View Full Version : Just who is Oll Perrson?

Mr Mystery
12-03-2012, 07:37 AM
Just finished reading Know No Fear again, and once more I am intrigued by Oll.

Now it's clear that he is, or will become Ollanius Pious, but just what is he?

The book seems to suggest he is functionally immortal, and likely capable of either self reincarnation, or perhaps time lordesque regeneration.

It also mentions him being introduced to 'the illuminated' and he clearly has knowledge and wisdom about the ways of the warp.

Could be one the alleged children of the Emperor? Or is he akin to a Daemon of mankind? And just who or what is his God?

12-03-2012, 07:53 AM
Son of the Emperor I'm reckoning.

12-03-2012, 09:33 AM
I thought he was associated with the Cabal and it was the Cabal that made him immortal (like John).

Mr Mystery
12-03-2012, 09:42 AM
I dunno.

John Grammaticus makes reference to the source of his own seemingly immortality, but it is certainly implied said method was not applied to Perrson.

I kind of hope they do a lot more with Perrson, perhaps along the lines of Garro?

Cpt Codpiece
12-03-2012, 11:12 AM
Ol was definatily alive a long time before M 41, there is a slight hint at him in another few books some more obviious than others.

the kabal must have had grammaticus for some time though, as he was at a dinner with the emperor...... this must have been at least unification era or earlier (was it not mentioned that he was a member of a noble house within the unification families).

Ol for me is definatly a sensei and gramaticus too, though the members of the kabal may have some sort of control over him, more than explained in Legion and KNF. though how they have been in the emperors presence and not been nabbed the black ships is confusing me, even if they are like pariahs to some degree.

12-03-2012, 11:37 AM
Ol was definatily alive a long time before M 41, there is a slight hint at him in another few books some more obviious than others.

the kabal must have had grammaticus for some time though, as he was at a dinner with the emperor...... this must have been at least unification era or earlier (was it not mentioned that he was a member of a noble house within the unification families).

Ol for me is definatly a sensei and gramaticus too, though the members of the kabal may have some sort of control over him, more than explained in Legion and KNF. though how they have been in the emperors presence and not been nabbed the black ships is confusing me, even if they are like pariahs to some degree.

Oll dates back to the begining of time, he was an argonaut!

John was a pskyer and a member of the Unification Army, the Emperor knew this and said they'd have to have a talk, he then died and was resurrected by the Cabal and gifted with the ability to resurrect, Oll on the other hand, at least, according to the vision of John, is a naturally true Pertetual like the Emporer, thats all thats known at this point though

Mr Mystery
12-03-2012, 11:37 AM
It also mentions there are others 'like Oll' in and around Macragge, and Grammaticus also implied they have significant powers/knowledge.

As for Oll, it would seem he has always been. The book states he remembers events already history to us.

12-03-2012, 01:20 PM
You know, Dan Abnett has written a short story called "Unmarked" following Oll Persson as he leaves Calth. It will appear in the upcoming Horus Heresy anthology "Mark of Calth". Looking forward to it!

Cpt Codpiece
12-03-2012, 02:30 PM
Oll dates back to the begining of time, he was an argonaut!

John was a pskyer and a member of the Unification Army, the Emperor knew this and said they'd have to have a talk, he then died and was resurrected by the Cabal and gifted with the ability to resurrect, Oll on the other hand, at least, according to the vision of John, is a naturally true Pertetual like the Emporer, thats all thats known at this point though

i didnt want to put spoilers, i know Ol was an argonought, and was in the french army during a conflict that used trenches....... :)

the thing with gramatticus though, i have a feeling, the kabal may not have been the ones to revive him..... maybe they were there at his first death conveniently....... so they could claim to have brought him back in order to use it against him should the need arise. the truth infact being that he is indeed like Ol and the emperor knew he was special when they met, then again the emperor is supposedly blind in every aspect to his true children... so he would not have even noticed John.

12-03-2012, 03:57 PM
his name sounds awfully familiar to the RT guardsman who tried to fight hours in combat and was remembered forever or something like that.

