View Full Version : Good Campaign Rules?

10-13-2009, 10:37 AM
My gaming group of 3 are trying to start a campaign. Does anyone know of a link to any good 40K rules for campaigns? We're not willing to go out and buy Planetary Empires.

10-13-2009, 06:49 PM
You do not need the planetary empires box to run a good campaign. The tiles are nice, but mainly eye candy. There are several web pages that offer online campaign map creation programs for the same kinds of hexagonal tiles that the planetary empire box offers, you can then use pen and paper or a text program to keep track of which tiles contain what upgrades.

As far as rules go, I have been having the same question :P in fact, somewhere on the frontpage you will probably find my post asking for help with the 40k campaign rules.

Here (http://www.bitzandpieces.nl/bestanden/40k%20campaign.pdf) you can find the version of the rules we decided to go with (might be changed a bit, if you're interested you can send me a pm and ill keep you informed about changes) for 40k, based mainly on the fantasy version of the campaign (we didnt like the 40k version very much).

10-14-2009, 09:50 AM
My group did a real simple campaign with 4 players. We just had a piece of cardboard on the wall with squares drawn on it (you could do hexes and decorate everything if you wanted). Each player then picked a home base, which were spread out across the board.

Then we rolled for rounds. In each round, you could add two pins in adjacent squares to one you currently owned. You could also reinforce an existing square (giving you bonus points if a battle was fought there). You go through a couple of rounds, and eventually someone will put a pin in someone else's territory, starting a battle.

From there, you keep battling each other, raising the point values as you see fit. Eventually, stop adding pins each turn, and you may only move pins currently on the board. Then do an elimination battle to see who's left standing. You can also finish up with an Apoc game, with players getting bonus points for how many pins they have remaining.

Fairly simple system, and you can always add your own rules to it.

10-14-2009, 06:22 PM
Another option that some people don't consider is having a more narrative style campaign with a GM.

I ran a six person campaign recently in this style. There was no complex system of tiles and resources. I just assigned people to games on Tuesday and asked they be done by Sunday so I could assign the next round. What tied this together was an over arching narrative. Each week I would write some fluff about why players were doing what they were doing and it eventually led to a massive Apoc 3v3 battle. The biggest key to this is to have a good gm who can invent a cool story and be fair if he is playing as well. I would make sure that the next weeks battles fit in with who won/lost the previous week and occasionally I would give the winners a small bonus (extra HQ in the FOC or 100+ pts for their list etc.).

At the end of the campaign we all had new characters in our Army that actually had stories (a Salamander captain named Remus, a demon prince who ascended from Slaaneshi cults on the hive world et al.) It was pretty cool and all the players seem to have a good time with it.

Unfortunately the PE campaign I am playing right now isn't fairing as well.

10-15-2009, 09:55 PM
What follows is a capmiogn I came up with a few years ago, feel free to steal it and modify it if you want to. Just so you know it was a map campaign. I made the made out of some foma core, spray paint and a permante marker. The first part is the fluff the second is the actual rules.

The Vergon VII Campaign

The planet of Vergon VII has been part of the Imperium for centuries. Colonized during the Great Crusade by the Imperial Guard, Vergon VII was later abandoned as no tactical importance could be found as a reason to fortify it. The White Scars Chapter of the Space Marines later used Vergon VII as an outpost, and still holds a small garrison on the planet. Since the arrival of the Imperium Vergon VII has become colonized and grown into a semi profitable agricultural producer. Due to the close proximity of Vergon VII to the Maelstrom, however, the only grain that can be harvested is of such low quality that it can only be used to feed pack animals and Ogryns.

As of right now, however all that has changed, Vergon VII is now classified as a dead world. The cause is still suspect, as Imperial agents have yet to clearly process the data, however initial reports indicate that a large asteroid (labeled Asteroid: VK-Beta-1) impacted Vergon VII and has done massive damages to both the planet and its orbit. Accounts suggest that Asteroid: VK-Beta-1 appeared from within the Maelstrom moments before impact and it is for this reason that no previous knowledge of the asteroid exists in Imperial records.

When Asteroid: VK-Beta-1 collided with Vergon VII’s atmosphere sections of it broke apart and were scattered across the planet. Imperial Guard Troopers deployed in New Glory have started referring to these scattered fragments of Asteroid: VK-Beta-1 as “Mineral V.” Samples have been tested by both the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Inquisition and the properties of it are classified: Top Secret. The Adeptus Mechanicus warn that Vergon XII’s altered orbit will bring it in range of the massive gravity field of nearby star, Photonus. This will cause Vergon VII to be drawn towards Photonus and eventually consumed by it. Before this happens it is imperative that as much Mineral V be collected as possible.

