View Full Version : Best 200 pts Kill Team?

11-25-2012, 07:58 PM
I'm going to participate in a kill team-campaign in 2 days and wanted some advice on what I should run for a 200 pts kill team. I came up with a couple kill teams for a couple of my armies, need help deciding which to run.

Things to know;
FOC allowance = 0-1 elite, 0-2 troops, 0-1 fast attack
200 pts to build kill team
Models fight as individual units
3 specialists models may be given any special rule from rulebook
No Vehicles

200 Pts - Black Templars Roster - Kill Team

5 Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad, 200 pts
1 Terminator w/ Lightning Claws [Hatred (everything)]
1 Terminator w/ Lightning Claws [Preferred Enemy (everything)]
1 Terminator w/ Lightning Claws [Zealot]
2 Terminator w/ Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield

Total Roster Cost: 200

200 Pts - Blood Angels Roster - Kill Team 1

1 Sanguinary Priest, 75 pts
1 Sanguinary Priest in PA w/ Jump Pack [Shrouded]

5 Assault Squad, 125 pts
3 Assault Marine w/ CCW; Bolt Pistol
1 Assault Marine w/ Meltagun [Master-Crafted]
1 Sergeant w/ Bolt Pistol; Power Sword [Poisoned (4+)]

Total Roster Cost: 200

200 Pts - Blood Angels Roster - Kill Team 2

5 Sanguinary Guard, 200 pts
1 Sanguinary Guard w/ Power Axe [Poisoned (4+)]
1 Sanguinary Guard w/ Power Axe [Shred]
1 Sanguinary Guard w/ Power Axe [Shrouded]
2 Sanguinary Guard w/ Power Sword

Total Roster Cost: 200

200 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Kill Team 1

5 Chaos Space Marines, 110 pts (Veterans of the Long War)
3 Chaos Space Marine w/ CCW; Bolt Pistol
1 Chaos Space Marine w/ Plasma Gun
1 Aspiring Champion w/ Bolt Pistol; Power Maul

Fast Attack:
3 Chaos Spawn, 90 pts
1 Chaos Spawn [Eternal Warrior]
1 Chaos Spawn [Smash]
1 Chaos Spawn [It Will Not Die]

Total Roster Cost: 200

200 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Kill Team 2

10 Chaos Cultists, 55 pts
8 Cultist w/ CCW; Auto Pistol
1 Cultist w/ Flamer
1 Cultist Champion w/ CCW; Auto Pistol

10 Chaos Cultists, 55 pts
8 Cultist w/ CCW; Auto Pistol
1 Cultist w/ Flamer
1 Cultist Champion w/ CCW; Auto Pistol

Fast Attack:
3 Chaos Spawn, 90 pts
1 Chaos Spawn [Eternal Warrior]
1 Chaos Spawn [Smash]
1 Chaos Spawn [It Will Not Die]

Total Roster Cost: 200

200 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Kill Team 3

5 Chosen, 90 pts
4 Chosen w/ Bolt Pistol; Boltgun; CCW
1 Chosen Champion w/ Bolt Pistol; CCW [Preferred Enemy (everything)]

10 Chaos Cultists, 55 pts
8 Cultist w/ CCW; Auto Pistol
1 Cultist w/ Flamer
1 Cultist Champion w/ CCW; Auto Pistol [Zealot]

10 Chaos Cultists, 55 pts
8 Cultist w/ CCW; Auto Pistol
1 Cultist w/ Flamer
1 Cultist Champion w/ CCW; Auto Pistol [Hatred (everything)]

Total Roster Cost: 200

200 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Kill Team 4

5 Chaos Terminators, 199 pts
2 Terminator w/ Power Axe; Combi-Meltagun
1 Terminator w/ Power Axe; Reaper Autocannon [Preferred Enemy (everything)]
1 Terminator w/ Power Fist; Combi-Boltgun [Zealot]
1 Terminator Champion w/ Combi-Boltgun; Power Maul [Smash]

