View Full Version : Most forgiving army for a new guy to start with...

Aspire to Glory
12-12-2012, 01:16 AM
I'm getting started in the hobby this month and I've been perusing the forums for a while. I've pretty much narrowed down what I'm interested in playing, but I want you guys (and girls) to weigh in on the last issue to sort out. I need to determine which of the above armies is going to be the most forgiving on a new guy and/or the best army to learn the game with. Keep in mind that I'm a bright red cherry to the game and not even seasoned at list making. So an all around friendly to newbies army would suit me best. I intend to model all of them, but I just need to know what to start out with.

Space Wolves
Love the fluff. Absolutely adore Grey Hunters. I hear that they are nice for a new player. Going to actually share the same models with my Chaos list, so there's a financial advantage, as well as make an awesome story for a fallen company of the Rout.

New codex that seems really balanced and flexible. Potential for years of fun. Yet, are they a more advanced army than the 'Wolves? As in less forgiving of dumb noob errors? I'm going to have to make those mistakes in order to learn, but still. Don't want to waste money on a crappy list that looks great but sucks on the board. I plan on allying daemons eventually.

Also a new codex. A really synergistic army. Fantastic looking models that won't be hard to look really stellar. I'm glad that they have some good flyers and I love the dedicated transports. Yet when I run through test lists, it looks really spammy due to the simplicity of it. I don't want to make a list that is going to piss people off and have them be mad at the newb with a cheap list that requires no skill. This could paranoia, but yeah.

Those are my concerns. Please consider them with your vote. I really appreciate any help/wisdom that you guys can provide! Really great advice so far.

12-12-2012, 02:01 AM
Space Wolves are probably the most forgiving, they are good both offensively and defensively, and the best thing is they are reliable - one thing Chaos Marines and particularly Necrons are vulnerable to is running away, something Space Wolves won't do (at least not in the bad, risky way anyway).

Chaos Marines are not as forgiving as Space Wolves or Necrons, but still more forgiving than a lot of other codices. You get some of the toughest troops in the game (depending on what god you like) and also some of the toughest vehicles of their kind in the game. However, your army tends to be vulnerable to running away, though a lot of your units can ignore that with certain upgrades. They take some learning.

Necrons are decently forgiving, just remember that they almost universally suck badly in combat and you should do fine. Also, don't ever try to outshoot Tau at long-range - you will be trounced. Short to medium range though, no army does it better than you. Durable troops, they can get back up, etc. Forgiving, just be careful of fast moving assault armies.

Hope that helps!

A tip though regarding all three armies; there are very few 'bad' units you can take in any of those three armies, and each does well with varied army lists. Spammy armies aren't too bad for Space Wolves and Chaos, the spam army that will really tick off your opponents will be Necrons.

12-12-2012, 02:10 AM
Necrons ;)

Plenty of warriors and scarabs, you don't have to have flyers. Warriors can glance any vehicle to death and when used in weight of numbers are just awesome.

Your Overlord on a barge is cool and if your going for 2000 points I recommend Zandrak on a barge and Obyron with 20 warriors. It's nasty and if you read the rules you will see why.

Here is a link to some Necron tactics etc


Will help you avoid the cheese if you want too. Welcome to the forums friend, and enjoy the hobby :)

12-12-2012, 02:11 AM
Double post

12-12-2012, 03:00 AM
I voted Wolves.

Chaos are pretty easy going and fun, but can be a bit hard to win with.

Necrons are nearly an auto win in a lot of situations, which won't help you learn and your opponents will hate you.

Therefore Wolves. All the good stuff from marines and extra stabby power.

Lost Vyper
12-12-2012, 03:42 AM
Space Wolves. I have a friend, who started to play in the 6th ed. and is collecting them. He has scored few victories with them already. As was said above, they can take the punishment and dish it out too, and have decent saving throws...

12-12-2012, 06:13 AM
As you already acknowledge in your OP, you've seen that you're going to lose plenty as you're starting out and learning. It'll take you plenty of games to get used to not only your own units, but also tactics/strengths/weaknesses of opposing armies.

So, I would say don't worry about it for the moment - get what you're most interested by. If you're only choosing a certain force because you think it'll be easy to learn with, then are you really achieving anything if it's not really what you would prefer? Sure, you'd learn some tactics, but if it's not the force you really wanted, you're still going to look to change it and then you've got to re-learn the new force anyway.

Which of your choices are you most excited by? Are you more interested in the gaming or is the painting and modelling also going to be a major part of the hobby?

12-12-2012, 09:14 AM
I said Wolves.

The all 4s stat line, and the 3+ armour save, mean a beginner is best playing Marines of some kind. Of the two you nominated, Wolves have been pretty widely recognised as being the best marines around (except for Grey Knights, I know, shut up).

Basically, the good stats and especially the armour save on Marines means you're unlikely to suffer too badly for any mistakes, and Wolves are probably more reliable than Chaos, and you're more likely to be able to find well-tested advice from someone on the Wolves, as the codex has been out longer.

I must admit I'm not real familiar with the new Chaos Marine codex though.

12-12-2012, 09:55 AM
SM are GW's poster boys for a reason, great stat lines and good at everything so I would say collect wolves even though I don't play any form of SM myself.

Aspire to Glory
12-12-2012, 02:59 PM
Much thanks to everyone who gifted me with their advice!

I just now visited my FLGS to pick up my first two boxes of Grey Hunters and some Terminators. I went with Space Wolves for their friendly nature to noobs.

So excited! Pics to follow soon!

12-12-2012, 04:10 PM
Good stuff!

If you haven't already built them, what do you plan on giving your Grey Hunters and Terminators? What you will quickly find is that there are a lot of options in each box!

If you need any assistance just post here mate, I'll be online for about an hour or two, if not me then someone else should be able to help.

Aspire to Glory
12-12-2012, 05:46 PM
Probably 2x plasma guns and a power axe to each GH squad.

Still deciding with the Terminators. Do assault configured Space Wolf TDA do well?

12-13-2012, 05:12 AM
They do just fine. :)