View Full Version : 2k BA with GK allies take all comers list

11-25-2012, 10:35 PM
I've been meaning to do an allies list with my BA and GK for a while now and only just got around to messing around with putting a list together.


Regular Tycho: 175pts

1)Regular Assault Marine Squad (RAS) : 240pts
-5 extra men
-2 x meltaguns
-Infernus Pistol
-Power Weapon

2)RAS: 455pts
-5 extra men
-2 x plasmaguns
-Storm Shield
-Land Raider (LR) Dedicated Transport (jump pack discount)

Sanuinary Priest: 50pts

Fast Attack:
Vanguard Veteran Squad (VV): 280pts
-3 extra men
-Jump packs
-2 x Storm Shields
-1 x Powerfist (serg)
-2 Power weapons
-1 x Lightening Claw

Heavy Support:
Storm Raven (SR): 230pts
-Hurricane Bolter Sponsons

Sub total: 1430pts


Corteaz: 100pts

Grey Knights Terminator Squad (GKT): 470pts
-5 extra men
-2 x psycannons
-psybolt ammo
-2 swords
-2 hammers
-6 halberts

Sub total: 570pts

Grand total: 2000pts

Normally, Tycho will deploy with the LR RAS squad, they will serve as a shooty anti-heavy infantry unit and make a bee-line for any terminators or other 2+ save units. The fast LR provides long range AT to take out enemy armor or soften up heavy infantry from afar.

Corteaz will take the Diviation primaris power and see what else he can get, attach to the GKTs and also start on the board, following the LR and using it to block LOS until they get within that magical 24" range and then use it to screen the GKTs to minimize incoming fire.

The Jump pack RAS, VV squad and Stormraven (SR) will start in reserve, the priest will start in the SR and stay in it providing a large, highly mobile FNP bubble for the BA units that needs it most.

The plan is for the VV squad to come in ASAP and use HI to tie up an important enemy unit, preferably a shooty one or anything that can seriously threaten my LR or SR or GKTs.

The twin melta RAS will serve as a dedicated anti heavy armor unit. Or as a general purpose unit in case there are no suitable armored targets to go after.

The SR will also be a general purpose unit, while also providing a nice big FNP bubble for nearby BA squads.

Ultimately, all of the BA units are suppose to soften up and tie down the enemy so the GKT hammer can smash them.

I like to play very aggressively and will be aiming to push up and control the centre with the LR and GKTs ASAP while using the threat of I've Been Expecting You to control enemy reserve placement and try and pin the enemy in his deployment zone for as much of the game as possible.

The speed of the SR and jump pack squads should allow me to quickly redeploy against anything that drops deep in my deployment zone, and make late game objective grabs.

As you can see, this is mainly a shooty list based on the old DH stratagem of shooting the enemy to pieces first before mopping up in CC.

Well, that's the plan anyways, do not expect it to go anything like I planned in games. :p

So, that is the list and a very general plan for how to use it. Any comments, suggestions or criticisms would be welcome.

I also have a few choices I am agonizing over, so if everyone can let me know their own feelings on them, it would help me to decide.
1) Should I make the LR a GK LRC with psybolt ammo? Tycho and co can hop in the SR with the priest for an improvement in mobility at the expense of taking a risk either with hover mode for the SR or booting everyone out of a moving vehicle, and of course loosing the -35pts RAS jump pack swap discount.

This would boost the GKT's mobility and survivability meaning they are more likely to get into CC sooner and in full strength. With the changes made to 6th gen PWs, CC has become one of the safest places for terminators to hang out provided the opponent isn't wielding a lot of AP2 or lower weapons. The added mobility of an LRC should help to allow me to choose what fights my GKTs get in.

If I go with this option, I am inclined to drop the psybolts on the GKT and maybe downgrade the psycannons to incinerators to free up some points to cover the shortfall, and also drop some special weapons from the VV squad to get the GKTs a BroBanner.

2) Should I make the SR a GK one and get it psybolt ammo for extra strength goodness (although those sexy Bloodstrike missiles do also get nurfed to the situational mindstrike missiles.

The priest would have to ride with Tycho in the LR, and the GKTs still have to hoof it upfield, but I don't need to think about finding the points to change their intended primary role, and the upgrade to psybolts is a lot fewer points I need to find.

Oh, the choices!

11-27-2012, 12:34 PM
Tough crowd!

Is the list so awesome or so terrible that no one has anything to add?

12-03-2012, 08:26 AM
looking pretty nasty mate! though i would say the swords in the terminator squad could do with being halbers. I6 force weapons are just so good! I'd leave the psybolt ammo at home and find the point for a bro banner though. With this flag the termies become one of the more horrifying close combat units in 40k as a whole. And it leaves the squad to turn on hammer hand. Only other issue i have is that walking GK termies is a surefire way of getting them killed. For 104 point you can get a terminator armoured inquisitor with a hammer and level one psyker for some brilliant deep strike business :D hope this helps

12-07-2012, 07:40 AM
Thanks for the reply.

I like to take a couple of swords to counter any powerfists or power axes. With the majority using halberts I should thin the enemy out a lot already, and if they do have fists or axes, the opponent will be removing those models last, so my sword guys will still strike first.

On the whole, I have found it much more useful to be able to take the better Inv save against AP2 or better weapons than having to make a few mire saves on 2+ save armor.

The bro banner is tempting, and I will be switching between that and psybolts to see which performs better.

As for walking my termies, well there isn't any non-forgeworld transports that can fit 10 termies in. DSing them is not without its own drawbacks. Plus, I will be replying on their medium range firepower to thin out the enemy before getting into CC, as well as Corteaz's IHBEY to dissuade enemy deep strikers because one of the biggest threats to my termies will be a squad DSing in close by and unloading a crap load of plasma on them.

