you don't mind used. I think you'll dig them.

Godless Zealot
12-15-2012, 01:56 PM
The first 9 or so in the Ghosts series have been collected in Omnibus collections, you can find those pretty cheap on Amazon, if you don't mind used. I think you'll dig them.

Thanks for the tip! I'll check that out!

The Sovereign
12-16-2012, 05:26 PM
I also recommend the Inquisitor Eisenhorn (and Ravenor) books, they're amazing. As a fan of Space Wolves and Thousand Sons, I of course think Prospero Burns and A Thousand Sons are great, though I'm not really into most of the Horus Heresy stuff. Also, BL's audio dramas are really good, too.

12-16-2012, 08:34 PM
If you want to go with a IG book but don't want to be married to a series I suggest Dead Men Walking.

If you want to go with the Astartes but not a series, I'd recommend Battle of the Fang or Grey Knights.

The Night Lords series is fantastic, as is the Salamanders series and both are only 3 books.

I second Titanicus as a fantastic book and you cant go wrong with the Eisenhorn trilogy.

Animus Silvanna
12-16-2012, 09:43 PM
I also recommend the Inquisitor Eisenhorn (and Ravenor) books, they're amazing. As a fan of Space Wolves and Thousand Sons, I of course think Prosperous Burns and A Thousand Soms are great, though I'm not really into most of the Horus Heresy stuff. Also, BL's audio dramas are really good, too.
OH MINE GOSH! Hell yes i havent gotten a chance to read the Eisenhorn series but Ravenor was utterly fantastic. The story line was very engaging with nice subtle twist that were not ridiculous and the character were very well felt. You could feel the pain Ravenor goes through having survived the accident.

12-17-2012, 12:14 AM
Black Library Decision Tree:

Is it written by Dan Abnett?
If yes ------> READ IT, READ IT NOW!!!
If no -------> You're on your own...

But seriously everything he writes is great. The first three Gaunt's Ghosts omnibuses (The Founding, The Saint, and The Lost) and the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies (also all available in omnibuses) are great stories all around. There are certainly other good writers (I was being hyperbolic above) but Abnett is a great writer and story teller and you can't go wrong starting with his books.

12-19-2012, 01:42 PM
Also if it is chaos you are after the word bearers trilogy is a great read.It has an epecially lovable magos/demon in it.:)

Animus Silvanna
12-19-2012, 10:08 PM
Black Library Decision Tree:

Is it written by Dan Abnett?
If yes ------> READ IT, READ IT NOW!!!
If no -------> You're on your own...

But seriously everything he writes is great. The first three Gaunt's Ghosts omnibuses (The Founding, The Saint, and The Lost) and the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies (also all available in omnibuses) are great stories all around. There are certainly other good writers (I was being hyperbolic above) but Abnett is a great writer and story teller and you can't go wrong starting with his books.

The only thing I can about that is i would have agreed with you before the Ultramarines fiasco... Now I question his sanity.

12-20-2012, 10:31 AM
The only thing I can about that is i would have agreed with you before the Ultramarines fiasco... Now I question his sanity.

Now now, you can't blame a screen writer for a cinematic disaster. The story even had the bones of some promise to it but the follow through was... blah... The whole movie felt like it got chopped down to half size and rushed to release before post-production was finished. On the whole Abnett's record is solid...

But yeah, why did you even have to bring Ultramarines up? Leaves a nasty taste in my mouth to think about it. I was so excited that I preordered it and everything then just kinda blocked it out of my memory after watching it. XP

12-21-2012, 04:52 AM
Now now, you can't blame a screen writer for a cinematic disaster. The story even had the bones of some promise to it but the follow through was... blah... The whole movie felt like it got chopped down to half size and rushed to release before post-production was finished. On the whole Abnett's record is solid...

But yeah, why did you even have to bring Ultramarines up? Leaves a nasty taste in my mouth to think about it. I was so excited that I preordered it and everything then just kinda blocked it out of my memory after watching it. XP

Like the stasis-field Crozius, needing the Apothecary to turn on his searchlight to see in the dark when they have their helmets, Black Legion just running into bolter fire and growling and snarling like animals, a 'daemon prince' who isn't a daemon prince, he's just possessed, newly appointed battle brothers acting like hot-headed youngsters despite having that kicked out of them long before they can become battle brothers, bolters going through power armour like paper, and goodness knows how much else?

Yeah, not the writer's fault at all. :P

The animation was also absolutely terrible, but that one isn't his fault.

Godless Zealot
01-01-2013, 10:35 AM
Got 'The Founding' omnibus of Gaunts Ghosts for crimbo and loving it thanks for the recommend guys even though I didn't expect it to be a collection of short stories at first. Haha I recently watched that Ultramarine movie too, even to a newcomer of 40k like me it seemed a little naff.

dark messenger
01-03-2013, 01:49 AM
Not to turn this tread into an Ultramarines bashing but.... yeah. I can swallow much from the GW mill but that just took it too far. Killed any and all hope I had for a decent expansion into film :(

But where Abnett is concerned, he is certainly one of the finest writers they have. His books are little bit like marmite but love 'em or hate 'em you can't deny the man has a way with words.
His books are well worth a read as I think, by this point, they make up about a third of the "core" GW fluff books.

01-03-2013, 02:35 AM
The last chancers trilogy is a good read.
The Eisornhorn/Ravenor series is very good.
The Ciaphas Cain series is worth a read if you like your violence with a slice of dark humour.

Godless Zealot
01-03-2013, 01:38 PM
After I've finished The Founding I have the first Ciaphas Cain novel borrowed from a new friend ready to go. I like the idea of the 'cowardly' but highly respected commissar, sounds like a good read!

01-04-2013, 02:47 AM
More "Enlightened self interest" than cowardly...

01-04-2013, 02:53 AM
I love the Cain novels :) They make me smile and add some levity to the Grim Darkness, my favourite is the reference to the children's song "The Tracks of the Land Raider crush the Heretic" (In my mind at least sung to the tune of the Wheels on the 'bus)

01-04-2013, 03:08 AM
Not just in yours lol, but it also gives some interesting insights into off battlefield lives of the Imperium.

Godless Zealot
01-06-2013, 10:44 AM
More "Enlightened self interest" than cowardly...

That's what I was driving at with the whole in inverted commas thing :).

01-06-2013, 05:28 PM


Godless Zealot
01-11-2013, 12:30 PM
Just ploughed through the first Cain novel, very enjoyable. Next I have loaned another book from one of my new 40k friends the Iron Warriors novel Storm of Iron which I have heard very good things about!