The few civilian survivors of the impact are currently being rounded up by the White Scar Space Marines stationed on Vergon VII and herded into the only remaining city on the planet, New Glory. New Glory has become the new planetary capital / evacuations site and it is here where you shall be dropped and begin your search for Mineral V. Collect as much Mineral V as you can before the planet is consumed by Photonus. The Emperors protects.

Planet: Vergon VII
Sector: Maelstrom Orbit 3.87
Before the Impact After the Impact
Population: 673,000,000 Population: 251,000
Classification: Agricultural World Classification: Dead World
Importance: NA Importance: Omega

Campaign Objects:

Space Marines: After being dropped into the deployment zone of New Glory rush to find as much Mineral V as possible and secure it for the Imperium and the Emperor.

Inquisition: It is your holy mission to spread out from New Glory and purify as much of the blasphemous asteroid as you can before Vergon VII is consumed by the cleansing flames of Photonus. Let none stand in your way. The Emperor Protects.

Imperial Guard: The Commissar wants a lot more of that Mineral V that we found earlier. Leave New Glory and go get him some, or he just might leave you behind. And don’t get your head shot off while doing the job, that’s an order!

Eldar: It was foretold long ago that ancient stones would rain down upon a world and bring its destruction. Emerge from the concealed web-way portal and gather these stones for the Council, as they wish inspect that which was once within the storm.

Tau: The Greater Good has encountered this type of galactic disturbance before and wishes to do research upon the material that created it. Once the stealth ships have landed begin the investigation.

Chaos: Dark sorcerers have foreseen the arrival of this disaster with sadistic delight. For they wish to use the powers held within the Maelstrom stones in their dark rituals.

Orks: Ya Big Boss whants lots ova dat Big Boom Rock. Leve da hide ot anda go geit soma or hez gonna getz madd. Ya bedda gets hm lotz or hez gonna gets u!

Tyranids: Consume. (Mineral V is the only thing however that counts towards success in the campaign.)

Necron: Awaken and assemble the crystals of the fallen star as an offering to the C’Tan. Arise from the depths of the tomb at a random board edge and begin the gathering.
The Map: The map represents a large portion of the surface of Vergon VII. This area is where each army is to deploy and search for Mineral V. Every army rolls off to decide who gets to deploy first. The person with the highest roll places his pin on the map first. That person picks any place on the map and places a pin in that territory. The next player then chooses another territory and places a pin in it and so on.


Initiative: At the beginning of every game day two dice are rolled to see what the order of placing pins on the map is that day. The highest roll goes first and so on.

Attacking/Defending: As armies move across the map they will eventual encounter other armies also searching for Mineral V. When this happens a player will place one of his pins into an already controlled enemy territory. This represents that army attack the other. An army may attack any army that controls a territory touching one of their own. Once this happens a 1,000pt game must be played between the players to determine the controller of that territory. The controller of the army attacking is allowed to “Seize the Initiative” on a 4+, the defender is allowed to choose the mission.

Gaining Mineral V: As armies move across the map they gains control of territories. It is from these that they are able to search them for Mineral V. At the end of ever game day each army rolls one d6 for every territory they control and that is how much Mineral V they find that day. This amount is then added to the overall amount of Mineral V that army has found.

Losing Mineral V: When armies face each other in battle it is assumed each is carrying some amount of Mineral V on them. To represent this after the game has been played, and the winner decided, the winning player rolls a d6. This is the amount of Mineral V he has stolen from his enemy after the battle. A draw results in no roll for either opponent. It is important to note that it is possible (however unlikely) that a player will lose all his Mineral V. If this happens it is impossible to lose anymore and a lost game will not grant your opponent the after game d6 roll.

“Spending” Mineral V: Before a game a player may “spend” 1 amount of Mineral V to gain 2 amount of points to increase his army for that game only. Spending Mineral V in this way is kept secret from your opponent until after deployment. It should be noted that both players may do this and so the game may end up being equal points anyway. Mineral V may also be spent during a game at any point to gain a re-roll. This cost 5 Mineral V, however may not be used to re-roll a re-roll however.

Winning the Campaign: The player with the most Mineral V at the end of the campaign will be declared the winner.