View Full Version : WiiU

Mr Mystery
12-02-2012, 07:13 AM
Anyone got one? Is it any good?

Will be a while before I can procure one, but I'm definitely interested.

12-02-2012, 07:19 AM
I won't be getting it until I'm sold on the games it has, same as any new console. I find it best to wait at least a year before you adopt a new console. Hence why even though I would really love a Vita, it may end up having few games of note in the future.

From what I can tell the concept is great but it needs a lot more support before it can be considered really worthwhile, as well, avoid most games that were recently released on other platforms - a lot of them are sloppy ports or just shouldn't exist at all on the platform (Mass Effect 3, without any DLC or the other two Mass Effect games = what the f...).

12-02-2012, 12:16 PM
Any other manufacturer and I'd have said wait for the price drop, but the wii was £180 for most of it's life cycle...
I'm trying to find one to get our lass for xmas, but I'm loathe to pre-order as hmv, game, etc are all struggling so weren't forced to be there by the release date, and I prefer to get consoles retail rather than online, as it's easier to return if there's an issue... So if I find a zombieU pack between now and xmas I'll be able to tell you in the new year lol.

Mr Mystery
12-02-2012, 01:01 PM
Yep. Zombiu does look hella cool!

Also attracted as I'm not a serious gamer. Nintendo tend to do the best 'fun' games!

12-02-2012, 01:04 PM
Yep. Zombiu does look hella cool!

Also attracted as I'm not a serious gamer. Nintendo tend to do the best 'fun' games!

I've always thought along the lines of get a Nintendo and a PC, and you can play 95% of anything decent that's released...

Mr Mystery
12-02-2012, 01:19 PM
I guess. Never been much of a PC Gamer either.

And plus, as Nintendo proved they can take a gimmick and get the very best out of it. A lot of my friends felt the Wii was all gimmick and no trousers, but nearly all of us own one (me being an exception!)

12-02-2012, 01:29 PM
The wii had some good games, but also ****loads of shovelware, but that worked for the ps/ps2 didn't it?