View Full Version : An altogether new necron 2000 pt. list. Feel free to fold, spindle and mutiliate.

11-18-2012, 11:29 PM
This list is really just me effing around with the new models which I bought and painted along with my old necron force. Feel free to fold, spindle and mutilate:

HQ: Trazyn the infinite
Orikan the Diviner

Two lords with: Rez orb, sempiternal weave, mindshackle scarabs [1 has tessaract labyrinthe because of leftover points]

10 immortals in Nightscythe [with a joining lord and Trazyn]

10 warriors [with a lord, joined with a lord with tessaract]

5 warriors [to hold home objective]

C'tan shard [writing worldscape and pyreshards. love me assault 8 weapons]

Heavy support:
2x2 groups of spyders with all the fixin's --gloom prisim, fabricator claw array and twin-linked particle beamer [100 points apiece!]

[in retrospect, I could have dropped the fabricator claw and saved 40 points to buy something else, like a cryptek.]

Deathscythe--let me just say that the death ray is fun.

Fast atk:
Destroyers, 2 normal and 3 heavy--these guys rock with preferred enemy! I used the normals as a screen for the heavies.
10 scarabs.
[3] Wraiths with particle castors [pistols] and whip coils

Result: Tabled the enemy eldar/white scars space marine team, save for one autarch[?] on the top of a mountain that with the last wraith. We played just those two models till turn 9 on a lark to see who would win. The rolls were literally always one hit[on a 5...for each of us] and then a one [so failure]. We called it a draw, but otherwise, I won the objectives and VP's by killing everything but that one guy.

Anyway, criticism welcomed. Just not the face, not the face!