View Full Version : Star Wars 1313

12-12-2012, 07:12 AM
The new Star Wars 1313 game is looking really impressive so far. Promises to show a more gritty side to the SW universe.

Official Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7nDWUL1z-bk)

Concept art:

Naked twi'lek bottoms? Sold on the game already. Strip clubs name is 'Lucky Lekku*', lulz.

Twilek wh*res too? Take my money already

Somewhat less arousing. Sign says 'open' by the way. Or so I'm told. I certainly don't read aurebesh or anything geeky like that...

Folks don't take take kindly to R2 units in these parts.

*Lekku are twi'lek hair tentacles.

So anyway, looking forward to this game, hoping Lucasarts don't make a hash of it.

12-12-2012, 07:15 AM
I was a touch worried when Disney bought them this would get softened up.

Very much looking forward to it

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-12-2012, 07:18 AM
Oooooooooooh! Concept art looks good.

Like what Bounty Hunter should have been.

12-12-2012, 08:03 AM
Bounty Hunter was a pretty decent game in the first half. The 2nd half got stupidly hard and I never finished it

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-12-2012, 08:05 AM
I finished it, Bando Goras are creepy. Something about those eyes....

Godless Zealot
12-12-2012, 08:15 AM
Looks promising, has a Bladerunner-esque feel to it.

12-12-2012, 08:17 AM
I wouldn't worry about Disney, they don't really Disneyfy everything like some people think.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-12-2012, 08:22 AM
*cough* Avengers *cough*

12-12-2012, 02:39 PM
They Joss Whedon'd the Avengers. There's a difference.

12-12-2012, 02:46 PM
Most fanboys would jizz themselves if they Joss Whedon'd Star Wars

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-12-2012, 05:07 PM
I'm already jizzing.

12-13-2012, 12:26 PM
Can someone give me more info on this game. Is it an RPG? MMO? FPS? What we talking about here?

12-13-2012, 12:43 PM
Fromthe 1 brief in game content it looks a lot like an advernture/3rd person shooter, a lot like Uncharted on the PS3

12-14-2012, 12:27 AM
Can someone give me more info on this game. Is it an RPG? MMO? FPS? What we talking about here?

Third person action/adventure is what I've seen it described as.

There are a couple of developer videos on the website (http://www.lucasarts.com/games/1313/index.html) which look nice.

12-14-2012, 04:01 AM
Just please, please, PLEASE ... no damned retarded Jedi/Sith BS. Seriously, for me they are the least appealing part of Star Wars. Give me the scruffy nerf herders every day.

12-14-2012, 04:04 AM
No jedis. No sith. Just bounty hunters and the scum and villainy of the glalxy

Does anyone know when in Star Wars this is set? Pre or post Empire?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-14-2012, 06:02 AM
Balls, that's when it is set.

12-14-2012, 06:06 AM
Just please, please, PLEASE ... no damned retarded Jedi/Sith BS. Seriously, for me they are the least appealing part of Star Wars. Give me the scruffy nerf herders every day.

As DrLove said, you play a Bounty Hunter and there will be no Jedi shenanigans. I vaguely recall somewhere reading that they aren't even coding stuff for lightsaber battles so they won't even be protagonists.

No indication given as to when it is set.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-14-2012, 06:17 AM
Judging by the aesthetic, pre.

12-14-2012, 08:15 AM
Hard to say, Coruscant didn't change much.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-14-2012, 08:20 AM
But I see no Empire propaganda...

12-14-2012, 08:23 AM
They may not bother with it in level 1313, it's the slummiest slum of the slums.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-14-2012, 08:24 AM
Sounds like I should make a Dredd character for it. xD

Godless Zealot
12-14-2012, 09:59 AM
Their website was pretty cool. I liked how in the artwork some of the buildings came down from the 'ceiling'. IIRC in one of the E3 interviews the developers said the game is set sometime between the two trilogies.

12-14-2012, 10:49 AM
Okay, consider me officially excited about this.

02-26-2013, 06:44 AM
Not much of an update, but a variety of game retailers have this listed for pre-order as a PC game so hopefully at the very least it will be available on PC and console, not just consoles. Which hopefully means it won't be some awful port of an otherwise good game like Force Unleashed.

02-26-2013, 07:03 AM
I'm looking forward to this game very much.

02-26-2013, 07:05 AM
Me too, I just hope Lucasarts don't screw it up. They seem to be taking their time and not hyping it up so with any luck they are focusing on developing a good game.

02-26-2013, 07:09 AM
I'm looking forward to exploring parts of the star wars under world not usually seen. It looks like a gritty hard edged atmosphere down there on 1313

03-01-2013, 04:15 AM
Rumours abound today that Disney have frozen development of 1313 as they want to focus on "Social and Mobile" gaming more than console gaming.


03-01-2013, 05:14 AM
Eh, I'd want to see something more reliable than 'three sources' reported by Kotaku as it just seems to perfectly tie in with the hysterics people were having when Disney bought Star Wars. Next we'll see inside sources claiming they are going to Disneyfy the franchise (you know, like they did with the Avengers). There is also the fact that Lucasarts are denying it.

03-01-2013, 05:28 AM
Yeah i hold out the hope its not true.

But we'll just have to wait and see