View Full Version : Space Wolf Scouts = Overpowered?

10-11-2009, 02:45 PM
As I read the Space Wolf Codex, I see that the Wolf Scouts are essentially subject to the Snikrot rules of infiltration -- and they're dirt cheap. Add in the upgrades like power weapons and special weapons, and augment them with an infiltrating Wolf Lord or Wolf Guard Brother (which can all be brough in provided you equip them differently) and suddenly i can throw THREE squads into your lines from your table edge.

Is that too much? Am inclined to say yes ...

10-11-2009, 03:06 PM
Nah, they're random (reliant on reserve and outflank rolls), don't bring enough pain (meltas) and are quite easy to kill off.

10-11-2009, 03:22 PM
As I read the Space Wolf Codex, I see that the Wolf Scouts are essentially subject to the Snikrot rules of infiltration -- and they're dirt cheap. Add in the upgrades like power weapons and special weapons, and augment them with an infiltrating Wolf Lord or Wolf Guard Brother (which can all be brough in provided you equip them differently) and suddenly i can throw THREE squads into your lines from your table edge.

Is that too much? Am inclined to say yes ...

Actually, Snikrot uses the Space Wolf Scout rules of infiltration. The SWs have had that rule for years. It was an 0-1 choice that always came in behind the opponents lines. No it is an 0-3 choice with random board edges.....and no it's not too much.

10-11-2009, 03:30 PM
I would definitely say that it isnt overpowered. As others have pointed out its fairly random, and its only 6 guys with a 4+ armor save. I used to play against space wolves a lot and I always made sure to park my Heavy Bolter Dev squad 13" from the table edge. Iit was always funny watching people try and assault me when their scouts came in, only to find out after they moved/shot that they weren't in range to charge. Then they would receive 12 Str5 Ap4 shots and it was the end of that squad :).

The West Coast Knight
10-11-2009, 04:36 PM
I do so love the fact that they can all have Melta Bombs great for the board edge lurking ordanance chuckers


10-11-2009, 05:00 PM
interesting ... this is my first time with the wolves as an army ... didn't know that they have had that rule for some time.

Ghoulio -- how does that 13" deplpyment reconcile for you against stayed back off the middle of the board to avoid the concurrent frontal assault from the rest of the SW army?

10-11-2009, 05:15 PM
As I read the Space Wolf Codex, I see that the Wolf Scouts are essentially subject to the Snikrot rules of infiltration -- and they're dirt cheap. Add in the upgrades like power weapons and special weapons, and augment them with an infiltrating Wolf Lord or Wolf Guard Brother (which can all be brough in provided you equip them differently) and suddenly i can throw THREE squads into your lines from your table edge.

Is that too much? Am inclined to say yes ...

Wolf Guard Yes.

Wolf Lord no.

Saga of the Hunter is one of the 2 sagas lords cannon take.

10-11-2009, 05:28 PM
@MightyOrang - not really sure what you are asking me there. Its my devastator squad, so they normally just sit back and shoot stuff. The only reason why I brought it up was just as an example that as long as you know who you are playing, its easy to deal with the space wolf scout rear attack, thats all. The only people the scouts would really get are armies that arent prepared for it :)