View Full Version : Painting Space Wolves

10-11-2009, 05:00 PM
Okay, so I just started painting my Space Wolves, and working on a test model made me realize that I'm having a ***** of a time painting the Space Wolves grey color. I've tried the recipe they have in White Dwarf 357 (1:1 shadow grey & space wolves grey) but I can't seem to get it to look right. Most noteably, I'm having trouble doing the recess lowlights (i.e., the runes, etc) with a wash. It ends up just making it look dirty.

Also, the mix, at least for me, is coming out as more of a white/blue as opposed to a grey blue, and it's driving me nuts.

Does anyone else have any recipes they use to paint Space Wolves or any pointers that could help me out? Thanks in advance!

10-11-2009, 05:56 PM
Hey there mate, I paint the my Space Wolves a totally different color. I paint mine with a 50/50 mix of Codex Grey and Chaos Black. With that mixture you can high light them much easier. Now Im not saying that its the right way to go about things.

10-11-2009, 06:29 PM
For my main color I use Vallejo color - Blue grey. It's a very nice medium between codex grey and space wolves grey, turned out like this:

On this one I washed the cracks with devlin Mud. came out a little dark, I'm gonna try gryphonne sephia next.

10-11-2009, 06:40 PM
I've been trying the following

I did a few test models,

I Like,
Chaos Black spray, Astronomica Grey under coat, Space wolves grey Base coat, Mechrite red, Lysander Darksun, and Fortress grey highlights, Gryphone sepia wash and burnished gold for highlights.

I'll add some Hawk Terquoise and Ice blue for frost blades

10-11-2009, 07:03 PM
For my main color I use Vallejo color - Blue grey. It's a very nice medium between codex grey and space wolves grey, turned out like this:

On this one I washed the cracks with devlin Mud. came out a little dark, I'm gonna try gryphonne sephia next.

I like this. I'm going to go get that tomorrow! Thanks!

10-12-2009, 08:19 AM
I went to Home Depot -- went to the Behr aisle with a WD in hand and matched the colors. Got two 'sample' pots for $5 total - one for an undercoat, and one for an overbrush top layer.

Dude will mix them right up for you, and the paint goes on pretty well -- i've used their paints to do vehicles as well.

560D-5 (Ocean View) for the undercoat, and 550D-5 for the overcoat -- and the best part is that if they come out too bright, i can just go back and try again.

http://www.behr.com/Behr/home#vgnextoid=6bd8ea6621ca5110VgnVCM1000008119fea 9RCRD;channel=EXPLORE;view=14

10-14-2009, 08:47 AM
For my main color I use Vallejo color - Blue grey. It's a very nice medium between codex grey and space wolves grey, turned out like this:

On this one I washed the cracks with devlin Mud. came out a little dark, I'm gonna try gryphonne sephia next.

i really like the look of your Wolve(s)!
Is this the exact name of the color? I only found "pale grey blue" and it`s looks a bit to grey to me.
Or is this the right color?



10-14-2009, 12:56 PM
Ah, the actual name is "Grey Blue" I'm looking at the paint right now, part #70943 of the model color range (since they have several ranges, game color, etc.)

10-21-2009, 12:59 PM
For my wolves i used the foundation paints adeptus battlegrey. The color is a lot darker then the new wolf codex, but I think it looks much better.