View Full Version : Possibility of a Stormraven to Storm Eagle Conversion

12-07-2012, 04:52 PM
This thread is for discussing the possibility of converting a stormraven into a storm eagle. Why? Because $144 is a lot to pay for a model - even a beautiful Forgeworld resin model - but $82 is... well, that's still a lot of money, but it isn't $144!

I don't think it's going to be possible to turn a stormraven into a perfect replica of a storm eagle, but a near-enough approximation should be possible. Here are my thoughts:

• Cut off the tail entirely, use the "wings" of the tail to build the upper fins.
• Leave off the upper turret and air intake to make room for the vengeance launchers. The launchers themselves can be made of modified landspeeder typhoon launchers.
•*Leave on the under-wing missile ports, but magnetize them so that they can be used for either missiles, lascannons, or left off entirely so the model can be fielded with neither.

• Size comparison? Are the models close enough in size, or will the stormraven's chassis need to be significantly rebuilt?

Any other issues? Questions? Comments? Photographs of other peoples' successful attempts?

Cpt Codpiece
12-07-2012, 05:24 PM
the eagle is both wider and longer (ooohhh er Mrs) and obviously the tail is missing.

i made a better scale raven for my BA and it was quite easy.

a little plasticard and foam core and its all good. i am in the middle of making an eagle at the moment (when my newborn lets me) using both a raven and a talon :) aiming for a mini storm bird in appearance.

as long as its got the right weapons for WYSIWYG then it should be fine as armies that have ravens cant have eagles. (any form of missile larger than cyclone i would be ok with for the vengeance)