Cpt Codpiece
12-03-2012, 06:10 PM
his name sounds awfully familiar to the RT guardsman who tried to fight hours in combat and was remembered forever or something like that.

there is an honour given to guardsmen, indeed based off olanious the pious, who in the original story stepped in and sheilded the emperor, or distracted horus long enough for the emperor to strike back.
he was written brilliantly i must admit, so much of the old fluff covered yet still relevant in the current post retcon stories. i love how a few of the books have mention of him too, maybe he will get a book of his own??

here (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ollanius_Pius#.UL0-iIa0OME)has most of the info.

although Ol is said to have died, i think however he may indeed live on after the end of the heresy, just as a shodow figure. then again he may well be the 'immortal' on the golden throne.... you know since the emperor died and all that

Mr Mystery
12-03-2012, 06:34 PM
If I remember my old fluff, he was an icon to the new Imperial Guard, who interjected between Horus and the Emperor, giving his life so the Emperor could land the killing blow?

Not bad for a single paragraph in an obscure WD!

12-12-2012, 12:50 PM
There is a part in "Angel Exterminatus" by Graham McNeil where an Iron Warrior named Kroger is reliving his past lives in various warzones throughout earth's history. There is a mention on page 375 about Kroeger (who was a German soldier named Franz at the time) fighting with an allied soldier in the trenches at Verdun in WWI named Olivier Pearsonne.

Lord Lorne Walkier
12-22-2012, 04:24 PM
I think Oll Perrson is a "Old One" .. A Slann in human form just like the Emperor and John Grammaticus and other "Perpetual" (SP?).

12-22-2012, 06:52 PM
I dunno.

John Grammaticus makes reference to the source of his own seemingly immortality, but it is certainly implied said method was not applied to Perrson.

I kind of hope they do a lot more with Perrson, perhaps along the lines of Garro?

At risk of being a massive pedant, John is not immortal. Immortal means never dying/living forever. John dies numerous times, he just keeps getting resurrected

12-23-2012, 12:27 AM
What the perpetuals are gets even stickier post betrayer. I'm friggin lost now. No idea what they are.

12-23-2012, 02:21 AM
Did anyone try Oll Personn as "All perrson" that is an Eternal Champion kind of character (like in Moorcock's novels). Personne is French is "nobody" so he is no one in particular but seems to be an avatar of some sort

Cpt Codpiece
12-23-2012, 08:34 AM
the french refrence is only there as a sign that ol was fighting for the french during WW1, he is depicted as an argonaught and other way back refrences, he may actually have been the savage/native american/mayan in the same vision as olivier personne

although the nobody aspect does sound like GW even back in RT the inside jokes were quite open and sometimes blatant. Lion el johnson (the primarch with the dirty secret, he was a traitor and a coward) is a prime example.

01-06-2013, 05:29 PM
Lol no evidence the lion is a coward - rather he may have fought against those trying to establish an alternate imperium instead of trying to go help the emp
I think they just thought of some cool names and then added the primarch names as injokes
So space wolves as Vikings then have Russ ( the rus were Viking descendants like the Normans) and dark angel sounded cool then they looked it up and found out about the poet
Or salamanders - mythic fire salamanders were said to line in volcanoes so Vulkan
Back to oll - it seems if a human dies but their body is intact enough and their soul gets put back in it they are created - it's as if their soul is made a LOT stronger so it doesn't dissolve and then gets drawn back in ( even if they want to die cf johns attempted suicide in legion)
I'm not sure what happens if the body is totally destroyed though, or if they get some soul destroy voodoo done on them
Btw oll seems to me likely to survive and become Fatidicus ( which just means prophet) an imperial guard officer who founds the temple of the saviour emperor )
Scratch that - more like the unknown founder of the confederation of light
Btw does anyone else get the idea that ADB wrote John as the guy sent for cyrene then realised the timeline was wrong or was told hand off by abnett so he just changed the name and bit of the personality ?
Afaik in book time there is only a year or two left before the siege of terra so it seems bit dodgy cyrene not surviving HH
Maybe these Perps are the real imperial saints who go public when needed to push along the deification of the emperor ? Of course we haven't seen any in m41 yet though I think that is because they hasn't established the idea then. I wonder of we will see any - maybe abnett in a ghosts novel or even this Bequin trilogy

Cpt Codpiece
01-06-2013, 06:11 PM
Lol no evidence the lion is a coward - rather he may have fought against those trying to establish an alternate imperium instead of trying to go help the emp

the lion was cut up about giving the siege engines to perturabo only for them to be used against the imperium, then kurze taunting him and his cowardace in "waiting out the fight" to see the easy way to stop whoever one.

remember there is aslo a 'cowardly' lion as well as a couragous lion.

