View Full Version : Court of the Archon

12-04-2012, 01:39 PM
Well... after playing a Raid on sunday with a small force of Dark Eldar I'm busy creating an army list for them (It's about time I start to flesh out that army and bring it to 1500 points).

But I'm completely stuck about what to do with the "Court of the Archon". I can't seem to be able to put together a good court for my archon. I'm not even sure if he needs one (although I do like the Lhamaean model).

So how do you (or would you) field a Court of the Archon (or wouldn't you field it ?)

All input is welcome... thanks

12-04-2012, 03:39 PM
Well, I like to have a maxed-out Court riding in a Tantalus with the associated Archon and an attached Haemonculus.

But, well, my general principle when it comes to list-building is "why not"? The above method is... not as effective as its points cost would have you believe.

12-04-2012, 03:54 PM
I like the idea of shrinking it to being half snakes for it to be a T5 unit, It should hit hard enough for the size to be less important anyway but I haven't tried it out yet.

12-05-2012, 01:39 AM
I like the idea of shrinking it to being half snakes for it to be a T5 unit
Archon, 1 Lhamaean & 3 Sslyths mounted in a Venom. Sounds like a plan to me :)

12-05-2012, 04:02 AM
Archon, 1 Lhamaean & 3 Sslyths mounted in a Venom. Sounds like a plan to me :)

Unfortunately, you have to take at least one of each member of the court. ( Sslyth, Ur-ghul,Lhamean, and medusae)

12-05-2012, 11:03 PM
Unfortunately, you have to take at least one of each member of the court. ( Sslyth, Ur-ghul,Lhamean, and medusae)
WHAT !!! Really ?

*checking my Codex*

Damn, I completely missed that. That's kinda lame, no ? Why would any Archon always have at least one of each type ?

According to me this makes the Court not a very good choice and I will try to find another bodyguard for my Archon (perhaps Kabalite trueborn)

12-06-2012, 12:41 AM
The worst part about the 1+each Court is that Phil Kelly himself has said he doesn't like it and would change it if he could.

He doesn't seem to have realised he can. Errata exist.

12-08-2012, 05:59 AM
Yeah, the Court is a bit of a disappointment. It should have been what it was in the 3rd ed codex, a mix of Trueborn and Incubi, then they could have added to that with the funky creatures. It's not a court, it's a zoo with a courtesan thrown in.

I imagine the best way to run one is indeed with maxed out Sslyth and go for majority T5. I hate that you have to take a Lahmean, because all she actually improves is the Archon's Splinter Pistol. If she improved the Sslyth Shardcarbines I would be all over that.

12-08-2012, 06:54 AM
Lhamaean poisoned attacks can be useful, I mean it's only, what, ten points for an extra wound and a few more 2+ poisoned attacks. I've had decent success with a Court, I certainly wouldn't say it is very competitive but who cares? It's fun.:)

12-08-2012, 08:31 AM
WHAT !!! Really ?

*checking my Codex*

Damn, I completely missed that. That's kinda lame, no ? Why would any Archon always have at least one of each type ?

According to me this makes the Court not a very good choice and I will try to find another bodyguard for my Archon (perhaps Kabalite trueborn)

Crap, I missed that too... :(

12-08-2012, 12:53 PM
The best bodyguards for an Archon are generally Incubi or Wyches, depending on whether you need nut-cracking elites or a generally fighty scoring unit nicely reinforced by the Archon. The Wyches typically benefit more from the Archon's hard-hitting ability whereas the Incubi only really benefit from a Phantasm Grenade Launcher. It is a very big benefit though, they really should have counted the tormentor fields as assault grenades.

The Sovereign
12-11-2012, 11:25 PM
I've actually had surprising success with the Court, even just taking one of each with the archon in a venom.