View Full Version : Very Faithful repro of the Mega-Dred..

10-13-2009, 10:29 AM
This guy is an amazing (and fast) scratch builder. Check him out here. (http://puremon.blog91.fc2.com/blog-date-200910.html)


Be sure to look at the previous entries for the in progress stuff. It's very educational to see the breakdown.

10-13-2009, 11:34 AM
Simply amazing... It just really blows my mind what some people can make out of relatively nothing.

10-13-2009, 01:55 PM
I actually like his better. :)

10-13-2009, 02:11 PM
I also like yours better, the actual springs are great


10-13-2009, 02:37 PM
Your image isn't showing up, but that dread is amazing. Dont you wish you could even find plasticard!?!

10-13-2009, 02:41 PM
I also like yours better, the actual springs are great


Yeah but its not mine. It was a find on the interwebs. If I could read Japanese I would be happy to credit the guy.

I kind of like it better as well, though I love the forgeworld claws. I think this guys is slightly larger than the forgeworld one as well. There is a Dreadnaught for comparison in one of the shots - compare that to the one on FW.

person person
10-15-2009, 08:51 PM
Holy crap thts awesome.

The West Coast Knight
10-16-2009, 12:03 AM
My chin is bruised from jaw hitting the floor.
Well Done