Total Roster Cost: 199

200 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Kill Team 5

7 Plague Marines, 198 pts
3 Plague Marine w/ Plague Knife; Bolt Pistol
1 Plague Marine w/ Plague Knife; Bolt Pistol [Preferred Enemy (everything)]
1 Plague Marine w/ Plague Knife; Bolt Pistol [Smash]
1 Plague Marine w/ Plasma Gun [Master-Crafted]
1 Plague Champion w/ Plague Knife; Power Sword

Total Roster Cost: 198

200 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Kill Team 6

3 Chaos Terminators, 105 pts
2 Terminator w/ Power Axe; Combi-Meltagun
1 Terminator Champion w/ Combi-Boltgun; Power Maul

Fast Attack:
3 Chaos Spawn, 90 pts
1 Chaos Spawn [Eternal Warrior]
1 Chaos Spawn [Smash]
1 Chaos Spawn [It Will Not Die]

Total Roster Cost: 195

200 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Kill Team 7

4 Chosen, 200 pts
2 Chosen w/ Lightning Claws
1 Chosen w/ Power Axe; Bolt Pistol [Preferred Enemy (Everything)]
1 Chosen w/ Power Axe; Bolt Pistol [Zealot]
1 Chosen Champion w/ Bolt Pistol; Power Maul; Melta Bomb [Smash]

Total Roster Cost: 200

11-25-2012, 08:38 PM
I'd say blood angel 2 but why poison the axe? It strength 6 allready! Might as well put poisoned on one of the swords!

11-25-2012, 08:40 PM
Re-rolls to wound. It's a master-crafted weapon so basically i'd get re-rolls to hit and to wound. That's the reason for giving it poisoned.

Also it only gets +1 strength so it's strength 5 not 6.

David Blumenthal
11-25-2012, 08:56 PM
Love the chaos terminator team. :)

11-25-2012, 09:52 PM
Re-rolls to wound. It's a master-crafted weapon so basically i'd get re-rolls to hit and to wound. That's the reason for giving it poisoned.

Also it only gets +1 strength so it's strength 5 not 6.

Sorry about that I had it in my head that two handed weapons gained a +1 strength bonus! D'oh.

11-25-2012, 10:37 PM
List 1:
195 Harpy
–Cluster Spines, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Regeneration

List 2:
Lictor (1)
Genestealers (5)
–Broodlord upgrade w/Scything Talons, Toxin Sacs
–Genestealer, Toxin Sacs
–Genestealer, Toxin Sacs
–Genestealer, Toxin Sacs
–Genestealer, Toxin Sacs

List 3
Hive Guard (1)
–*Twin-Linked* Impaler Cannon
Tyranid Warriors (4)
Rending Claws, Devourer
Rending Claws, Devourer
Rending Claws, Devourer
Rending Claws, Barbed Strangler

I recommend being clever with the Special Rules. There are LOTS of them, and many of them are really good for this type of game.

Psyker is totally sweet. You are assumed to be Master Level 1 if not stated. Then just roll for a power from the available disciplines for your codex.

Aspire to Glory
11-26-2012, 03:03 AM
List 2:
Lictor (1)
Genestealers (5)
–Broodlord upgrade w/Scything Talons, Toxin Sacs
–Genestealer, Toxin Sacs
–Genestealer, Toxin Sacs
–Genestealer, Toxin Sacs
–Genestealer, Toxin Sacs

Ooooo Stealers in Kill Team! Awesome.

11-26-2012, 03:18 AM
Lmao a Harpy in a kill team, that is a great way to make friends lol.
Haha jokes aside, that would be a funny way of ticking off a certain person in our LGS who I disdain. He loves his small Veteran unit in Kill Team. They won't have much fun trying to shoot down a flying monstrous creature with several medium range blast weapons and vector strikes.
Give it Feel No Pain and laugh as your opponent can't kill it.

12-05-2012, 06:51 PM
im going to have to go with blood angels 2 although i would not poison the axe. but truly i am hurt no DA kill team? /cry lol give me a sec ill come up with one