01-30-2013, 12:01 PM
******************** SPOILER**********************
********* Don't read if you haven't read the novel Betrayer************

I just finished reading Betrayer by Aaron Dembski Bowden which was a great book by the way. In it one of the Perpetuals shows up, makes some quip about not being too fond of John Grammaticus, implies to another human who had been resurrected by Erebus that she was now a Perpetual too, and then gets burned to a crisp by a Word Bearer with a flamethrower. He then returns half an hour later no worse for the wear. So apparently Perpetuals can die like normal humans but then return pretty quickly without the need to be reborn as infants or anything.

Now I am left with two competing hypotheses: 1) After death the Perpetual just steps back through the warp in a new body, or 2) his spirit comes back and takes over the body of another human who was just standing around minding his own business. Either of these two things would be consistent with what I read in Betrayer last night. Who knows what the hell is going on...

04-10-2013, 04:30 AM
Spoiler betrayer ................

I was interested with the Perpetual's in this book as well. That story was really left wide open, makes me think they have a higher purpose in a later book. I guess it didn't matter if they make it of the ship or not as they are perpetual but makes you think.

So we have the know Perpetual's so far;

Blessed lady
Damon (+ 2 helpers?)

Any I've missed?

Mr Mystery
04-10-2013, 06:39 AM
Some of them at least seem to be working for The Cabal...

Also worth noting Oll Perrson has a cameo in Angel Exterminatus, during a bizarre series of flashbacks.

I'm beginning to question this Cabal thing. I don't think what they revealed to Alpharius/Omegon was even slightly true...

Cpt Codpiece
04-10-2013, 09:08 AM
the whole thing with kroeger, i read that more as khorne showing him the various stages of war throughout human history, living the lives of some chosen champions of khorne as he was taking the steps to becoming 'the warsmith'

i certainly did not get the impression that he was every single one of the people personally.

Mr Mystery
04-11-2013, 06:03 AM
Indeed. Hard to tell exactly what was happening in those flashbacks, but Oll was defo in the WW1..erm...one...

And it does serve to set up 40k nicely, pointing out that war has come full circle, because to be effective, you have to be brutal. I really enjoyed that bit!

07-13-2013, 12:34 AM
Have you guys and gals read "Mark of Calth" yet?

Mostly ok but the last 2 stories, "Athame" by John French (probably the best story I've read in awhile) and "Unmarked" by Dan Abnett both continue the Oll Perrson story. I'm captivated by the Perpetual thing and can't wait to see the end game with these guys.

So I'm think the emperor is a perpetual and that oll and John are working behind the scenes to something (warn/aid/help/message)?

Lord Lorne Walkier
10-18-2013, 01:02 AM
I've been saying that the Emperor and the other Perpetuals are the Slann, for years now. I have yet to get anyone to believe me but I think I have been backed up in a major way in the book the Unremembered Empire.

The Word Bearers, Narek is talking to the Perpetual, John Gramaticus. pg 252

"I'm just a agent for -'

'You are a Perpetual'

John faltered. 'I-'

'So old, so rare, so forgotten. You are the legend of a legend. The muth of a myth. But the Word Bearers are the keepers of the word and the lore, and in our histories are even the ghosts of myths remembered... the old ones. The long-lived ones. The eternal kind. The first and last. The Perpetuals.'

'It's more complicated then that,' said John, 'a lot more complicated than that in my case. I-'

'The details don't matter' said Narek. 'I know what a Perpetual is capable of. I understand. Aster all, we are all proof of what the oldest and most powerful Perpetual can do.'

'What is that?'

'Build a Imperium.'

John let his head drop and exhaled slowly"

The key phrase is " the Old Ones". If Narek is right, then so am I, Here is a link to the Lexicanum write up on them which is pretty good. http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Old_Ones#.UmDawHfn_cs

People are not going to like this but....

