View Full Version : Ork Boyz tactica

warboss Grotgrim Dakaskab
12-12-2012, 04:26 PM
Hey all.
As a avid Ork player I field Orks alot (well no genius) so I decided that I would post a rough idea for tactica for a certain unit each day. So, using what most/all Ork players use, i thought i would start with da Boyz.
Now Boyz are greay. For 145pts you can have a 30 man sqyad of Boyz with 3 big shootas. Now thats how i play them. Massive blob squads that charge forward (move then run) untill they get into combat. 9 times out of ten this works and they slaughter all (e.g. Mephiston and avatar of Khaine in last 2 games). So tgats my rough idea on how to use boyz in small point games. More boyz eaqual more enemy dead. So if you have any better tactica ideas for Ork boyz please post it. And look out for my itger Ork tactica posts, hopefully posted daily.
Tah to all,
warboss Grotgrim Dakaskab

12-13-2012, 03:48 PM
I used to field only 30 boy mobz, but I have moved to running multiple 20 boy mobz (3x20 instead of 2x30 for example) for moving forward and usually leaving one mob of 30 shoota boyz to camp an objective. I feel like the smaller squad sizes make them easier to maneuver on the table and give the opponent more threats to worry about.

I will usually still have the nob with a power klaw and boss pole in each squad. Some argue that nobz should be dropped with the new challenge rules, but I still like having a boss pole. On top of that, a nob without a PK is not really any better in challenges than one with a PK because of their initiative, so might as well keep the PK if you're keeping the nob.

Depending on what else I'm running and the points available, I still like throwing in the one unit of 'ard boyz. Throw them in front of the other boyz that are marching forward, either soaking up a few more wounds that a regular boyz squad normally would or granting the unit behind a cover save if the opponent tries to shoot through them at other boyz.

warboss Grotgrim Dakaskab
12-13-2012, 04:32 PM
I used to field only 30 boy mobz, but I have moved to running multiple 20 boy mobz (3x20 instead of 2x30 for example) for moving forward and usually leaving one mob of 30 shoota boyz to camp an objective. I feel like the smaller squad sizes make them easier to maneuver on the table and give the opponent more threats to worry about.

I will usually still have the nob with a power klaw and boss pole in each squad. Some argue that nobz should be dropped with the new challenge rules, but I still like having a boss pole. On top of that, a nob without a PK is not really any better in challenges than one with a PK because of their initiative, so might as well keep the PK if you're keeping the nob.

Depending on what else I'm running and the points available, I still like throwing in the one unit of 'ard boyz. Throw them in front of the other boyz that are marching forward, either soaking up a few more wounds that a regular boyz squad normally would or granting the unit behind a cover save if the opponent tries to shoot through them at other boyz.

I agree. A unit of Shoot boyz on objectives are great,.but ard shoota boyz are the best. Also due to certain reasons there will be no new tactica tonight. Soz all.

12-13-2012, 10:13 PM
Always had a soft spot for Orks, they were my very first 40K army after all.
Kind of hard to decide between Shoota or Slugga boys haha, though I think Shoota's just win for me - extra shots, longer range, Overwatch potential, etc. Of course though, Slugga's win where it counts - combat.

12-14-2012, 06:43 AM
Actually, shootas are better for charging into combat too, Shootas are assualt weapons, so they can fire them before charging in and they're twice as effective as sluggas!

12-15-2012, 02:56 AM
First of all: a unit of 30 boyz with 3 big shootas costs 195 points NOT 145pts as you said. (Although still cheap for so many models)

Secondly it indeed is a rough idea of an Ork Tactica, I think you forgot to mention more than half the options mentioned in the Codex.

1 rule is important if you are using Boyz : "the more the merrier"

My tactics with Orks are:

Shoota Boyz: Size between 20 and 30 (depending on point size and scenery). I use Shoota boyz for objective hugging -they have fairly good shooting range and, even if they are Orks, a salvo of 60 shots is nothing to be sniffed at- and 'mid-range support'. Heavy weapons should be included in this kind of unit. They will hold their own in combat but that is not their primary use. Nobz and their upgrades are optional, depending on how many points you still have to spend. Bosspole and 'eavy armour can be nice (although if you shoota Boyz get into a long-ranged fire fight you are doing something wrong with the rest of your army) and power klaw and big choppa are completly useless.
This is a more defensively oriented unit that can still hold its own aggressively.

Slugga Boyz: Size between 20 and 30 (depending on point size and scenery). Slugga boyz will run at the enemy as fast as they can. With their 2 close combat weapons they are masters of melee (so heavy weapons are a waste of points in this kind of unit - they will run in each shooting phase). Their objective is to get into charge range as soon as possible and attack. Nobz and their upgrades are 'nice to have'. Bosspole can be good to keep you boyz fighting, 'eavy armour can save your Nob and power klaw and big choppa for your Nob can be helpfull in melee (although personally I am reluctant to give a Nob of a footsloggin unit a power klaw, they are to expensive to risk them to run away with their unit when they are shot up completely in their dash to the enemy)
Assault unit.

Trukk Boyz: Size = 12 They are both a distraction AND a real danger. They will race to then enemy lines as fast as possible, disembark the Boyz so they can charge (Trukks are an Assault Vehicle). 1 Trukk is almost useless (they get shot up pretty quickly), 2 Trukks are good and 3 Trukks are better.
Either the enemy focusses at the Trukks to shoot them up (distraction = this gives your footslogging units time to get close to the enemy) or the ignore them (real danger = they can attack almost anywhere they want). I only put Slugga boyz in them because their primary role is to attack. Heavy weapons are optional and not really neccessary in this kind of unit. Nobz and their upgrades are almost a must I should say. Bosspole certainly (there are only 12 boyz in the unit, so they can be called up to do some Morale test quickly), 'eavy armour is OK and melee weapons are nice. (personally I like to give these Nobz a power klaw so they can take out even a Leman Russ when attacking)
Assault unit

Other considerations:

Big shoota vs. Rokkit launcha - I use almost exclusively big shootas, the more shots the better. Rokkits are great for busting armour but you wouldn't want your 30 strong mob to shoot at a Tank because there are a couple of rokkits in that unit (which have a low chance of hitting - they're Orks after all ;) )
You can equip some Trukk boyz especially as Tank Hunters and give them rokkit launchas but overall I think rokkit launchas cost to much for what they are worth.

'Ard Boyz - depending on which army you will be facing. 'Ard boyz are almost twice as expensive as a normal boy. So if the majority of your enemy will shoot with AP5 or less weapons they can be a nice addition to your army, otherwise they will die as quick as a normal boy. (personally I haven't used them but can be a nice surprise for your enemy when the boyz don't die as quickly as expected :) )

Stikkbombs - haven't used them, unless attacking an enemy behind fortifications they seem quite useless for their price (but that's a personal opinion, not a real tactica explanation)

Additional thoughts:
Trukk - don't overdo the options on Trukks. Trukk can become very pricy very quick and remember: "they blow up very fast" (and you would rather loose 35 points than 60 points)

Numbers - Boyz will die! It is a hard fact of Ork life. So always take enough boyz so you can afford to loose more than a few.

Now while I don't assume I am the very best Ork Warlord around I still think the above Tactica isn't all cr*p.

warboss Grotgrim Dakaskab
12-16-2012, 07:45 AM
My post was the intro. This post is about the options.
Now, boyz can have lots of upgrades, such as Eavy armour (making them Ard boyz), they can be slugga or shoota boyz (i prefer slugga) and they can take big shootas or rokkit launchas.
(I have purposley left out that one can become a Nob)
I will ezplain more later.