View Full Version : Characters and Ordnance weapons in vehicles

Alex the Everchosen
12-07-2012, 01:13 PM
Ok, a few nooby questions regarding vehicles, as I am completely new to 40k (though I know most of the core rules by osmosis and playing fantasy, I know next to nothing about vehicles).

First, if a vehicle is selected as a dedicated transport by a squad, but this squad does not take up all of the transport capacity, can an independent character enter it during the game? If yes, does it matter if the original squad contains any independent characters?

Secondly, if a character in a transport has an ordnance weapon (e.g. a Shokk Attack Gun), can he fire it as well as the vehicle firing its weapons normally (provided it could anyway)?

Thank you, as clarifying these rules will be a great help for me

12-07-2012, 02:07 PM
Currently dont have my book with me so i cannot quote exact pages, but out of my head the answers would be:

Yes, independent character can join a squad to enter the vehicle. The answer is also yes if you meant if the squad was already onboard the transport. And to my understanding, there is no limit how many independent characters can join a single unit (given that the independent character can join unit. - mostly problem from 5th edition, nowadays those tend to be only characters)

Oh and just remember to count the total slots available / needed for models to get aboard, for example ork warboss in mega armor would need two slots, as well as Space Marine terminator captain.

Secondly: The squad embarged on a transport can fire out of the firepoints, (one model per firepoint unless otherwise stated) or if the transport is "open topped", the whole squad can fire out and at the different target that the transport itself. There is a chart that describes what effects does the movement of the transport have to the passengers firing their guns. Cross reference that list to the ordnance rules on non-vehicle model and you get your answer. Most likely you can fire ordnance only if you are stationary, but i don't remember exactly.

12-07-2012, 02:13 PM
Ok, a few nooby questions regarding vehicles, as I am completely new to 40k (though I know most of the core rules by osmosis and playing fantasy, I know next to nothing about vehicles).

First, if a vehicle is selected as a dedicated transport by a squad, but this squad does not take up all of the transport capacity, can an independent character enter it during the game? If yes, does it matter if the original squad contains any independent characters?
Yes. It isn't necessary for an IC to be part of the embarked unit before they embark.

Secondly, if a character in a transport has an ordnance weapon (e.g. a Shokk Attack Gun), can he fire it as well as the vehicle firing its weapons normally (provided it could anyway)?

Thank you, as clarifying these rules will be a great help for me
Yes. Passengers' weapons are not part of the vehicle's weapons for any purposes, so a passenger firing an ordnance weapon does not affect the vehicle at all.