View Full Version : Flesh Tearers Log

12-12-2012, 07:24 PM
After reading Fear to Tread, I decided it was time my Blood Angels came out of retirement and furthermore decided that Flesh Tearers was the way to go. I have also been informed that there is a package that suspiciously resembles an airbrush waiting under the Christmas tree, so it looks like Seth and his crew are going to suffer though being guinea pigs as I learn to master the art of blasting paint all over creation at however many psi an airbrush takes . . .

However, it wouldn't be proper to start a painting log with out at least some paint, so here we have Chaplain Israfel, who is being done up first as a proof of concept/comparison model to stand next to the airbrush victims. At this stage he has been primed and all the base layers have been blocked in. The leather brown will be bone when it's done, and the terracotta color is the base for gold.


(Apologies for the quality, that was the best I could wrench out of my camera at the moment)

A question for you all: I want to do something with the wings to break up the monotone black, but I'm not sure what. I was leaning toward either bone or steel, and then doing the chest icon to match. Any suggestions?

12-13-2012, 05:13 AM
Bone would look awesome :)

12-17-2012, 07:41 PM
And so, here is the Chaplain in (mostly) final colors. Once I get the last bits done and figure out how to do a FT saw on that kneecap, should be good to be sealed.

I went a bit heavy on the weathering on this guy, as he's mainly a test piece. For the effect I sponged on a bit of P3 Bastion Grey and then dabbed a tiny bit of Cold Steel on top. The model was also hit in a few spots with a drybrush of VMC Gunmetal Gray. While I know that the Astartes are very meticulous about maintaining their wargear, at the same time dropping headlong into the fray and smiting the Emperor's enemies by hand is bound to be hell on the paint, so I plan on giving all the models a fair going-over with weathering and chipping effects, save for the Sanguinary Guard.

12-20-2012, 11:32 PM
Couple of WIP shots:

First up is the Sergeant for my Scout Squad; the Combi-melta is made out of the normal Scout bolter and an Infernus pistol, while the Servo Skull is there to indicate a locator beacon. I wanted him to have a chain-axe more for the utility of cutting through cover and improving positions, with a little bit of heretic maiming thrown in.

Next up is one of the Sanguinary Guard. Originally I had use the Sang Guard bodies for Vanguard Vets, and as a result the original Glaives are no longer serviceable. Once the glue cures enough, I plan to clip off the hilts and connect the weapons by a cable, going off the idea of a returning thrown weapon type of "glaive".

01-09-2013, 10:08 PM
And now, the first of the airbrush victims! Sergeant of the Assault Terminators; he's got most all of the block painting and initial wash done, highlights to be done as soon as I find that tutorial again . . .
I've been having trouble with the paint getting *too* thin in the airbrush, if such a thing is possible, but otherwise it certainly seems handy.