10-18-2013, 01:12 AM
They're a damned misplaced literary device....

look if the Horus heresy was its own story, where the fate of the galaxy 10000 years later wasn't known, and didn't have a strong set of established archetypes, I'd think the perpetual story line was AWESOME....but in the context of 40k, its history and the setting of the "modern" era, it clashes horribly with the WHY of 40k, why would the word bearers have acted the way they did if they knew about the "old ones" beyond mere scraps....it just clashes far too much with the setting.

at the moment we have,

The emperor = perpetual (ok this one fits)

Oll Pearson (olanius pious, killed by horus on his battle-barge, supposedly saves the emperor)

John grammaticus, a "false" perpetual (serves the CABAL, current whereabouts (40k) unknown, no real reason for being a perpetual)

Vulkan, because compassion and craftsmanship wasn't enough of a trait to inherit from big E (Completely destroys the mystery and point of the 40k salamanders in particular he'stan)

10-18-2013, 03:32 AM
The Name: One thing that most of you also need to remember about "Pious" Oll Perrson (as he is nick-named in "Know No Fear") and the various iterations of alliterations of that name (such as the man who Kroeger sees at the Battle of Verdun), is that they are all pun pseudonyms. Due to a lot of retconing from the GW staff and writers over the past two decades, we've had a more clearly defined idea of what "actually happened" on the Vengeful Spirit in the fight between the Emperor and Horus; Ollanius Pius, as the older fluff knows him as, hasn't been shown in the text at all that much -- but several writers wanted to subtly include him, and so "Pious" Oll Perrson. I imagine, much like the main character John Oldman from "The Man From Earth," that Perrson picked his own names to be a personal joke, a pun, at the fact that he is immortal.

Perpetual: Perrson is an immortal, though perhaps not as old as the Emperor (by a few centuries or millennia at least). How this was accomplished is not clear -- however it is likely that Perrson was brought into being in a manner similar to the Emperor: a small group of shaman from the most ancient of times on Earth collectively chose to end their lives to create a joint life that might be immortal. Obviously the most powerful being created in this method was the Emperor himself. The Emperor and Perrson are most definitely not Slann. The Emperor is, sadly in some ways, too Human to be a Slann -- not to mention there isn't enough known material to give us a definition of the Slann or their capabilities. John Grammaticus is not a true Perpetual, in that the Cabal granted him his immortality via genetic alternation and manipulation. Perrson is the real deal, Grammaticus is a fake.

The End: As to what ultimate purpose "Pious" Oll Perrson will play remains to be seen. I personally, dearly hope that he will somehow come to be aboard the Vengeful Spirit at the Battle of Terra and save the Emperor, as lore and fluff says, long enough for the Emperor to get his butt into gear and kill Horus.

10-18-2013, 04:01 AM
The thing is they didnt need ol to be a perpetual. Part of the poibt of that character was the "mere human". By taking that out the story loses a lot of its point

10-18-2013, 04:27 AM
The thing is they didnt need ol to be a perpetual. Part of the poibt of that character was the "mere human". By taking that out the story loses a lot of its point

Except that no one, except a very select few, know that Perrson is a "perpetual" (or whatever flavor of the month is this time around). The fact that merely looking a primarch (not corrupted) in the eye can turn a Space Marine silly and cat-got-your-tongue-tied, imagine what it would do to a regular human being when the full force of personality and will to dominate combined with the horrors of Chaos are combined with that? As such, a less-than Astartes but more-than Human character like Perrson isn't without question. But the fact that he was once a soldier in the Imperial Army means that, for propoganda's sake, he makes for good posthumous inspirational recruitment material. Dead men can't talk, nor disbar anyone from using their name to inspire generations of young fanatics into lock-stepping their way to duty to the Golden Throne.

10-18-2013, 06:03 AM
sorry I should have made it clear.

Ol being a regular human used to be important to US, the audience, for the same reason that the IG are there. He was just a bog standard bloke doing what he could to help humanity and proven evil from trying, even if it cost him his life.

By changing him to a perpetual all that impact of his choices is lost as now he did them with full comprehension of the situation as opposed to the "oh **** a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do..." it used to be.

But thats just my thoughts on the matter.

10-18-2013, 06:29 AM
Maybe I'm betraying my plebeian roots, but I think making him "more" than a normal man isn't necessarily lessening his character. I would also argue that he isn't necessarily walking into the situation with full comprehension. It's more like he has a vague idea of whats going to happen, but it's not clear what or if he is even necessary. We the reader know what's going to happen and why, but by putting yourself in the character's shoes it's not the same. So while making him no longer a normal bloke that just happened to stumbled upon the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit at the height of the Battle of Terra (which is itself far more weird than making him somehow special), I think it's appropriate.

