View Full Version : Daemon weapons in the CSM codex

11-18-2012, 04:11 PM
I have been watching some bat reps on you tube and such. Often guys say their chaos lord is armed with a daemon weapon. But the only daemon weapons I can find are the Black Mace, the Axe of Blind Fury and the ones some special characters come armed with. Is there an entry I am missing somewhere?

11-18-2012, 04:37 PM
Daemon weapon is a special rule that a number of CSM special weapons have, including the ones you mentioned. There's no "daemon weapon" per se, just weapons that are also daemon weapons.

11-18-2012, 04:50 PM
Remeber to look at the age of the videos also. Some of the videos may be from the previous codex not the current one.

11-18-2012, 06:03 PM
I do think it's a bit of a shame that there are only 2 Daemon Weapons, I think they could have done with adding a couple more in.

11-18-2012, 06:33 PM
I do think it's a bit of a shame that there are only 2 Daemon Weapons, I think they could have done with adding a couple more in.

Realistically their is a single AP4 daemon weapon in the codex, a far cry from the 5 AP2 ones we used to have....stupid frakking kelly.

11-18-2012, 07:23 PM
Remeber to look at the age of the videos also. Some of the videos may be from the previous codex not the current one.

I realized one I had watched was older. One of the first ones Blue Table Painting had done.

Thank you guys for your input.

11-18-2012, 07:26 PM
A couple of the special characters have daemon weapons as well. But considering how limited powerful CCWs are in other codices, I wouldn't whine about the lack of daemon weapons too much.

11-18-2012, 09:39 PM
A couple of the special characters have daemon weapons as well. But considering how limited powerful CCWs are in other codices, I wouldn't whine about the lack of daemon weapons too much.

Other codeci's aren't forced into challenges, their unique codex specific weapons are all AP3 or 2 not 4 and they don't loose 5 options to gain 1 when a new codex is released so while you might not be upset about the lack of options in the chaos dex I cer5tainly will, its going to be very tiring playing with only 2-3 character builds over the next 4 years

11-18-2012, 10:36 PM
...so while you might not be upset about the lack of options in the chaos dex I cer5tainly will...

Okay, I understand where your grievance over the daemon weapons and whatnot is coming from, and there are legitimate complaints that can be leveled against the new book as with anything.

...But I don't think lack of options is one of those complaints.
I know for myself and many others the book has been something of a headache because of how many options there are now, not how few.

11-18-2012, 10:44 PM
Realistically, having five AP2 weapons striking at initiative order was always going to be changed given the 6th Ed changes. I wouldn't have cared about having just one AP2 daemon weapon, the real problem for me is that aside from the Axe there aren't any other god-specific ones. Still, I'm not terribly fussed.
When you look at the Chaos codex for AP2 weapons at initiative order, we have Gorechild, the Axe of Blind Fury and Drach'nyen. Most codices are lucky to have one.

Also, only 2-3 character builds over the next four years? What?

Also, agreed with Kawauso. The codex has more options I would take than any other codex I've read. The sheer number of choices that are balanced well against each other and can be made competitive is absolutely staggering. What I mean by that is that it isn't like most codices where you can pretty easily tell which units "work better" - with this codex, it will really come down to player preference, which is fantastic.

11-18-2012, 11:55 PM
Other codeci's aren't forced into challenges, their unique codex specific weapons are all AP3 or 2 not 4 and they don't loose 5 options to gain 1 when a new codex is released so while you might not be upset about the lack of options in the chaos dex I cer5tainly will, its going to be very tiring playing with only 2-3 character builds over the next 4 years

Oh, I forgot you were the like the only Chaos player I've heard from who seems to absolutely despise everything about the new codex. Since you're so deadset on hating on the new codex, I won't bother arguing over it.

11-19-2012, 12:04 AM
Oh, I forgot you were the like the only Chaos player I've heard from who seems to absolutely despise everything about the new codex. Since you're so deadset on hating on the new codex, I won't bother arguing over it.

edit: sod it couldn't be bothered whatever mate.

11-19-2012, 12:43 AM
Mate, do yourself a favour and stop turning comments into personal attacks. There is no need for it. DarkLink was merely pointing out that as of late you have been increasingly posting in any Chaos-related thread about the problems you have with the codex whilst rarely mentioning the good stuff. Calm the heck down.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-19-2012, 01:49 AM
Woah guys. I think we should all calm down and chill out. Take a chill pill.

11-19-2012, 05:56 AM
There are problems with the Codex. If he wants to vent about them, why give him grief over it? He is just as entitled to his opinion as people who like the Codex. I don't like it. I think it was poorly done. That being said, I think it is competitive with a liberal sprinkling of allies. I've already had people complaining about the totally broken application of the Nurgle Daemon Prince w/Black Mace, Combat Familiar, Spell Familiar, etc. which does indeed seem so far beyond the pale it is almost sad. I played an 1850 game on Saturday wherein that one model killed better than 70% of my opponents units by itself. :) Is this a "good" thing? I expect we will see the Nugle DP w/Black Mace in nearly EVERY SINGLE LIST just as we saw the LASH DP in nearly ever single competitive list.

A good book, in my opinion at least, should be balanced internally AND externally. There isn't any point in putting in units that will not get used. There are things which are very good in the CSM book. We already identified them. Most people are already using them. There are things which are simply terrible and won't see much use beyond this first year where people are still experimenting. When the balance is this far askew, you are going to get extreme reactions both ways. I'm pragmatic myself. I will give an honest reaction per model/unit. On the subject of Daemon Weapons, I think it is sad that the selection is so narrow.

11-19-2012, 01:24 PM
Yeah, no offense intended. Learn2Eel's right, I was just saying that if someone has a firmly entrenched opinion that they consistently stick with regardless of any argument otherwise, then further argument is kind of pointless. Take it as a compliment in unflinching self-confidence instead, if you will;).

11-19-2012, 02:12 PM
If nothing else, I think it is far more amusing that Codex: Grey Knights actually has a Daemonblade with random stats as an optional item, and Codex: Chaos Space Marines does not.

The fact that it is random and can only be taken by Ordo Malleus Inquisitors balances its effectiveness, but an option to upgrade the Cultist Champion to a multi-wound model with said Daemonblade could have been a way to prevent it from getting too ridiculous.

11-19-2012, 04:30 PM
Yeah, no offense intended. Learn2Eel's right, I was just saying that if someone has a firmly entrenched opinion that they consistently stick with regardless of any argument otherwise, then further argument is kind of pointless. Take it as a compliment in unflinching self-confidence instead, if you will;).

sigh, yeah my apologies as well, have been very very snappish lately. life can really be a ***** some times.

still stand by my thoughts that the CSM codex is no where near what it should be.

Now the BA codex that was a piece of work, aside form the fluff it probably has done the best job allowing fluff builds to be competitive.