View Full Version : Machine Spirit in Predators & Vindicators??

10-12-2009, 07:18 PM
:confused: G'day All!
whilst browsing my copy of the recent SM Codex which I just got back from one of my mates after about 4 months (!) I noticed no mention of a Machine Spirit in either of the above Tanks.
Was this just another oversight by GW or was it intentional & has it been covered by a FAQ.

As I play Black Templars it does not really effect me but I am interested to know should it come up in a game at our club.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

10-12-2009, 08:43 PM
Are you talking game-wise or fluff-wise?

Game-wise, the Land Raider is the only tank with Power of the Machine Spirit. This is because, in the fluff, the Land Raiders' Machine Spirits are the most powerful and self-sufficient.

Basically, Vindies and Preds have machine spirits, but they aren't as powerful as the Machine Spirit of a Land Raider.

10-12-2009, 10:14 PM
Since you're a BT player, it doesn't affect you at all. The 5E codex removes the unmitigated joy that was a Vindicator w/ Power of the Machine Spirit. It should still be an upgrade for any vehicle in the 4E Templar codex, so you're safe. It's the vanilla chapters that lost the ability.