View Full Version : Vangaurd, Heroic Intervention question

12-09-2012, 03:14 AM
Didn't see this in the rules:
Vangaurd marines w/ Jumppacks Deepstrike onto table.
They have the Heroic Intervention rule allowing them to assault.
So the question is - When they assault can they use thier jumppacks or do they just run into the charge?

12-09-2012, 09:00 AM
According the the FAQ on the GW site, Heroic Intervention states that they count as having used their jump packs that turn. The rulebook states that you can only use your jump packs in either the movement OR assault phase.

So, they assault running, not jumping.

Page 47 in the main rulebook (the section above Skyborne)
Page 2 of the Space marine Errata V1.1

12-09-2012, 03:35 PM
Of course I should have checked the FAQ thx!

12-09-2012, 06:08 PM
Of course I should have checked the FAQ thx!

Alternatively used logic. If they didn't use their jump packs in the movement phase, they would just splat into the ground and die.

12-09-2012, 09:21 PM
Alternatively used logic. If they didn't use their jump packs in the movement phase, they would just splat into the ground and die.

well no having fought in that battle (one more loss for me against sangrail) the logic was relay more about the how they got there, jumped out of a thunder hawk, or telaport. if they had jumped out of a thunder hawk then yes your logic works but if they had used a telaporter then there would have been no need for them to use there jump packs. and while the new rule book says that all jump troops have deep strike it is not very specific on how they get there.

12-12-2012, 01:48 PM
Marines cannot teleport without terminator armor, unless they have special war gear (like grey knights).

12-12-2012, 02:12 PM
yes i know that was my argument, i was on the opposing team. but the current space marine codex dose not say how the vanguard vets deep strike just that they can

12-13-2012, 02:22 PM
Pretty sure (don't have my codex handy) that there is a blurb either in the entry for Assault Marines or the armoury entry for Jump Packs that states (more in a fluff than a rules sense) that they Deep Strike by leaping out of a low-flying Thunderhawk.