View Full Version : Quick question about the Forgeworld Legion pads...

Mr Mystery
12-07-2012, 07:44 AM

So nearly built my 20 Assault Marines, all of which are Emperor's Children in MkII armour, with the MkII shoulder pad.

Next up? Tactical Infantry, plus an infantry support squad with Volkite weapons.

And on account it's my favourite, I'm plumping for MkIII. Trouble is, there is no MkIII Emperor's Children shoulder pad. I'm hoping someone will be able to advise if, shoulder pad wise, there is a difference between MkII and MkIII armour. It doesn't look it from the pictures, but rather check first!

12-07-2012, 08:00 AM
They're a TINY bit different Mr. M. The MkIII have the banding that is a bit wider than the MKII and it swoops up the slightest bit, sort of like a champion shoulder pad.

There really is very, very little difference. I don't think it would be a huge problem to just use MKIIs on the MkIII armor, especially considering the MkIII is based on the MkII with increased plating in the body for specialists and boarding actions.

Mr Mystery
12-07-2012, 08:01 AM
That's cool. Exact match isn't important, as long as it doesn't look daft!

Now to save up my pennies! I'll be needing around 60 of them.......

Flying Tigress
12-07-2012, 12:01 PM
Let me take a picture and post how they will look in terms of difference.

I do know that FW have no plans to release Legion mk. III pads, but it's confirmed that FW will be releasing EC brass etch at some point, and you'll be able to maintain the proper look and feel of the mk. III using that. (although I haven't had the opportunity to work with brass etch yet).

You can see that the EC shoulder pad isn't sitting on the shoulder evenly, as it hasn't been warm-watter moulded to fit.

But the size difference is fairly noticeable. It appears as the the mk. III pads are built off of the mk. II, with an extra plate along the top trim to add some bulk. It makes sense, as the armour was designed to provide some more protection over the mk. II. That's why I prefer keeping mk. III with mk. III, as it makes little sense to skimp the armour off of one shoulder pad, especially since that's the shoulder facing the enemies as they advance and fire.

One other work around I've thought of is ordering enough mk. II Legion pads to outfit all of your troops; for example, I have 30 each of mk. II and mk. III. If I order 60 shoulder pads, that eliminates the need for half of the mk. II pads, and the leftover pads I can transfer onto the mk. III's, so that all of my troops will have a pair of mk. III's. This would also allow me turn around and sell 30 pairs of mk. III pads on eBay, thus feeding the addiction.

But in my mind, waiting for FW to release some brass etch is the right choice, and I am patiently(ish) waiting for them to hurry. :)

Mr Mystery
12-07-2012, 01:23 PM
Bah!! MkII it is then!!

White Tiger88
12-07-2012, 04:35 PM
Bah!! MkII it is then!!

use mk4 they be awesome!