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View Full Version : 24-hours for your convenience?

dark messenger
11-17-2012, 02:49 PM

I won't lie, when I first heard of proper 24 hour opening times for some retail chains and even for local businesses, I scoffed and mocked. I was thinking "who on earth would want to work those hours?" or "nobody's is going to shop past midnight at the latest"
Boy was I wrong!

I love shopping during the wee hours of the night for many reasons.
First and foremost - no people!
I'm so sick and tired of people who walk at one step a minute and the legions of mothers with prams and the useless f**kers who stand around in the middle of the throughfare doing nothing!! Shopping on a saturday is so much easier when you do it at 4am.

Second reason?
It's just so much easier. Due to flexible working hours or if you can't sleep or if you just remembered something you need the next day... anything could require you to go. Even just because you can!
And the staff are much more inclined to help/leave you alone as needed.

Yes I know I'm coming across as an anti-social crowd hater but I don't care lol

The flipside of the argument - is it really necessary? A lot of the trouble in my area is caused because people who would otherwise be in bed (or wherever they go when everywhere is shut) tend to stick around the brightly lit plazas and shop arcade and drink silly amounts. They start fights, damage property, cause noise and disturbance and overwork our already stretched police force keeping them under control.

So I ask you, which side do you fall on this issue?
And if this has already been asked before now then I'm sorry but I wasn't aware of it :D

11-18-2012, 08:21 AM
I certainly enjoyed the conveinience of it when I was working at a hotel, and might not get to finish work until 3am. Even now, working a roughly normal 9 to 5, being able to pop out late in the evening and pick up snack/drinks if I am heading out to a mate's place for gaming (or coming back from) it is nice to have that option. The main ones round here that are open (more notably ASDA) are about a minutes walk from the main district police headquarters, so there isn't really an issue of anti-social or criminal behaviour. Again, when I was working in the hotel, the ones I went to were just far enough out of town that those issues didn't tend to manifest themselves too much.

I certainly don't think that every business should need to do it. I certainly don't think it would be right for a lot of businesses, but I really wouldn't want it to go away. The local ASDA that it open has a bi Sainsbury's across the road from it. Even though they are in direct compotition, I don't think the Sainbusry's would need to open 24hour as the amount the ASDA makes from the extra openning must be fairly minimal (certainly not giving them a significant increase in the local market share) but they do it because they have the staff there restocking for the next day anyway, so they it doesn't really cost them much more, other than on Sundays.

11-18-2012, 12:40 PM
It's gone down hill since they stopped you going in your dressing gown...

But to the supermarkets that are shelf filling anyway, it's costing them one/two checkout staff, and a security guard, which they might have had watching the cameras anyway even if shut, so it makes sense really.
I think the ones that are in places that attract youths congregating would have had them regardless of being open or not as they're generally well lit and have something available to sit on.

11-19-2012, 03:00 AM
I've found shopping very late at night on a Friday is a brilliant time to do it. No one else is doing it, because they have lives, and the shelves are re-stocked ready for Saturday.

Of course the best shopping is when it turns up at my house all packed and paid for :D

11-19-2012, 03:16 AM
I've found shopping very late at night on a Friday is a brilliant time to do it. No one else is doing it, because they have lives, and the shelves are re-stocked ready for Saturday.

Of course the best shopping is when it turns up at my house all packed and paid for :D

About four in the morning saturdays good with the fresh baking bread...

But I can't be doing with the it turning up malarky, I want to pick my food, especially meat and veg...

11-19-2012, 03:54 AM
The best I have seen is a chap buying shower gel while dripping wet and wearing a towel.

I must explain that this was in a supermaket (Budgens) on the ground floor of a student hall of residence (sorby)

11-19-2012, 04:03 AM
The best I have seen is a chap buying shower gel while dripping wet and wearing a towel.

I must explain that this was in a supermaket (Budgens) on the ground floor of a student hall of residence (sorby)

When I was a student I ran half a mile down the road to the spar in just a dressing gown and boots, as we'd discovered we were out of something very important to have at four saturday morning....whats worse is there was a queue...

11-19-2012, 04:24 AM

11-19-2012, 04:27 AM
Not so much...the side effects of stopping using the pill...the things you suddenly need to remember lol

11-19-2012, 04:40 AM
You and your lifestyle issues, they are so easy to avoid...

11-19-2012, 04:43 AM
Hey I thought I was keeping that one...it's turned out ok though I got an upgrade to a model that comes with sanity...

11-19-2012, 04:46 AM
With sanity? I didn't realise they did that....

11-19-2012, 05:00 AM
Neither did I.

11-21-2012, 09:07 AM
Neither did I.
funnily enough you only find out about the optional extra that is "sanity" once you have had a model that is supplied basic without it. Until that point you have no idea how important air-con, i mean sanity, is!

11-21-2012, 09:17 AM
funnily enough you only find out about the optional extra that is "sanity" once you have had a model that is supplied basic without it. Until that point you have no idea how important air-con, i mean sanity, is!

It's true, every word of it...