View Full Version : 1850 night lords tournament list

12-08-2012, 09:29 AM
Sorcerer w/psychic level 2/votlw/spell familiar/chaos bike/:150
6 terminators w/5 combi-plasma/reaper autocannon/5 power swords/chain fist/votlw/:270
9 csm w/meltagun/power sword/votlw/rhino/havoc launcher/dirge caster/:213
2x10 csm w/2 plasma guns/power sword/votlw/rhino/havoc launcher/dirge caster/:494
7 bikes w/2 meltagun/power sword/melta bombs/:197
2 heldrakes:340

This list is designed around the idea of putting instant pressure on my opponent by infiltrating forward and hammering the opponent. The terminators will infiltrate and give me added firepower, also applying pressure to my opponent. The bikes will be tank hunting and going after weapons teams. The sorcerer will add more firepower to the bike squadron.

12-12-2012, 03:44 PM
Nobody will critique my list, man tough crowd.

12-12-2012, 04:03 PM
looks like an interesting list to me, good number of models and damage capacity. surprised by the lack of raptors for night lords though

12-12-2012, 04:18 PM
I like it.

12-12-2012, 07:23 PM
Actually if there is a big misconception about night lords, being comprised of lots of raptors. If you read the new night lords books the night lords are actually a very flexible fighting force, riding in rhinos for one battle, then infiltrating the next battle. The night lords however are always centered around terror tactics. The only thing I am currently thinking about right now at this very moment is trimming down my bike squadron, and making my bike sorcerer a little less expensive. Has anyone ever used a maulerfiend and can anyone tell me how well they work.

12-13-2012, 03:13 AM
night lords are not the biggest fans of chaos. They just like terrorizing the crap outta things.

as for the list, I would change up the terminator weapons. get some mauls n' axes.

12-13-2012, 04:46 AM
Nobody will critique my list, man tough crowd.

I think if you are going to go with a Sorcerer you might as well bump the Mastery to three. If you are in for a penny, you might as well be in for a pound. I don't see the point of a Dirge Caster on a Rhino. It won't still be there by the time you actually get to assault. Havoc Launcher is a waste of points. You have far too many apples in the Plasma basket. Two Helldrakes are a waste. One is more than enough.

I like using Infiltrate on a hard hitting, durable unit too. I prefer using it on Raptors though because of the chances (if I go second) of getting to assault on the first turn. There is nothing wrong with your basic notion of wanting a "high pressure" army, but I don't think your units will actually act in the way you want. The Bikes can be rammed down your opponent's throat as far as position and you can infiltrate, but your planes won't arrive until the second turn at the earliest. You give over target priority advantage to your opponent.

In the end your opponent's first turn can be unloaded almost entirely on killing your Terminators by volume of fire or your bikes. Many modern lists can do both. If they are running an Aegis w/Quad gun, they will shoot down one of your Drakes coming in. Your threats can't come in coordinated and the REAL threats are easily identified. I'm not going to care a whit about your regular CSM in the Rhinos. Everything I have will be shooting at the dangerous stuff because your CSM are slowed down by the fact that they can't assault from those Rhinos. I get a whole extra turn where I get to treat them as nothing but Bolters. By the time they are adequately in the fight I will have killed your scary stuff.

12-14-2012, 06:17 AM
The csm are acting more as support units and objective grabber. Clarification master of deception does not allow you to infiltrate bikes or jump pack infantry. That is the reason I don't have raptors in my list. I will however take out a heldrake I will probably save the second one for my 2000 points list. I am currently making revisions as we speak, also the dirge casters are just some fluffy additions being night lords and all. I know this version of my list will not be popular, but I think it adds a lot of speed and threat.
Sorcerer w/psychic level 3/votlw/spell familiar/chaos bike/:150
6 terminators w/5 combi-plasma/reaper autocannon/5 power swords/chain fist/votlw/:270
9 csm w/meltagun/power sword/votlw/rhino/havoc launcher/dirge caster/:201
2x10 csm w/2 meltaguns/power sword/votlw/rhino/dirge caster/:450
6 bikes w/2 meltagun/power sword/melta bombs/votlw/:177
1 heldrakes w/balefire/:170
2 mauler fiends w/magma cutters/:250

12-14-2012, 12:00 PM
If the CSM squads are support units, what's the point of VotLW for them? Is it fluff? I don't see it as a necessity for the list.

I also don't see the havoc launchers doing much on the rhino's. Combi weapons on rhino's on the other hand...slightly more enticing.

On the maulerfiends, while I am a fan of, I've been finding that I like the lash tendrils more than the magma cutters. Imho, if you didn't blow up that vehicle with 4 S10 attacks that hit on 3's...then melt your dice. The lash tendrils give the maulerfieds better survivability against charging tougher foes, like other dreads, killa kans, mostrous creatures etc, most of which probably out Initiative the maulerfied.

12-14-2012, 12:20 PM
The csm are acting more as support units and objective grabber. Clarification master of deception does not allow you to infiltrate bikes or jump pack infantry.

Sure it does; if you do it right. You give Infiltrate to the Independent Character who is an infantry model and start him embedded in a unit of Bikers or Jump Troops. He imparts that power to them that way. They get infiltrated forward and then on your turn you walk away from them to join a unit moving up to meet you while the Bikes or Raptors move off to do their jobs.

12-14-2012, 07:23 PM
I would give the Meltagun squad Champion a combi-Melta so they can have two shots at least once. One Melta shot isn't very likely to take out a vehicle, you want two or three to make sure. Also I would swap their Bolters for CCWs seeing as they're going to be getting up close and probably stuck in with Malek, and you aren't going to be using the Bolters much anyway because they'll be targeting vehicles with their Melta. I would say make them 10-man for the second Meltagun and put Malek with a Plasma squad, but I understand they won't want to be as close as they would need to be to get him into combat, and you would be wasting the Plasmagun a bit if you did. I think the best Chaos Marine loadout for Huron to join is probably flamer. That way the lack of two special weapons doesn't matter too much, he can contribute with his Heavy Flamer and they're a close-up squad which will be getting into close combat.

12-16-2012, 07:59 AM
I think you are right about making the squad that malek rides with more oriented to close combat.

03-19-2013, 11:57 AM
I like how you incorporated bikes in you night lord army. Me personally I love fast attack. I used a raptor squad and warp talons for my "hit ya in the mouth" technique. I use a pred. And a forgefiend for balance and support of my squads in rhinos and fast attack.