View Full Version : SM 2k pt list needs a 6th ED tweak

Animus Silvanna
11-21-2012, 12:04 PM
Ok so basically i would like to retool the over all flavor of this list to meet the needs in 6th edition. Some things I will not budge on for this list is Vulkan He'stan must stay and I'm fond of the scouts with the Telion upgrade.
So, here is what we have to work with here for 2k points sorry I didnt have exact number off hand atm ill edit it later and install them in.

HQ Vulkan He'stan 190 pts

HQ Master of The Forge 100 pts

Troops Tactical Squad x10 Meltagun, Multi-Melta, Pwr Sword, Plasma Pistol 205 pts

Troops Tactical Squad x10 Flamer, Multi-Melta Pwr Sword, Plasma Pistol 205 pts

Troops Scouts x10 Telion, x8 sniper rifles, missile launcher 195 pts

Elite Venerable Dreadnought Multi-Melta, Heavy flamer 175 pts
-Drop pod Deathwind Launcher 55 pts

Elite Veterans x10 x5 combi melta's x2 Flamer, Lightning claws 300 pts
-Drop Pod Deathwind launcher 55 pts

Hvy Spprt Ironclad Hvy Flamer, Frag Assault Launcher, x2 Hunter-killer Missile 180 pts
-Drop Pod 35 pts

Hvy Spprt Ironclad Hvy Flamer, Frag Assault Launcher, x2 Hunter-killer Missile 180 pts
-Drop Pod 35 pts

Hvy Spprt Ironclad Hvy Flamer, Frag Assault Launcher, x2 Hunter-killer Missile 180 pts
-Drop Pod 35 pts

Vulkan He'stan and MoTF go with the Veterans and pop out the drop pod ofcourse and shoot something or flame something to death. Thats actually pretty much how the entire list works. My troop choices ofcourse are the mid fielders moving to where they are needed but the list counts on the opponents shock of having to deal with 3 ironclads that they cant really escape from. Drop Pod assault ensure that atleast half of them come in turn one throwing off what my enemy wants to do and force him to rethink his strategy playing into mine. I set up fatal funnels with the amount of drop pods coming down trying to bog down units to be locked in assault for a couple turns. I'm thinkin i could use some sky talons or something idk though. Look forward to the help.