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View Full Version : Night Goblin themed 2000pts

11-30-2012, 04:43 AM
This is one of my first attempts at a Night Goblin themed list, so all comments and ideas are welcomed. I've tried to stick to units which I imagine could be found fighting in the caverns beneath the World's Edge Mountains, hence the exclusion of Giants etc, and only Night Goblin units.

Anyway, to the list

Skarsnik, Warlord of the Eight Peaks = 275pts

Night Goblin Warboss = 101pts
-Great Cave Squig
-Great weapon

= 19%

Night Goblin Big Boss = 105pts
-The Bad Moon Banner

Night Goblin Big Boss = 34pts
-Great weapon

Night Goblin Big Boss = 34pts
-Great weapon

Night Goblin Shaman = 110pts
-lvl 2
-Dispel Scroll

Night Goblin Shaman = 85
-lvl 2

= 18%

50 Night Goblins = 300pts
-Full Command
-3x Fanatics

50 Night Goblins = 300pts
-Full Command
-3x Fanatics

20 Night Goblins =135pts
-short bows
-3x Fanatics

20 Night Goblins =135pts
-short bows
-3x Fanatics

= 43%

10 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers = 120pts

Night Goblin Squig Herd = 127pts
-14 Squigs/5 Herders

= 12%

Mangler Squig = 65pts

Doom Diver Catapult = 80pts

= 7%

TOTAL = 2006pts
so a tad over

I will post tactics soon

11-30-2012, 04:12 PM
Overall a fun themed list. Personally, I'd say you have too many warbosses. The ones with Great Weapons will likely get challenged and killed before they do anything good. Additionally, too many fanatics. Fanatics are great, but this list relies too heavily on them causing consistent damage over time and that just usually does not happen. I'd suggest to drop at least 4 fanatics (2 from each archer unit) and add in another catapult or another mangler squig, or beef out the squig herd.

11-30-2012, 05:03 PM
Thanks for the feedback! If you mean the Big Bosses, this could be true. But they're mainly a way for adding something a little more hard hitting in my 2 hordes. I'd like to play test them before any final decisions.
On the fanatics, I believe you are correct, I think I'll drop 3, so that it's just 1 boxed set I'm losing out on :P
Thanks :)

11-30-2012, 05:16 PM
Alternatively if you want to keep the warbosses, take more of them and use them as a front rank in a goblin unit. To accomplish this you can't take command models for that unit but it can be incredibly troublesome to deal with this situation as a unit will have to allocate attacks to individual goblin warbosses.

12-08-2012, 05:18 PM
Those two big bosses arent gonna do much good, get yerself some spear chuckas instead and if you feel like that takes the night out of night goblin, get something for your other shaman.
And im not digging the goblins with bows, does snotlings belong in your theme? if so you should get a pair of pump wagons...

12-08-2012, 11:31 PM
Goblins with bows will do more damage than spear chuckas just from volume of fire. Spear chuckas have the problem of being a single war machine that gets one shot per turn at the BS of the goblin crew (which is terrible). I have never seen spear chuckas do any serious damage to anything.