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View Full Version : Night Goblin Themed Army Units?

11-30-2012, 02:43 AM
Greetings, I've been wanting to field a Night Goblin themed list for some time now, and have finally gotten round to it.
My current problem is not knowing which units to field from a lore perspective.

So i was wondering, other than the usuals such as Squig Hoppers etc, what units could I take in this army, and not conflict with the lore?

I'm debating Giant, Spear Chukkas, trolls (of either variety) and perhaps an arachnarok?

Any ideas on how to fit them in would be great, thanks.

11-30-2012, 02:59 AM
firstly convert all riders etc into night goblins. I have a night goblin army and find it great fun to convert, paint and play! I have done a NG Arachnarok, NG Spear Chukka's, my preference is River Trolls which require no work at all, oh and Mangler Squigs are a must- they are simply hilarious!

11-30-2012, 03:04 AM
Nice, I was considering having an Arachnarok for sure, since I managed to win one in my local GW's closing day, and it looks amazing! I was thinking of having it commandeered by the Night Gobbos, with plenty of chains covering it etc.
Already got the mangler Squig ready ;)

My main question now is then whether giants are an option? Like, I imagine my army fighting down in the caves, and I can't quite work out whether giants would be there or not? Ehat about Spear Chukkas and Rock Lobbas too?

11-30-2012, 03:24 AM
i use doom-divers over rock lobbas personally and i don't use giants simply because i don't think they bring much to the army. plus they would bang there heads on the roof all the time! so i opted not too, however it could be that your force has emerged from its cave and a giant that was meandering the mountains has joined them...

11-30-2012, 03:45 AM
I think I'll skip the giant then :)
Yeah, Doom-Divers also suit the Night-Goblininess a little more too, like it could be yet another creative way for a Fanatic to meet it's end :D
On the topic of tactics, is full command worth it these days, for a unit of 20 short bows?

11-30-2012, 03:55 AM
no not on a unit of 20 bows no way! points are better going on extra gobbos! i like a huge block of spearmen with a banner bearer that makes them poisoned, that genuinely is quite a scary unit!

11-30-2012, 04:03 AM
I thought as much, I just have always used it as a way of making a unit feel 'complete'
And yes, I've heard about this, how exactly does it work? As the spearmen can't take a magic banner unless with the BSB? Or is there some rule I'm missing?

11-30-2012, 04:07 AM
no that is the rule, take the BSB well worth it! I had a unit of 60 goblins with spears (10 wide and 6 deep) with the BSB and Skarsnik, they were actually a very solid unit. the amount of attacks was just pure filth!

11-30-2012, 04:12 AM
That's great :D I'll start with my 2000pts list bow then, thanks :) I should have it up soonish

11-30-2012, 04:13 AM
can't wait to read it!

11-30-2012, 04:44 AM
Just posted under

04-14-2013, 04:28 AM
big long units of bowmen, Sword N Boards to be your anvil equivalents