10-18-2013, 01:03 PM
I think it's too early to fully conclude things. However I suspect the perpetual story arc is when it's finally brought to an end going to be more signfcigent then we know. Honestly I have a hunch it'll end up having a fairly big reveal. as for the death being less. depends how it happens. if Horus is throwing around attacks that could kill a perpetual Pearson might genuinely be put in a situation where, for the first time in his existance he is faced with a very real "I need to do this but it'll kill me" moment. A man whom is otherwise immortal. whom has lived life for millenia, sacrificing that for something is... considerable

11-25-2013, 12:34 PM
Did anyone try Oll Personn as "All perrson" that is an Eternal Champion kind of character (like in Moorcock's novels). Personne is French is "nobody" so he is no one in particular but seems to be an avatar of some sort

As much of Warhammer is directly ripped off from Moorcock, I saw this as a kind of nod in his direction, Una Persson was a companion to Catherine and Jerry Cornelius in the Eternal Champion books. The idea of a character to transcends mortality as well as time and space fits with the notion of an Eternal Champion-style figure.

I like the Persson/Grammaticus storyline. It's not inconceivable that both of them could be sons of the Emperor, but I don't think it will go that way. In a storyline where we all know the ending, it's good to have wild cards like these.

11-25-2013, 05:28 PM
I think that's been ruled out hasn't it in one of the books?
Didn't one of them have a conversation with a space marine about when he met the Emperor?

11-26-2013, 01:39 PM
There is a part in "Angel Exterminatus" by Graham McNeil where an Iron Warrior named Kroger is reliving his past lives in various warzones throughout earth's history. There is a mention on page 375 about Kroeger (who was a German soldier named Franz at the time) fighting with an allied soldier in the trenches at Verdun in WWI named Olivier Pearsonne.

Read Storm of Iron. It is the first novel where Krogaer; and most of the Iron Warriors in Angel Exterminatus show up, including someone that was worked by Fabius Bile, and in no way Krogaer is a perpetual. Then read Dead Sky Black Sun. The rest of the Iron Warriors show up, even though the book is part of the Uriel series.

11-26-2013, 01:53 PM
I think that's been ruled out hasn't it in one of the books?
Didn't one of them have a conversation with a space marine about when he met the Emperor?

I guess what I meant was that he might not know that the Emperor was his dad!! The Emperor is an egotistical neo-fascist dictator, he might be a love-rat too!! :-)

Some mysteries are best left unexplained.

11-26-2013, 02:02 PM
sorry I should have made it clear.

Ol being a regular human used to be important to US, the audience, for the same reason that the IG are there. He was just a bog standard bloke doing what he could to help humanity and proven evil from trying, even if it cost him his life.

By changing him to a perpetual all that impact of his choices is lost as now he did them with full comprehension of the situation as opposed to the "oh **** a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do..." it used to be.

But thats just my thoughts on the matter.

Ièm sure you don't understand you are a perpetual until the first time you die. So if anything before his original death it was still "a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do" how ever I'm unsure when his original death was or if it was even covered.

Edit: Never mind he was a god damned Argonaut which does kind of sully the story of his sort of non-sacrifice.

11-26-2013, 06:09 PM
I guess what I meant was that he might not know that the Emperor was his dad!! The Emperor is an egotistical neo-fascist dictator, he might be a love-rat too!! :-)

Some mysteries are best left unexplained.

possibly, but we're shining a light on some of the oldest...
Have we lost the fluff that the emperor cannot perceive his true children?

11-27-2013, 09:57 PM
Ok this is from Unremembered Empire page 342 (Guilliman in thought)

"It was just a dream. Such simple, pastoral destinies did not lie in store for beings like Roboute Guilliman. Fate held, for him, a future of duty and responsibility, very different from that which might await an honest agri-worker. No common farmer would play a role in the final battle against Horus."

11-27-2013, 09:57 PM

11-28-2013, 12:54 AM
Ok this is from Unremembered Empire page 342 (Guilliman in thought)

"It was just a dream. Such simple, pastoral destinies did not lie in store for beings like Roboute Guilliman. Fate held, for him, a future of duty and responsibility, very different from that which might await an honest agri-worker. No common farmer would play a role in the final battle against Horus."

I'm fairly certain that this is just literary license and not an allusion to Oll.

02-09-2014, 02:25 PM
He is one of a select group of individuals called 'Perpetuals'.

02-10-2014, 01:16 PM
I'm fairly certain that this is just literary license and not an allusion to Oll.

I dunno it screams "foreshadowing" to me

03-04-2014, 01:16 PM
There is a part in "Angel Exterminatus" by Graham McNeil where an Iron Warrior named Kroger is reliving his past lives in various warzones throughout earth's history. There is a mention on page 375 about Kroeger (who was a German soldier named Franz at the time) fighting with an allied soldier in the trenches at Verdun in WWI named Olivier Pearsonne.

