View Full Version : GK 2000 Local tournament list

12-11-2012, 03:27 PM
Inquisitor 25 - Power Armour - 8
- Level one psyker - Psycic-communion - 30
- 3 SSkulls - 9
- Rad Grenades - 15 87

7 Purifiers 168 - 6 halberds - 12
- Hammer - 5
- Rhino (dozerblade) - 46 230

Henchman Squad - 2 crusaders - 30
- Mystic - 10
- 4 warriors - 16
- 3 flamers - 30 86
10 man Strike Squad 200 - 2 psycannons - 20
- Psybolts - 20
- Rhino (dozerblade) - 45 285

10 man Strike Squad 200 - 2 psycannons - 20
- Psybolts - 20
- Rhino (dozerblade) - 45 285

10 Man Strike Squad 200 - 2 psycannons - 20
- Psybolts - 20
- Rhino (dozerblade) - 45 285

6 Terminators 240 - psycannon - 25 265

Stormraven Gunship (Assault Cannon/Multi-melta) - 205 205

Psyfleman Dreadnought 135- searchlight - 1 136
Psyfleman Dreadnought 135- searchlight - 1 136 2000

Essentially, the inquisitor goes in the rhino with the purifiers. The henchman squad jumps in the stormraven for some late game objective contesting. The terminators either deepstrike by servo skull or mystic in the raven once it's in place using psycic communion to effect when this happens.

What do you guys think?

Animus Silvanna
12-11-2012, 07:51 PM
Inquisitor 25 - Power Armour - 8
- Level one psyker - Psycic-communion - 30
- 3 SSkulls - 9
- Rad Grenades - 15 87

7 Purifiers 168 - 6 halberds - 12
- Hammer - 5
- Rhino (dozerblade) - 46 230

Henchman Squad - 2 crusaders - 30
- Mystic - 10
- 4 warriors - 16
- 3 flamers - 30 86

Stormraven Gunship (Assault Cannon/Multi-melta) - 205 205

Essentially, the inquisitor goes in the rhino with the purifiers. The henchman squad jumps in the stormraven for some late game objective contesting. The terminators either deepstrike by servo skull or mystic in the raven once it's in place using psycic communion to effect when this happens.

What do you guys think?
Uww I have a possibility for you. Have you considered a chimera for the purifiers and giving them 4 psycannons to blaze out the top hatch? Yes I know they cant take one but since your bringing along henchmen you can purchase the chimera for them instead and pull the ole switch 'a' roo at the start of the game. Henchmen go into the Stormraven as normal and now your purifiers and Inquisitor have a nice armor 12 firebase that comes with a S6 multi-laser and a hvy bolter. So that's 16 S7 shots plus 2 stormbolters and the chimeras weapons a turn. Your other rhino's can block LOS for the weaker side armor of the chimera.

12-12-2012, 06:19 AM
that is a truly excellent suggestion. But it does mean i'd have to find the points to make them a squad of 10 for 4 psycannons. Also i had intended them to be a fairly choppy unit. But then i guess we'd still have 6 guys. The guys at my club still haven't stopped suggesting bloody paladins -_- haha

12-12-2012, 08:41 AM
However that does mean the henchies cant start in the stormraven :/ and the purifiers will be a turn behind :/

12-12-2012, 10:51 AM
There is no rule that says you need to start a unit that has bought a dedicated transport in that dedicated transport.

The limitation is that you cannot start a squad inside another unit's dedicated transport.

Since the stormraven is purchased as a FA unit, there is nothing stopping you deploying the henchmen inside the SR and deploying their chimera empty so the purifiers can jump in first turn. As per embarking and movement rules, if you embark your guys in a stationary transport, the transport can then move as normal in the same turn. No one is left behind for a turn and you don't have to make your SR vulnerable by making it hover for a turn to let the henchmen board.

I would also suggest that you consider making the henchmen squad consist of a bunch if DCA with a few crusaders to tank incoming attacks. DCA are one of the best points efficient choppy units in the book, throw the =I= with them to use rad grenades and hammer hand and that unit can punch way above its points cost.

I would argue that a 11 men squad of DCA and crusaders are a more choppy unit than purifiers. So maybe consider making the Purifers a regular striker squad instead, use the points saved for the henchmen squad and maybe bump the strike squad up to 10 men if possible.

12-12-2012, 04:52 PM
Yeah i love a unit of 5 DCA and 4 Crusders with a Ordo malleus Inq. in terminator armour to tear through stuff. Only thing is they dont have grenades. and you end up with a lot of points flying through the air.

12-12-2012, 06:42 PM
Just use a xenos =I= in power armor. Add 9 DCA and Crusaders and that's only 213pts for the squad. If you put them in the stormraven, it's only 420pts, not an unusual number of points by any means, and since you want this squad in CC ASAP, they shouldn't be in the SR for that many turns so the odds of being shot down before you can deploy your payload is pretty low.

Animus Silvanna
12-13-2012, 07:33 PM
Just use a xenos =I= in power armor. Add 9 DCA and Crusaders and that's only 213pts for the squad. If you put them in the stormraven, it's only 420pts, not an unusual number of points by any means, and since you want this squad in CC ASAP, they shouldn't be in the SR for that many turns so the odds of being shot down before you can deploy your payload is pretty low.
If you do plan on executing the plan like this, I agree that would be best course of action and with minimal risk to them going down in a fiery wreckage. And if you can position them well enough you could just go after the best unit he has to take down your Stormraven too =D Rad grenades + Hammerhand = Win, especially with the DCA cause since they have 2 weapons you can have notionally one pwr sword and one axe to suit your needs at the time.