Thankfully such squads tend to be small, suicide outfits, like IG Vets or Sternguards with combo-plasma, and 8 str5 stormbolters plus two psycannons unloading on them first will massively reduce their effectiveness if not wipe them out altogether. The same applies to anything choppy that wants to get into CC fast, although there are not too many units that would want to do that against a 10 men GKT squad.

With the LRC acting as mobile LoS blocking terrain, my VVs using HI to tie down key threats and other jump pack squads getting in the enemy's face and/or tying more units down in assault, I think those termies will last longer than some might expect. Plus, if I can get forewarning with Corteaz, that 4++ would also be a massive boost.

With Corteaz clocking in at 100pts, I really cannot see many reasons why you would ever want to take a regular termie armoured =I= who is only mastery level 1.

If you are dead set on DSing the termies, I would either just delete the HQ and give the squad a bro banner and maybe a warding staff or two with the points, or find some more points for a Xenos =I= in termie armour with auto-win grenades.

12-07-2012, 12:44 PM
Coteaz is great for 100 but he can't deep strike. And he doesnt have an invun, but you're right in saying that's the only reson you'd ever drop him XD I think he's one of the Best HQ's for his cost in the game. Also It's only Malleus that can take the terminator armour unfortunately. I'm just putting this out there, but i can't think of anything 5 terminators and coteaz cant kill that 10 would. Do you see what i mean? Bang em in a stormraven mate ;)

12-12-2012, 07:11 PM
Ok, I have made some changes and revisions to the list, mainly because I felt that the original was not effective enough in CC and also because it felt like the stormraven was not fully used.

The new list uses mainly models I have painted up already, so should be ready for use a lot sooner, and is also a lot of choppy, although it does give up a chuck of it's scoring troops to do so.


Reclsiarch in termie armour: 160pts

1)Regular Assault Marine Squad (RAS) : 240pts
-5 extra men
-2 x meltaguns
-Power Weapon

Death Company: 195pts
-4 extra men
-2 x Power Weapons

DC Dred: 125pts
-Blood Talons

Fast Attack:
Vanguard Veteran Squad (VV): 265pts
-3 extra men
-Jump packs
-2 x Storm Shields
-1 x Powerfist (serg)
-2 Power weapons

Heavy Support:
Storm Raven (SR): 200pts

Subtotal: 1170pts


Corteaz: 100pts

Grey Knights Terminator Squad (GKT): 470pts
-5 extra men
-2 x psycannons
-psybolt ammo
-2 swords
-2 hammers
-6 halberts

Heavy Support:
Dreadknight: 260pts
-Heavy Incinerator
-Personal Teleporter

Subtotal: 830pts

Grant Total: 2000pts

Reclsiarch, DC, and DC dred start in the SR and packs a whollop, the Vanguards would serve initially mainly as a spoiler force to tie down anything that can threaten the SR to allow the DC to deploy safely.

The dreadknight is pretty self explanatory, and the GKT will function as before with Corteaz. Depending on the opposition and mission, the RAS will either combat squad to give me a suicide melta squad and a scoring squad to hide somewhere, so just stay as one squad and help out around the table.

12-18-2012, 12:30 PM
Just another quick suggestion here, have you considered a brotherhood champion instead of coteaz? same points cost and only one wound but titan's herald means that terminators get to re roll hits when they charge. Also he's a lot better in a challenge than coteaz and in general a much better fighter. Your call though.

12-19-2012, 03:05 AM
Just another quick suggestion here, have you considered a brotherhood champion instead of coteaz? same points cost and only one wound but titan's herald means that terminators get to re roll hits when they charge. Also he's a lot better in a challenge than coteaz and in general a much better fighter. Your call though.

I really want to love the Bro Champ, but I just don't. He is kinda like your Captains in the BA codex. He is not bad, but just cannot stand out compared to the other choices available.

If Coteaz was 150pts or more, then the Bro Champ might make a more tempting choice, but even then, a xenos =I= with auto-win grenades would be a far better buy, and can come in at a lower points cost depending on what you want to give him. As things are, with Coteaz, I will be rolling for two Divination powers, and unless I roll really hot, odds are I will be taking the primaris power, which will allow me to reroll all failed to hits so long as the power is activated, which is much better than Titan's Herald.

The best thing the Bro Champ has going for his is Heroic Sacrifice. In order to get the most out of that, you pretty much need to deploy and use him as a suicide unit. Put him in a fast transport like a Stormraven, alone or with a small escort, like a 5 man strike squad or purifier squad, and suicide him against the enemy's deadliest HQ and hopes HS gones off.

As a tactic, it is very hit and miss, which is why you don't want him hanging out with your backbone unit because if HS doesn't work, the enemy HQ and buddies will put a big dint in your unit hammer unit. Even as a suicide unit, the stratagem is likely to fail as often as it succeeds, so is more of a gimmick rather than a serious tactic.

If I was running a pure GK force and had 100pts to spare, I might consider the Bro Champ as a second HQ to use to snipe enemy HQs, but chances are, even then I would prefer to take a more conventional HQ, which goes back to my original point about the Bro Champ just not being a stand out in comparison to what he is competing against for the slot.

I think the Bro Champ would get a lot more use if he was an elites choice, but as an HQ, the other choices are just too much better to seriously consider him unless you are only interested in messing around.

01-07-2013, 12:39 PM
That's a fair point. I messed about recently with putting him in a storm raven with 3 or 4 deathcuts. Gimmicky but fantastic :P. However i would stress the importance of a brotherhood banner i this unit especially as there's 10 of them. It's just so, so effective. And with divination, like you say, meaning you're re-rolling to hit with that extra dice per man means you will chew through almost any other unit 40k has to offer you. How is this list play-testing bud?