Crap. Now I'm going to have to read that again.
isn't Kroeger one of Honsou's reluctant Lieutenants?

Also, I just read Mark Of Calth. Frikkin amazing, especially the Oll Persson story. I always thought his name meant 'All Persons', in that he has lived every life at one point or another, and just needs the audio/visual stimuli to remember. This happens a lot in 'Unmarked', where Oll sees or hears something, and brings a flood of memories to him.
I don't think this is a spoiler, as he has mentioned it before, but the map he carries, he says it's a 22,00 year old copy of a 22,000 year old map (making the map 44,000 years old in M.31-32). Any historical references to something like this?

03-04-2014, 11:32 PM
I still think they ruined the point of oll when they turned him into a perpetual

04-19-2014, 06:31 AM
As much of Warhammer is directly ripped off from Moorcock, I saw this as a kind of nod in his direction, Una Persson was a companion to Catherine and Jerry Cornelius in the Eternal Champion books. The idea of a character to transcends mortality as well as time and space fits with the notion of an Eternal Champion-style figure.

I like the Persson/Grammaticus storyline. It's not inconceivable that both of them could be sons of the Emperor, but I don't think it will go that way. In a storyline where we all know the ending, it's good to have wild cards like these.

I just read a Moorcock short-story called 'Pale Roses', and Una Persson (One Person) is in it. I thought there was some significance to the naming similarity between Oll Persson and her. Waaay too much to be a coincidence.

04-21-2014, 04:17 AM
I just read a Moorcock short-story called 'Pale Roses', and Una Persson (One Person) is in it. I thought there was some significance to the naming similarity between Oll Persson and her. Waaay too much to be a coincidence.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so!!

04-21-2014, 04:25 AM
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so!!

One more early morning realization, my sleep-adled mind thinking this makes perfect sense: this seems to be way too much of a coincidence, and a literary copyright infringement, maybe Moorcock is working under a pen name for Black Library? I mean, to use almost the same exact character name, and the character exists in the same context....

This Dave
04-21-2014, 07:57 AM
One more early morning realization, my sleep-adled mind thinking this makes perfect sense: this seems to be way too much of a coincidence, and a literary copyright infringement, maybe Moorcock is working under a pen name for Black Library? I mean, to use almost the same exact character name, and the character exists in the same context....

I doubt it. GW has a long history of "appropriating" bits of other science fiction and fantasy works for their names and stuff. Special Navigators that make space travel possible? Dune. Super strict Arbites? Judge Dredd.
Conrad Kurse and the assassin M'shen? Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now. I won't even go into the Khorne rune. :)

04-21-2014, 01:56 PM
And truthfully a lot if thing associated with one writer or another are a LOT less original then we might think. all of dave's examples proably draw from their own inspirations.

04-22-2014, 03:48 AM
And truthfully a lot if thing associated with one writer or another are a LOT less original then we might think. all of dave's examples proably draw from their own inspirations.

I have been suitably deflated. As I said, it was an early morning inspiration, while I was barely awake.

What's up with the Khorne rune?

This Dave
04-22-2014, 08:28 AM
I said don't ask. Once seen it cannot be unseen. :)

Okay if you must know if you turn it it becomes the logo of the punk group Dead Kennedys.

04-28-2014, 06:50 PM
Oh yeah, I see that. They've been around since the 80's?

04-29-2014, 01:34 AM
He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a punk.
She did ballet.
What more can I say?
He wanted her.
She'd never tell.
Secretly she wanted him as well.
And all of her friends
Stuck up their nose.
And they had a problem with his baggy clothes.

He was a skater boy, she said, "See ya later, boy."
He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.

Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby, she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockin' up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know.
And they've all got tickets to see his show.
She tags along, stands in the crowd.
Looks up at the man that she turned down.

04-29-2014, 02:09 AM
I doubt it. GW has a long history of "appropriating" bits of other science fiction and fantasy works for their names and stuff. Special Navigators that make space travel possible? Dune. Super strict Arbites? Judge Dredd.
Conrad Kurse and the assassin M'shen? Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now. I won't even go into the Khorne rune. :)

Makes it even more funny when you think about the fact that M'shen is just a shortened version of Martin Sheen, the actor who played Captain Willard who was ordered to assassinate Colonel Kurtz.