View Full Version : psy power ?

12-12-2012, 07:29 AM
ok i may have missed somthing while pageing through my rule book but i am wondering if any of you all have an answer (oh grate and all knowing bols forum /bow) if my librain has a shooting psychic power like smite can he use that to snap fire. if so dose that mean that template psychic powers like the da hell fire follow flamer rules. thanks guys

12-12-2012, 07:55 AM
ok i may have missed somthing while pageing through my rule book but i am wondering if any of you all have an answer (oh grate and all knowing bols forum /bow) if my librain has a shooting psychic power like smite can he use that to snap fire. if so dose that mean that template psychic powers like the da hell fire follow flamer rules. thanks guys

No. Sadly you may not use a psychic power for any kind of Overwatch.

12-12-2012, 08:28 AM
Psy power? Op-Op-Op-Oppa Gangnam Style!!


12-12-2012, 09:14 AM
that sucks could you i was hopping for a str 10 ap 1 snapfire thank you

12-12-2012, 01:44 PM
Over watch represents panic firing, not a concentrated effort at shooting, hence why psy-powers don't work-- too much effort in short time frame!

12-12-2012, 04:15 PM
Yeah, sucks when you have Ahriman with Thousand Sons and the only Overwatch shot they get is a puny little AP3 bolt pistol.....

12-14-2012, 01:37 AM
Isn't smite a BLAST (psychic-)shooting attack? So even if he could psy-overwatch he couldn't use smite.

12-14-2012, 05:54 AM
Smite is S4 AP2 Assault 4.

I would love to see either a home rule or a rules change somehow to say your Psyker can cast 1 Witchfire spell in the opponent's turn, as though "pre-casting" it for Overwatch when the Assault phase comes up.

12-14-2012, 09:40 AM
Smite is S4 AP2 Assault 4.

I would love to see either a home rule or a rules change somehow to say your Psyker can cast 1 Witchfire spell in the opponent's turn, as though "pre-casting" it for Overwatch when the Assault phase comes up.

That is a really good idea actually. Reminds me of D&D and how wizards/sorcerers can ready spells and delay them by waiting for a particular action to take place. So the psyker in essence, just gets the Witchfire spell all ready then holds onto it, feeding it just enough power so that it doesn't dissipate but not giving it enough to actually manifest itself in reality. But everything changes when the chaos spawn attacks.